
The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

author:Yuha kitchen

The matcha white Mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

Matcha desserts always make people feel good, the entrance is fragrant, the sweetness is just right, and there is a hint of bitterness in the aftertaste, as if to tell you that sweetness without bitterness is incomplete. Can dissolve the slight bitterness of matcha is the white chocolate, the bitterness of the aftertaste is instantly fused by the sweetness of the white qiao, today's matcha white mousse cake, like a small long holiday, brings you refreshing relaxation.

The green matcha cake body, with the addition of white and cheese mousse, complements each other perfectly. Simple collocation, fresh tones, whether it is taste or appearance, easily capture the heart of foodies.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > matcha white mousse cake</h1>

Cake body ingredients: 55 grams of Xinliang soft white bottom gluten flour, 4 mountain eggs (215 grams with skin), 40 grams of caster sugar, 40 grams of milk, 40 grams of corn oil, 5 grams of matcha powder, 15 grams of hot water, a few drops of white vinegar

Mousse ingredients: 130 g of milk, 85 g of cream cheese, 200 g of light cream, 45 g of powdered sugar, 2 1/2 slices of gelatin slices, 50 g of Favna white chocolate beans

Tools: 28 * 28 baking pan, Changdi small cat oven, sanneng 6 inch square mousse circle, cool Xinyi cooking pot

Production process:

1. Make the cake body first and prepare the materials to be used.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

2: Melt and stir matcha powder with hot water into a paste for use, stir corn oil and milk until it is emulsified, sift into the bottom gluten flour into the milk solution, stir well with a "zigzag" technique, add egg yolk and matcha paste and mix well to set aside.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

3. The oven starts to preheat at 170 degrees above and below the tube. Add a few drops of white vinegar to the egg white, use an egg beater to make a coarse bubble first, and add the caster sugar at once.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

4: Whisk the egg whites with an egg whisk until you can pull out a small curved hook.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

5: Take 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk paste and stir well with a zigzag technique.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

6: Pour the mixed batter back into the remaining meringin and continue to stir, mix well and pour into the baking dish covered with oil cloth, and the surface is roughly flattened.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

7: Shake the baking tray lightly on the countertop, shake out the large bubbles on the surface, and send it into the preheated oven to bake for 25 minutes.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

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8: After baking, the cake is upside down on the net rack covered with oil paper, tear off the tarpaulin and set aside.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

9. Prepare the ingredients for mousse, the cheese is stored in freezing, and the light cream is stored in refrigeration. The gelatin slices are cut with scissors, soaked in cold water, Finely chopped by Favna, and melted and stirred in hot water with cream cheese until fine and particle-free.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

10: Heat the milk to warm, add Favna white and stir until melted, add the gelatin soaked in soft drainage and stir until melted, add the cheese paste and stir well.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

11. Light cream and powdered sugar are whisked at low speed until there is a pattern, but it can flow.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

12: Add milk white cheese liquid in light cream in parts, mix well and then add the next time, mix well, and mix well in 3 to 4 times. The mixed mousse paste is thick and flowable.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

13: Cut the cake slices into pieces with a mousse ring, wrap the bottom of the mousse ring in tin foil and put in a slice of cake.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

14, the cake slice poured half of the mousse paste, put in the refrigerator refrigerated for about 30 minutes, when the surface of the mousse solidified and then put a piece of cake, the rest of the mousse paste into the mold, and finally flush with the mold, the cake into the refrigerator refrigeration for at least 3 hours or more. Mousse paste can be left with a loss.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

15. After refrigeration, the mousse cake is blown around the mold with a hair dryer for a while, and it can be easily released from the mold.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

16, on the surface of the mousse with matcha powder slightly decorated, when eating can be cut into pieces, there are white clever additions, the entrance is super delicious.

The matcha white mousse cake with explosive appearance is fresh, elegant, refreshing, and delicious to foul matcha white mousse cake

【Yuha's Broken Thoughts】

Mousse cake looks complicated, but it is actually very simple, and it is easy to make it step by step.

The light cream to make the mousse only needs to be whisked to 6 dispenses, and it can be flowing.

When you beat the egg whites, you should start preheating the oven, and the baking time and temperature must be determined according to the temper of your own oven.

I am Yuha Kitchen, and I like to cook all kinds of food for my family, using the most common ingredients to make three meals a day with temperature. If you have good suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in the comments. Thanks for the support! All pictures and texts in this article are original by Yuha himself, and you are not allowed to carry them!

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