
Guiyang intestinal noodles

author:Colorful Guizhou Net

"Intestinal Wang" is the harmonic sound of "Chang Wang", which means auspicious, "intestine" is pig intestine, "Wang" is pig blood, supplemented by noodles, the three add up to complement each other. Accessories include pork belly, peppercorns, sanlai, star anise, oil residue, in Guizhou's many snacks, known for color, aroma and taste "three must". It has the characteristics of blood tenderness, crispy noodles, spicy aroma, fresh soup, and red but not spicy, oily but not greasy, crisp and not raw.

As one of the iconic snacks of Guiyang, Intestinal Wang Noodles is closely related to Guiyang's geographical climate, material production, eating habits, etc., and has always maintained its own distinct personality and characteristics, and is the food symbol and symbol of Guiyang City. In the hearts of the old Guiyang people, there is a more reluctant complex for them, in the era of material scarcity, people can eat a bowl of intestinal noodles is quite satisfied.

Guiyang intestinal noodles after hundreds of years of precipitation and development, the formation of a lot of Guiyang "old ghosts" unique eating methods, such as adding spicy chicken "chicken intestines Wang", you can also add large rows of tofu fruit, etc., the most noteworthy is the bean sand nest - Guiyang intestinal noodles are a perfect match, called soul mates.

The mouth is difficult to adjust, the palate is precious, and each diner has their own unique taste preferences. In terms of taste requirements, in order to facilitate accurate communication between shopkeepers and customers, Guiyang Intestinal Wang Noodles has also formed its own unique professional terminology:

Don't put bean sprouts - no bottom; more red oil - red weight; noodles less - reduce the noodles; red oil less put - red light; noodles are harder - crisp noodles; do not put red oil - no red; noodles cook more - drained thoroughly; do not put green onions - no green; noodles are boiled softer - rake noodles; Wangzi tender - tender, suede Wang; Wangzi more blanched - lao Wang, through the heart Wang; soup a little more - wide soup.

Nowadays, intestinal noodles are not only a delicacy, it is a part of the life of Guiyang people, a bridge carrying feelings, worrying about the nostalgia of wanderers, and it is also the tongue tip memory that the old Guiyang people cannot erase.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

The process of making noodles with intestinal noodles.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

The memory on the tip of the tongue of the old Guiyang people - intestinal noodles.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

It means "Changwang" and the color of "red fire" of the intestinal noodles.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

A standard bowl of sausage noodles.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

Only the last piece of blood remained, and it was still not finished.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

A plate of heart-to-heart chili peppers mixed with sour radish.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

How can there be less kelp silk?

Guiyang intestinal noodles

The soul mate of the intestines - bean sand nest.

Guiyang intestinal noodles

Fragrant and sticky bean paste.

First Instance: Zhu Ruolan

Second instance: Li Baishan

Third trial: Wang Xingtao

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