
From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

author:Deng Haichun

In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Fang, a famous minister, once joined forces with a group of scholars to compile the famous book "Taiping Imperial Records", which was loved by Emperor Taizong of Song and not only contained all kinds of contents, but also had many wonderful accounts. For example, there is a passage in the book that reads: "Zhuge Jin's brother Liang and his brother were born and were famous, each in one country." At that time, he thought that Shu had his dragon, Wu had his tiger, and Wei had his dog. It is said that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three sons of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, served in the three countries respectively, and were jokingly called "dragons, tigers, and dogs" by people at that time.

From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

Among the three Zhuge clan members, Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang were brothers, and Zhuge Shi was their subordinate brother, and all three of them belonged to the Langya Zhuge clan founded by Zhuge Feng, a famous minister of the Western Han Dynasty. As the ancestor of Zhuge Feng from an early age, Zhuge Feng was brilliant and knowledgeable, and these characteristics of his were well inherited and retained by the descendants of the Zhuge family, which perfectly confirmed the saying that "the tiger father has no dog", and also laid the image of the wisdom of the Zhuge family for hundreds of years. If we want to ask where its wisdom is embodied, we have to talk about the three Zhuge family disciples at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

The last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty were a very dramatic era - first the emperor's fainting led to the outbreak of peasant uprisings, then after the young lord succeeded to the throne, the eunuchs and foreign relatives fought for power and lost both, and finally the traitor dong Zhuo held the emperor hostage to cause chaos in the government, resulting in the world falling into a situation of princes' division, and all kinds of chaotic elements can be described as readily available. Although the chaotic world has given some people the opportunity to emerge, more people are like grass, and many families with heads and faces have suffered disasters.

From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

In Langya County, on the shore of the sea, the Zhuge family was also affected by the turbulent situation, especially in the vein of Zhuge Jue. Zhuge Jue served as a county magistrate in Taishan County at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but Zhongping died of illness in the sixth year (189) when his eldest son Zhuge Jin was only fifteen years old, and his second son Zhuge Liang was only eight years old. After the death of his father, Zhuge Jin, the eldest man in the family, first went to Luoyang to study, and then to Jiangdong, which was more stable and peaceful than the Central Plains.

With his own talents and learning, Zhuge Jin had a good relationship with the famous jiangdong scholars Bu Qi, Yan Qi, and others, and according to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, the three of them "became famous and handsome at that time." In the fifth year of Jian'an (200), under the recommendation of Sun Quan's brother-in-law Hongzhi, Zhuge Jin became a guest of Sun Quan, who had just become the lord of Jiangdong. Under Sun Quan, Zhuge Jin was reused, and successively held the posts of Changshi and Sima Zhong, which was a small position, but he did not take his younger brothers Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun to Jiangdong to "enjoy happiness" with him, which seemed unusual.

From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

When Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, chose to return to his hometown to build the capital for hegemony, when someone advised him to build a capital in Guanzhong, which was more advantageous, he replied: "The rich and noble do not return to their hometown, such as the night of the brocade", which means that if you get rich and noble but do not return to your hometown, it is like wearing gorgeous clothes but walking in the dark night, no one can see. In fact, Xiang Yu's words reflect the general mentality of many people, that is, after winning the zhi, we must let the clan and the villagers also know.

In today's society, if people who come to the big city to work hard are small and successful, then most of them will think of bringing their parents and relatives to the city, or helping the younger generations in the family who have nothing to do to arrange work. However, Zhuge Jin did not think of taking his younger brother who was "cultivating in Nanyang" at that time because he had received Sun Quan's weight. After Zhuge Jue's death, Zhuge Liang followed his uncle Zhuge Xuan to Jingzhou, and after Zhuge Xuan's death, he stayed in Longzhong and spent his days with Zhuge Jun.

From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

Compared with Zhuge Jin, whose status was getting higher and higher, Zhuge Liang at that time was of course only a nobody, but as a disciple of the Zhuge family, they were all well versed in the principle of "three caves of cunning rabbits". In the chaotic world, it is difficult to guarantee that any political power will not be destroyed, if the entire family is entrusted to a certain regime, then when the regime collapses, the family will become an egg that cannot be saved under the nest. For the sake of the family's prosperity, Zhuge Jin and the Zhuge Liang brothers did not choose to serve Sun Quan together.

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Later, the story is well known, Zhuge Liang relied on his excellent relationship with Xu Shu to be recommended by him to Liu Bei, who invited him out of the mountain, after which Zhuge Liang became an important member of Liu Bei's camp. In the twentieth year of Jian'an (215), Sun Quan sent Zhuge Jin as an emissary to befriend Liu Bei, and Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang's brothers were reunited, but the two tacitly only talked about official affairs in order to show their loyalty to their respective lords.

From the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Zhi, we can see the wisdom of the Zhuge family

After Eastern Wu and Shu Han both held important positions of Zhuge people, Zhuge Birthday was late. Zhuge Shi's talent and learning may not be as good as that of the two clan brothers, but he has won the respect of Cao Wei's courtiers by treating people sincerely, and he can also be regarded as mixed. In the end, the Zhuge family blossomed in many points in the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Jin was the great general, Zhuge Liang was in the position of chancellor, and Zhuge Shi was also named the great general of the Eastern Expedition, and what was even more rare was that although they were from the same clan, the rulers were not afraid of their collaboration with the enemy. It can be seen from this that in the chaotic world, the Zhuge clan can be said to have mastered the essence.

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