
The winter melon rib soup is so mellow that the family likes to drink, so try it

author:Novel Visions

Every summer, the weather is hot, at this time most people are relatively less appetite, at this time I can suggest that you can cook some heat to relieve the heat of the food. Such as winter melon rib soup, delicious and smooth, how to make it delicious, today teach you a trick.

Ingredients: 1 rib, winter melon, green onion, cooking wine, ginger

The winter melon rib soup is so mellow that the family likes to drink, so try it

The first step, the ribs into the water soaked for 1 to 2 hours, the middle of the water 2 times, so that you can effectively remove the blood in the meat of the ribs, and then blanch the water, blanch the water under the pot, put 2 spoons of cooking wine and an appropriate amount of ginger slices and green onions in the pot, boil on high heat, remove the foam fished out, and then rinse the blanched ribs with cold water for one minute to better remove the foam.

In the second step, remove the outer skin of the winter melon and cut it into small cubes for later

The winter melon rib soup is so mellow that the family likes to drink, so try it

In the third step, heat the oil in the pot, then pour the blanched ribs into the pan and fry, then add the green onion and ginger slices, fry slowly over low heat, fry until slightly yellow

The winter melon rib soup is so mellow that the family likes to drink, so try it

In the fourth step, put the fried ribs into the casserole dish and pour water to boil, use a spoon to remove the oil foam on it, add a little salt, simmer for 30 minutes, add the winter melon and boil for 15 minutes, and finally sprinkle some green onions.

The winter melon rib soup is so mellow that the family likes to drink, so try it

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