
Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

author:Yu Renjie

The entertainment industry is star-studded, some people pay attention to maintenance, and they can't see their age at all, and some people don't pay attention to maintenance, and their faces look old.

Today, let's take stock of how big the gap is between stars of the same age!

"Wu Zun - Sun Yue"

The gap between the two who are both 45 years old is not a star and a half, Wu Zun looks young and handsome, and Sun Yue looks several years older than Wu Zun because he is too fat.

Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

"Lin Zhiying-Guo Degang"

Lin Zhiying is 50 years old, can you tell? The ages of these two in the entertainment industry are often joked, because the difference looks very big, Guo Degang always ridicules that he is the same age as Lin Zhiying, but he looks like father and son.

Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

"Chen Haomin - Yu Qian"

The two of them are 55 years old, but Uncle Yu Qian's hair has turned a lot whiter, and there are many wrinkles on his face, compared to Chen Haomin, Yu Qian is too old.

Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

"Huo Jianhua - Shen Teng"

The 45-year-old two have different appearances, Huo Jianhua takes the idol route, Shen Teng takes the funny route, Shen Teng also revealed that he has not done maintenance, so he doesn't look young, although Huo Jianhua slowly faded out of the entertainment industry, but at the age of 45, he has this appearance, and it seems that he still exercises regularly in private.

Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

"William Chan - Yue Yunpeng"

Both of them are close to 40 years old, William Chan looks at the flowering period is the most vigorous time, but Yue Yunpeng looks a lot older, because Yue Yunpeng was born in the countryside and often helps the family do farm work, so he looks old.

Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

"Zhang Han-Song Xiaobao"

These two look at the biggest difference, Song Xiaobao, who is only 40 years old, has white hair, and Song Xiaobao definitely loses in skin and height, not only dark skin, but also very low, so he doesn't look young at all, Zhang Han's idol route looks many years younger than Song Xiaobao.

Compared with stars of the same age in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian is the oldest, Song Xiaobao is the second, and he is the youngest!

Which star do you think is the youngest?


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