
Hot spicy cabbage fat beef rolls do this, super rice, you can eat two more bowls of rice

author:Lazy little cook

Hello everyone, I'm a lazy little kitchen lady

It's time to share your food with everyone again, have you all eaten?

Hot spicy cabbage fat beef rolls do this, super rice, you can eat two more bowls of rice

Winter has arrived, the small chef feels that only to eat some cabbage, radish so on is the perfect winter, this no, the small kitchen this started again, the first two days of spicy cabbage there are some, eat the hot pot leftover fat beef rolls also have, thinking of making a spicy cabbage fat beef pot to eat it, warm and next to the rice.

Hot spicy cabbage fat beef rolls do this, super rice, you can eat two more bowls of rice

First of all, we prepare a piece of tofu, a handful of enoki mushrooms, first cut the tofu into pieces for later, boil the oil in the pot, add the minced garlic and stir-fry, put the spicy cabbage in and sauté it, then add some water, then add Korean hot sauce, soy sauce, and salt to continue cooking.

Hot spicy cabbage fat beef rolls do this, super rice, you can eat two more bowls of rice

After the water boils, put the tofu and enoki mushrooms in, because the fat beef rolls count quickly, so we put the fat beef rolls in for a minute or two when he is about to pay for the pot, of course, you can also put the tofu enoki mushrooms together, so that you can also be more flavorful, this can be based on personal circumstances.

Hot spicy cabbage fat beef rolls do this, super rice, you can eat two more bowls of rice

Before coming out of the pot, we can sprinkle some spring onions or coriander, is it very simple, have you learned? Favorite friends hurry up and collect some attention!

Hot spicy cabbage fat beef rolls do this, super rice, you can eat two more bowls of rice

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