
What is the difference between the cold pot fish and the hot pot fish from the method?

author:Eat the city's fresh fish hot pot

  In the Sichuan region due to the humid and hot weather, everyone prefers to eat spicy dampness, and because fish is rich in high protein, high nutritional value, and low fat rate, therefore, fish as the main ingredient, dishes are very popular, especially hot pot fish and cold pot fish, both have the same magic, a hot and a cold, the taste of bashi, the two methods are not the same, the following hot pot fish franchise is the specific method:



What is the difference between the cold pot fish and the hot pot fish from the method?

  1. Hot pot fish

  Raw materials: 2 kg of fresh silver carp.

  Seasoning: Ingredient A (3 grams of pepper, 25 grams of garlic, 85 grams of green onion knots, 12 grams of dried pepper knots), ingredient B (Pixian bean paste 180 grams, ginger slices 20 grams, minced pepper 200 grams, pickled ginger 120 grams, pickled sauerkraut slices 75 grams), ingredient C (hot pot base 200 grams, tempeh minced 25 grams, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, liquor 12 grams each, salt 5 grams, wet starch 10 grams), salt 15 grams, white wine 20 grams, corn starch 80 grams, oil crisp soy beans 35 grams, cooking oil 750 grams.

  Preparation method: (1) The fish is slaughtered and cleaned, the fish meat is removed, and the tiles are cut into tiles about 2 cm thick with a knife; Cut the fish bones into large pieces, open the fish heads, add salt and white wine for 10 minutes, and then pat the powder.

  (2) Put the pot on the fire, pour the oil into the heat to 60%, first fry the incense in ingredient A, then fry the incense in ingredient B, then put the fish bones and fish fillets into the pot, wait for the fish fillets to solidify, quickly add 2 kg of broth, and then put the C ingredients in turn, open the pot and pour into the hot pot basin, and finally sprinkle the oil and soy beans to the table.

  Dry oil dish: (6 grams each of chili noodles and cooked sesame seeds, 10 grams of crispy peanuts, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chopped green onion and chopped coriander) Season with the original hot pot soup.

What is the difference between the cold pot fish and the hot pot fish from the method?

  Chengdu hot pot fish cold pot fish preparation

  2. Cold pot fish

  Ingredients: 1 fresh grass carp (weighs about 2 kg).

  Seasoning: Ingredient A (5 grams each of fine salt and monosodium glutamate, 8 grams of cooking wine, 1 egg white, 3 grams of corn starch), ingredient B (100 grams of dried chili peppers, 50 grams of peppercorns, 150 grams of garlic, 25 grams of ginger slices, 20 grams of green onion, 50 grams of parsley), ingredient C (8 grams of refined salt and monosodium glutamate, 6 grams of chicken powder, 10 grams of cooking wine), 100 grams of Pixian bean paste, 25 grams of Sichuan kimchi and garlic seedlings, 500 grams of salad oil.

  Preparation method: (1) First use Ingredient A to taste the fillets. Heat the pan with salad oil (the amount of oil can be moderately large), heat the oil, wait for the oil temperature to drop a little, put in the minced watercress sauce, stir-fry on low heat to make the incense, until the oil turns red, and then pour the B ingredient into the pot,

  Stir-fry for a few minutes on medium heat, then add the chopped Sichuan kimchi and stir-fry, after the aroma comes out, add the broth to boil (the broth should not be too much, about 1.5 kg), and then add C ingredients in turn to season, cook for about 15 minutes, so that the taste will be soaked heavier in the soup, sprinkle garlic seedlings out of the pot.

  (2) When the pot is boiling, first add the purified fish head and fish bones to cook, and then fish up. Finally, add the fillets, after the fillets change color, turn off the heat, and add parsley, garlic sprouts, etc., and then pour into the hot pot pot.

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