
"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

author:One One Loves to Share
"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

Ingredients: 20 g peas, white fungus, lilies, goji berries, sugar to taste

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

1. White fungus and lilies are foamed in advance for backup;

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

2, goji berries washed and soaked soft and set aside;

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

3. White ear tear small pieces;

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

4, peas, white fungus and lilies into the pot to cook;

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

5、 Put all the peas and half the white fungus and sugar into the blender and stir;

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

6, add lilies, goji berries and the remaining white fungus can be;

"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich
"Emerald Silver Ear Soup" Verdant peas with white fungus and Q bullets, the color is pleasant and rich

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