
Mei Cheng took great justice to King Xiao of Wu, but King Wu did not listen, and eventually the soldiers were defeated and killed

author:Old Zhu who loves to learn
Mei Cheng took great justice to King Xiao of Wu, but King Wu did not listen, and eventually the soldiers were defeated and killed

He was a native of Huaiyin, which is now huai'an city in jiangsu province. In the early years of the Han Dynasty, Liu Hao was crowned king of Wu. The territory of the State of Wu was in the area of present-day Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it was the richest region in all of China. King Wu recruited fugitives from all over the country and used the rich mineral resources of Wu to smelt iron and mint money. Because of the territorial sea of the State of Wu, the King of Wu ordered the boiling of seawater to make salt. In this way, Wu Guo accumulated a huge wealth. So the people of the Wu kingdom did not have to pay taxes, and slowly they all embraced the King of Wu, and the ambitions of the King of Wu began to swell, privately making weapons, training the army, and recruiting talents everywhere to let talented people serve him. He also defected to King Wu and became The Langzhong of King Wu, whose main duty was to accompany King Wu and give advice to King Wu.

Later, King Wu's son played with the crown prince and was beaten to death by the crown prince because of his arrogance and rudeness. King Wu was resentful of this, so he pretended to be ill, did not go to the capital to see him, and began to wait for an opportunity to rebel. At that time, Emperor Wen of Han was very tolerant, and he also felt that the crown prince had killed the son of King Wu, and he felt some guilt, so he allowed King Wu not to go to the capital to see him. King Wu then intensified his preparations for rebellion.

Sensing King Wu's thoughts, he advised him, "Now there is a thin thread, one tied to the heavens, one with a thousand pounds of heavy objects hanging there, and below it is the abyss." Even the most stupid person can see that this situation is a hopeless situation. Now the thread is about to break, and it is necessary to take the heavy object to press, then once the line is broken, the end tied to the sky can no longer be tied, and the heavy object that falls into the abyss will be difficult to pick up. Whether or not this thousand pounds of heavy objects can be safely taken out, it is urgent to make a decision now. If you still have to do it according to your own inner desires, this thing is more dangerous than egg stacking together, and it is more difficult than ascending to the sky. If you change your course, it will be as easy as turning your hands over, as stable and safe as a mountain. ”

"Someone walks under the sun, but hates his shadow and the footprints he leaves behind, so he goes in the opposite direction of the footprints and the shadows, and the result is that more and more footprints are left; the faster he goes, the faster the shadows follow. He did not know to stop in the shade, so that the shadow disappeared and the footprints no longer appeared. As the saying goes: 'If you don't know, you can't do it unless you don't do it.' ’”

"A person who usually does good deeds and accumulates virtue does not feel very good at the time, but he will certainly be blessed at some point." A man has done something against heavenly reason and immorality. It didn't feel bad at the time, but it was bound to be punished at some point. This is a truth that will not change for ten thousand years, please think about it carefully. ”

King Wu did not listen to The Emperor, and the Emperor left the Kingdom of Wu.

This man was a loyal servant. As a subordinate of King Wu, after discovering King Wu's intention to rebel, he did not report it to himself, giving himself the opportunity to be promoted to an official and get rich, but bitterly advised King Wu to change his ways. He spoke earnestly and his words were reasonable. However, King Wu was already determined to rebel, and he couldn't listen to anything.

Later, Emperor Jing of Han succeeded to the throne, heeded Chao's advice, and began to implement the policy of cutting down the domain. King Wu felt that the opportunity had come, so he united with six other princely states and rebelled together under the banner of "killing Chao and opposing the cutting of the domain", which is known in history as the "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms".

King Wu had been preparing for this day for many years, so when he first started his army, the rebel army was huge, which frightened Emperor Jingdi of Han. Later, Emperor Jingdi of Han was under pressure to avoid war, so he had to kill Chao and admit his mistake and ask the various princely states to withdraw their troops.

At this time, He had already left the King of Wu, but seeing this situation, he once again advised the King of Wu to say: "The rebellion of the State of Wu is like a mosquito against a herd of cattle, rotten meat against sharp teeth, and there is really no chance of victory in the confrontation." Now the emperor, in order to avoid war, asked the Seven Kingdoms to retreat and kill his teacher to apologize, which was really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even the ancient Shang Tang and Zhou Wu Kings had never encountered it. Now the king will receive it when you see it, and immediately retire, then the king will be successful. Otherwise, it will make the imperial court see that the king has ambitions to annex the world. At that time, the imperial court will definitely encircle and suppress it with all its might, so the king is afraid that there will only be one way to die. ”

In fact, at this time, if King Wu could accept the suggestion of The Emperor and immediately retreat, it would be a good time for the various princely states to achieve the goal of resisting the cutting of the domain. Although it is the trend of the times. However, at this time, the emperor had already killed Chao who advocated cutting the domain, so even if he wanted to cut the domain, he would not implement it immediately, and it was estimated that it would be postponed for a long time. So the princely states can sit back and relax for a long time. However, in this way, it is actually very unfavorable to maintain centralized power and consolidate the rule of the Han Dynasty.

By this time, however, King Wu had been overwhelmed by victory. I felt that the emperor had killed Chao Wrong, and it was already the end of the road. He could fight all the way down and overthrow the imperial court. It turned out that he had completely misjudged the form. After only two months, he was defeated and killed.

At the beginning, under the brutal rule of the Qin Dynasty, the people did not have a good life. Chen Sheng rebelled against Qin, echoing a hundred responses, just like dry firewood encountering a fierce fire, and the tide of uprisings in various places was higher than the wave. That's because the people can't live anymore, and people's minds change. The situation during the Han Jing Emperor period was completely different, after decades of recuperation, production was restored, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the politics were clear, and the people's minds were determined. Moreover, this Liu Hao actually had no credit for the establishment of the Han Dynasty. It was only because Liu Bang's sons were young, and the wu kingdom needed capable people to manage this place, so he made his brother's son Liu Hao the king. Liu Hao actually picked up a big bargain. However, he did not remember the kindness of the imperial court, and actually wanted to rebel, which was really revenge, which was very immoral.

Man's greedy desires are endless. If you do not pay attention to your own cultivation, once your selfish desires have the upper hand, you will throw aside morality and ethics, and in order to satisfy your own selfish desires, you can do anything. Emperor Wen of Han was tolerant and generous to Liu Hao, but instead encouraged Liu Hao's rebellious heart. He eventually embarked on the road of no return to rebellion, and the defeat and death of the soldiers were also the inevitable result.

He was a loyal vassal. He is cool-headed and has a long-term view of the problem. He repeatedly dissuaded Liu Hao from rebelling, and was a rare talent. It was later reused by the imperial court.

The above is a little experience of my reading, and I look forward to communicating and discussing with you and making progress together.

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