
Taro cake that you will never forget once

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Taro cake that you will never forget once

By vivirho


Taro (weight after peeling) half a piece

Bacon, sausages to taste

Shiitake mushrooms to taste

Salt and sugar to taste

Sticky rice flour 200 g

Corn flour 50 g

Cool water 600ml

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Taro cake that you will never forget once

1, taro, bacon, sausage, shiitake mushroom pellets; (like shrimp and yaozhu can also be put) sticky rice flour and corn flour plus 600ml mixed stir well, with a strainer filter two or three times.

Taro cake that you will never forget once

2: After heating the oil, add the bacon and sausage and stir-fry the sausages in turn.

Taro cake that you will never forget once

3: After sautéing the bacon sausage, add the taro and fry until slightly yellow.

Taro cake that you will never forget once

4, put in the powder water, stir-fry evenly over low heat, add salt to taste, like the five-spice powder can be added, a little thick can be, too thick can add the right amount of water.

Taro cake that you will never forget once

5, after the water boils, steam for an hour, after an hour with chopsticks inserted into the chopsticks to see if the sticky chopsticks, not sticky, sticky on the steam for half an hour.

Taro cake that you will never forget once

6, steamed after cutting the pieces can be eaten directly, but the taste of frying is better, personally like

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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