
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

author:Tea Susu Baking Diary

Sadly, seeing that the breakfast shop downstairs posted "Wangpu Transfer", I realized that the enthusiastic aunt really "told the old man to return home"

Auntie is a very talkative Henan native, the pastry skills are super good, I sometimes deliberately do not make breakfast, turn around to buy her buns and taro cakes.

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

At first I still felt strange, why the shop Cantonese breakfast, only taro cake this kind, a inquiry, it turned out that the aunt herself liked, by the way also made to sell ...

No wonder I can talk to my aunt about it, dare to love our preferences, can be surprisingly consistent ~ ~ ~ ~

Taro cake, worthy of you, young and old to kill ah!

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Taro cake

And it can not only be used as breakfast, but also as a dish on the table, as a snack under the table, and the salty and sticky mouth can make people eat it once and never forget it

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Generally speaking, Cantonese breakfast restaurants will have its figure, cut into diamonds or squares, and then roll a circle of sesame seeds on the surface, the aroma can be smelled through the glass window

The taro cake in the tea house will be slightly more delicate in shape, pay attention to the taro silk, the whole will be thinly cut, and the scorch spots of the skin will be burned more evenly

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

If we make it ourselves, the shape mainly depends on the feel, the taro shreds are evenly cut, and the frying is just right, so the taro cake made out of it will certainly not be bad in appearance.

You can also be like me, with the help of the shaving of the silk, you don't have to worry about the uneven size of the taro silk

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Authentic taro cake, generally have to add some Cantonese flavor, I added is Cantonese sausage, salty and sweet taste, if you don't have it, change it to homemade bacon, sausage can also be ~ ~

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

In some of the network of the formula, the seasoning will be more, when I do, only add a drop of salt and five-spice powder, light seasoning, but more prominent taro powder glutinous ~

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

If you want to make the taro cake shaped, you also have to have the blend of rice milk, rice milk will directly affect the taste of the finished product, the amount I use, the taro cake made is more powdery.

If you are more pursuing the original taste of taro, you can reduce the amount appropriately

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

After the taro cake is steamed, it can be eaten directly, but it can be boiled with oil, and then it will evaporate some water, burn a layer of scorched spots, and will have more appetite

>>> <<< of time


>>>烹 饪 器 材<<<

Steamers, non-stick pans

>>>烹 饪 食 材<<<

Lipu taro 250g

Sticky rice flour 100g / water 155g

Cooking oil 10g / minced garlic 10g

10g green onion / 1 Cantonese sausage

Allspice powder 1g / salt 2g

>>> production process <<<

1: Peel and wash the taro (250g after peeling) and rub into silk

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

2: Pour 100g of sticky rice flour and 155g of water into a bowl, stir well and set aside

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

3: Pour a small amount of oil into the pot, pour in 10g minced garlic, 8g green onion and sausage slices prepared in advance, and stir-fry until the sausage is oily

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

4: Pour in the shredded taro, stir-fry until the shredded taro becomes soft, add 2g salt, 1g all-spice powder, stir well

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

5, add the mixed rice milk in step 2, quickly mix evenly, form a viscous solid and then leave the fire (here the rice milk may have precipitation, you can stir it slightly before adding)

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

6: Brush the oil in a large bowl, put the sautéed taro paste into a large bowl, slightly compact, cover with plastic wrap, and steam on high heat for about 20-30 minutes

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

7. After cooling, the inverted buckle is released from the mold and cut into small pieces

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

8: Brush the oil in the pan, fry the taro cake until golden brown on both sides, sprinkle with chives

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry
Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Taro cake is done!

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

The golden-fried taro cake has a slight burnt aroma.

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Sprinkled with emerald green onions, the attractiveness rises again

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Take a bite down, soft glutinous sand of the taro, affectionately greet the taste buds.

The dachshund appears from time to time, and the hook keeps chasing the tongue. The aroma of green onions and garlic is not thick or light, but it is enough to make people one by one, unwilling to stop.

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Speaking of which, fate is really a wonderful thing~

Aunt Front Foot just returned to Henan, I am still a little lost, I feel that there is less of a friend in life to talk to, and then there is a primary school sister who has been friends for a long time, and it is a coincidence that I work in a park, and my mood is immediately cloudy.

Cantonese-style snack taro cake, it turns out so simple! Steam and fry

Maybe life is so dramatic, there is a farewell, there can be a new encounter, after all, everyone is trying to move forward ah~


1. The finer the taro shreds, the easier it is to cook

2. When steaming, the thinner the spread, the easier it is to steam, and the time can be adjusted according to the thickness and thinness

3. Seasonings can be adjusted according to personal taste

4. The water absorption of sticky rice flour is different, and the amount of water can be increased or decreased as appropriate

5. Remember to brush the mold, better demolding

6. Steamed taro cake can be refrigerated for about 2-3 days

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