
Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

author:Goose delicacies
Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

Hi friends, welcome to Goose Cuisine. Today, I would like to share a super simple and difficult Cantonese specialty dish - taro cake. As a native of the north, this Cantonese cuisine, I have seen many times others make, until not long ago, I made it for the first time, but also the first time to eat, it feels too fragrant.

I don't know if the method is authentic, but the taste is really super good, eat once you remember it, and then you will eat it in two ends for three days, and do it the next day as breakfast at night, which is simpler and better than the bun fritters. Highly recommended to everyone, friends who have not eaten can try it.

【Ingredients required】

500g of sweet potato, 2 sausages, 350g of sticky rice flour, 50g of starch, 500ml of water, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce, allspice powder, green onion, cooking oil, white sesame seeds

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

【Specific method】

1, first prepare taro, I use taro, you can also use small taro, peeled after the net weight of about 500g, cut into small cubes. The sausages are also diced and put together for later use, and those without sausages can also be replaced with diced pork belly. Taro 7 yuan, two sausages 10 yuan, accessories are more expensive than the main ingredients, but put the sausage will really be fragrant a lot ~ ~

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

2, pour 350g of sticky rice flour into the bowl, that is, rice flour, add 50g of starch, any starch can be, and finally add 500ml of water, stir into a thin paste.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

3, heat the oil, put in the minced garlic to fry out the aroma, pour in the taro sausage grains, stir-fry the aroma, and then add salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, five-spice powder stir-fry evenly, here the amount of spices to take into account the weight of the rice flour paste.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

4: Immediately after turning off the heat, add 2 tablespoons of rice flour water and quickly turn well. In this way, a little cooked pulp is fried, steamed taro cake, taro sausage grains will not settle to the bottom of the plate, and it will be more delicious if it is evenly distributed up and down.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

5: Pour the sausage into the remaining rice flour water and stir well.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

6: Brush a layer of cooking oil on a flat bottom, pour in the taro paste, and use a spatula to press firmly and smoothly.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

7, cold water on the pot, water boiled after steaming for 30 minutes, if the plate is deeper, you can appropriately increase the time.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

After coming out of the pot, you can smell the rich aroma of sausage, which is very fragrant. Cool down slightly, sprinkle with green onion white sesame seeds, cut into small pieces and serve. Taro taste soft glutinous salty aroma, coupled with the unique aroma of sausage, really very hungry, when breakfast when afternoon tea are super delicious.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

I'm now writing the recipes and I'm hungry. Eat directly is very good, fried to eat and have a different flavor, can not finish the refrigeration preservation, the next morning and then thinned, fried when breakfast, super good.

Only to know that Cantonese taro cake is so delicious, soft glutinous and salty aroma is more and more hungry, and the use of ingredients is even simpler

I am Little Goose, the original author of the field of gastronomy, thank you for reading, your attention, comments, collection, retweets are the greatest encouragement to me. If you don't understand something or have a better way, you can exchange and share in the comment area Oh, the little goose will reply to everyone at the first time. Food tutorials are updated every day, see you tomorrow, bye bye.

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