
The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

author:Deer delicacies

Guangdong has a lot of well-known and traditional pastries, as long as there is a tea house that makes breakfast, a little scale, can be tasted, most of the pastries have a long history, of which the salty powder glutinous Cantonese taro cake, is one of the traditional classic flavor pastries loved by Cantonese people.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

The method of Cantonese taro cake is somewhat similar to that of radish cake, mainly the difference between taro and radish, and other materials and production steps are basically the same.

The use of sticky rice flour to make a sticky soft white cake, bacon or sausage with salty aroma, shrimp rice, Yaozhu to mention the umami flavor, shiitake mushrooms, so that the taro cake has a longer aroma, unique taste, rich ingredients.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

And the method is not complicated at all, at home can also be easily made, the following deer to share the traditional production method of taro cake to you, salty powder glutinous Cantonese taro cake, out of the pot full of flavor, traditional method, more delicious than the tea house, if you also like Cantonese traditional pastries, then do not miss it.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

◇ "Guangdong Flavor Taro Cake & Material List":

Main ingredients: 500 grams of taro, 300 grams of belly meat, 3 sausages, 5 shiitake mushrooms, 1 handful of Yaozhu, 1 handful of dried shrimp, garlic and shallots

Seasoning: 200 g of sticky rice flour, 300 g of water, salt, chicken essence

◇ "Production Process":

Step 1| take the belly, soak the dried mushrooms, wash the sausages, and then cut into small cubes.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

Step 2| yaozhu and dried shrimp are soaked and softened first, and then cut and torn apart appropriately, the following is the style of all ingredients.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

Step 3| put on gloves, peel the taro, cut it into small cubes, prepare a large basin, and turn the sticky rice flour into a powder paste against the water.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

Step 4| hot pot with hot oil, put the cut diced belly meat, diced sausage, diced shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimp, Yao zhu together under the pot, stir-fry on medium-low heat, shovel out the reserve, change the taro diced pot, quickly fry until the surface has a brownish color, pour the fried seafood ingredients into a large part of the pot, stir-fry evenly with the diced taro, pour in the good powder pulp, change the heat to stir-fry, boil, under a little salt and chicken essence seasoning, before turning off the heat.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

Step 5| soak in a large flat dish, pour the mixed seafood powder into the basin, shake it flat and spread it evenly, sprinkle the remaining seafood ingredients on the surface, steam on the steamer for 30 to 40 minutes, before you can get out of the pot, sprinkle white sesame seeds and green onions, let it cool slightly, and you can cut into pieces to taste.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

——Fawn said——

Salty powder glutinous Cantonese taro cake, out of the pot full of fragrant, traditional methods, more delicious than the tea house, out of the pot a large strong seafood flavor of wax, salty wax moderate, and taro fragrance and soft glutinous taste combined, powder glutinous but very waxy flexible taste, very relieved, flexible and not loose, used for breakfast, afternoon tea are quite delicious.

When making Cantonese taro cake, pay attention when peeling the taro, because when the taro is peeled, it will secrete alkaline mucus that irritates the skin, and it will be allergic to itchy hands, so try to wear gloves to peel.

Other ingredients can be adjusted according to preferences, but sticky rice noodles can not be replaced with other powders, otherwise no matter how you make it, it will not be delicious.

The salty powder sticky Cantonese taro cake is full of aroma in the pot, and the traditional method is even more delicious than the tea house

Steamed taro cake, you can refrigerate and save about 2 to 3 days, want to eat when you are very convenient and convenient, but refrigerated taro cake, fragrant frying will be more delicious, fry a frying pan, the taro cake fragrant fried on both sides of the golden brown, the taste is more annoying!

After the taro is fried, it is not only more powdery, but also the umami taste of the yaozhu and the shrimp that match it, but also bring out the fresh sweetness of the seafood due to frying, and the sausage flavor is more fragrant and the taste is perfect.

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