
Chinese Su cuisine: Fuchun chicken

author:Chinese cuisine on the tip of the tongue
Chinese Su cuisine: Fuchun chicken

Fuchun chicken

Fuchun chicken is a traditional dish of Fuchun Tea Society, a century-old shop in Yangzhou, which is created on the basis of boiled chicken. It is characterized by a sauce red color, bright oil, and the meat is crisp and fragrant, easy to digest.

【Raw Materials】

Ingredients: 1 live hen (weighs about 1250 g).

Ingredients: 3 hard-boiled eggs, 50 g sliced winter shoots, 25 g shiitake mushrooms.

Seasoning: 25 g of rice wine, 4 g of salt, 25 g of soy sauce, 10 g of sugar, 50 g of green onion, 15 g of sliced ginger, 2 g of sesame oil, 750 g of cooked peanut oil (actual consumption 100 g).

Chinese Su cuisine: Fuchun chicken


1. Slaughter the chicken, remove the internal organs from the ribs, and wash the blood stains. Wash the gizzards and livers, put them in a pot of water together with the chickens, cook them and remove them.

2. Heat the wok over high heat, add peanut oil to 80% heat and fry the chicken until golden brown. Put the eggs in and fry until the surface wrinkles, and fry the green onions to a golden brown.

3. Put the chicken gizzard, liver and eggs together in a casserole pot with a bamboo pad bottom, add soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, ginger slices, green onion, put in water without passing the chicken body, boil over high heat, skim off the foam, press a flat disc, cover the casserole lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 1 and a half hours from the heat. Remove the bamboo mat and the green onion and ginger, fish out the gizzard and cut the liver into slices, put the mushrooms and bamboo shoots on the chicken, add the fine salt, and then boil the casserole and drizzle with sesame oil.

Chinese Su cuisine: Fuchun chicken

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