
The rendering of the new Volkswagen Tange is exposed, and the first co-driver entertainment screen is equipped with 1.5T plug-in hybrid/2.0T power

author:Enjoy incoming calls


The rendering of the new Volkswagen Tange is exposed, and the first co-driver entertainment screen is equipped with 1.5T plug-in hybrid/2.0T power

全新T-ROC探歌换装了与途观L Pro相似的最新家族式前脸设计,前大灯狭长锐利,并通过中间的黑色饰板进行衔接,上方加入一条银色装饰件,形成一体式设计风格。前保险杠采用大尺寸蜂窝状布局,融入亮黑色装饰件和弯折的银色装饰条,彰显运动精致的一面。

The rendering of the new Volkswagen Tange is exposed, and the first co-driver entertainment screen is equipped with 1.5T plug-in hybrid/2.0T power


The rendering of the new Volkswagen Tange is exposed, and the first co-driver entertainment screen is equipped with 1.5T plug-in hybrid/2.0T power
The rendering of the new Volkswagen Tange is exposed, and the first co-driver entertainment screen is equipped with 1.5T plug-in hybrid/2.0T power

内饰部分参考途观L Pro,预计会采用三辐式多功能方向盘、全液晶仪表、悬浮式中控屏和副驾娱乐屏,在材质用料上可能会与途观L Pro进行区分。动力方面,新车预计将搭载1.5T+48伏轻混、1.5T插电式混合动力引擎以及2.0T涡轮增压发动机,传动系统匹配7速双离合变速箱,并配备4MOTION四驱系统。

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