
This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

author:Slimming gourmet eat sister

#Spring Tea Party #Hello everyone, spring is halfway through. As the saying goes: "Spring eats buds", how many kinds of wild vegetables do you eat exclusive to spring? I ate toon, garlic, cabbage, alfalfa, elm money, bamboo shoot sprouts... However, this kind of wild vegetable seen today, everyone said that they found a treasure, which is very rare.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

The spring breeze is harmonious, and the willows are clinging to each other. When I was walking down the hill, I found an old grandmother selling wild vegetables. I'm curious how this thing acts like a bug? Grandma said that this was picked from the tree, called the tree.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

I know the tree, because in the summer I can eat its fruit, round, red, sweet, very delicious.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

Trees (scientific name Broussonetia papyrifera) alias peach, etc., deciduous trees, height 10 - 20m; dark gray bark; small branches dense with soft hairs. The canopy is open, ovate to broadly ovate, and the bark is smooth, light gray or grayish brown, not easily cracked, and the whole plant contains milk. It is a strong positive tree species with strong adaptability and strong stress resistance. Its leaves are very good pig feed, its phloem fiber is a high-grade raw material for papermaking, the material is white, its roots and seeds can be medicated, sap can treat skin diseases, and its economic value is very high.

However, I have not paid attention to its flowers before, and it turns out that in spring, the flowers of the tree are like caterpillars, green and green, and the furry is very cute, and people affectionately call it the tree. Because I live in a city with fewer trees. Therefore, it is really rare to construct this kind of wild vegetable.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers
This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

Spring is the season to eat wild vegetables, and I heard my grandmother say that this steamed wheat rice is particularly delicious. And it sold super cheaply, so I bought some back. I didn't expect the wheat rice to be super delicious. Soft, sticky, chewy with a naturally clear flavor.

Here's how to share it with you.

1. Clean the structure you bought back. Wash it with water several times, because it has more hairs and there should be more dust in it.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

2. It is best to clean the structure by hand, remove excess water, put it on the sieve, and control the water for a while.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

3. Take a basin, put the texture into it, add an appropriate amount of flour, five-spice powder, and gently rub it with both hands so that each texture is covered with flour.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

4. Some silicone pads can be laid on the cage drawer, and a layer of cloth can also be laid. Then put the floc in the cage drawer, turn on the heat and steam it for 10 minutes over medium heat.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

5. After steaming, you can open the lid and let it cool for a while. Place on a plate, cut a little green onion, minced garlic and place on top of the rice.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

6. Heat the wok and add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil. Heat to 80%, sprinkle oil on the green onions, and pour two spoonfuls of oil on the peppers. Sprinkle with a little salt, stir while eating, stir and stir, stir and mix especially fragrant.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

7. You can also mix a universal cold sauce. Put the garlic paste in a bowl, use hot oil to stimulate the aroma, and add a little chili pepper, vinegar, salt, green onion, soy sauce, sesame oil, and make a universal cold sauce.

It's also delicious when you eat it with a cold sauce.

★ Share another approach.

If you prefer to eat a slightly heavier flavor, you can scramble two eggs. Put the eggs out for later, start the pan again, heat the pan and pour in the oil, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, pour in the garlic seedlings and fry the aroma. Then put the steamed wheat rice in and stir-fry. Stir-fry at the same time can add five-spice powder, salt stir well.

Finally, put the scrambled eggs in, the taste is really delicious.

This is a treasure in the wild vegetables of spring, when you encounter it, buy it quickly, steamed wheat rice is more delicious than locust flowers

After the wheat rice is ready, take it to the office and share it with colleagues. I didn't expect to be snatched up by everyone. They all say that this kind of thing is very rare, and it is rare to sell this outside. Spring is about to pass, and the little friends who have not yet eaten wild vegetables should not miss this wild vegetable when they encounter it.

*Original article, please do not plagiarize*

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