
An 11-year-old girl paid 1,000 yuan on credit to a store near the school, and her parents angrily denounced this merchant as too immoral

An 11-year-old girl paid 1,000 yuan on credit to a store near the school, and her parents angrily denounced this merchant as too immoral

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-05-16 15:49Published on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan

Legal consultation, troubleshooting, prosecution suggestions, and supervision of implementation can be handled with one click in the "I want to find a lawyer" section of my Changsha APP. Recently, near a primary school in Changsha, a parent thought that it was inappropriate for a merchant to give credit to minors because his child was collecting cards on credit in a shop near the school, and went to the door to find a business theory, resulting in a physical conflict between the two parties. After receiving the police, the police from the police station quickly rushed to the scene to deal with it. After the incident, the reporter contacted the parents involved, and she told us what happened.

"Merchants are so immoral, how can they give credit to a primary school student? The cards were bought box by box, and more than 30 boxes were bought at 128 yuan, all of which were paid to this boss. Today, when I was not lucky, the boss said, 'Oh, I have bad luck, and I will draw a few more'. Today's luck is good, and the boss also said, 'Take advantage of today's good luck, draw a few more'. Ms. Yan said that her 11-year-old daughter spent more than 3,000 yuan to buy cards at a shop near the school in a month, of which more than 1,000 yuan was still on credit.

An 11-year-old girl paid 1,000 yuan on credit to a store near the school, and her parents angrily denounced this merchant as too immoral

Regarding the parents' complaints, the owner of the shop involved bluntly said that he was "wronged".

Boss: I haven't induced consumption, I'm just introducing this product, and it's all self-consumption. I am very aggrieved, I feel that I am not responsible, I am a legal and compliant product. Parents are negligent in managing their children.

Reporter: Is there any encouragement to draw too many?

Boss: No, no, it's all self-consumption.

Reporter: How much credit did she take in total?

Boss: We have counted, she spent a total of 3,660 yuan, and 1,000 yuan on credit. She took the initiative to ask for credit, saying that she would ask her sister to come over to pay when the time came.

Reporter: Do you think it's normal to spend more than 3,000 yuan to buy cards in a month?

Boss: It's not normal, every time I come, it's her sister who pays, I thought it was a gift that my sister bought for her.

Reporter: Did you ask her?

Boss: I asked her if she could pay the money, and she said yes. His sister looked like an adult, and I couldn't have looked up her ID.

During the interview, several parents told reporters that their children were also addicted to collecting cards.

"I bought a card of three or four thousand in this store, I don't know if the merchant is responsible, but I think that if a primary school student like this spends more than 100 yuan, you have to call your parents."

"He secretly used money to buy this card, and he bought it for thousands of dollars. The child is only in the third grade, and his mind is not on learning. ”

Parents believe that this kind of "card game" has gone sour.

"My daughter has a card in her hand, and she bought it for 105 yuan in her classmates, and it was listed on the second-hand trading platform for 140 yuan, and someone immediately asked for it. The game has gone bad, and now it feels like collecting all the cards to gamble. Some parents told reporters.

An 11-year-old girl paid 1,000 yuan on credit to a store near the school, and her parents angrily denounced this merchant as too immoral

Regarding the matter of letting the children pay on credit, the owner of the shop involved admitted that the practice was indeed inappropriate and agreed to make a partial refund.

At present, parents have reported the relevant situation to the market supervision department. In response to the phenomenon of minors indulging in card collection, psychological counselor Li Jiao said that when the trend of "card collection" arose in the circle of classmates, some children who did not follow the trend became "alternative", which also drove more children to join the "card collection circle" to a certain extent. If you find that your child is addicted to collecting cards, parents should pay attention to it, and at the same time, they need to spend enough time and patience to guide their children, such as accompanying them to outdoor sports and cultivating other hobbies to divert their attention.

In addition, Wang Lu, a lawyer at Hunan Xiangding Law Firm, also analyzed the matter from a legal perspective.

Lawyer Wang Lu believes that with the emergence of comparison psychology and blind consumption, card collection games are popular among children, and the phenomenon of collecting cards on credit has appeared. However, most of the children are incapacitated for civil conduct or for persons with limited civil capacity, and the credit behavior with a large amount is not a civil legal act that is compatible with the age and intelligence of minors, so there is no parental recognition of the intention, and the credit behavior generally does not have legal effect, and the merchant implements the credit sales behavior, which is obviously improper, and shall bear the main responsibility and return the relevant money. At the same time, in daily life, businesses should also confirm with parents for large purchases by minors. Parents should also guide their children's behavior and habits correctly.

Source: Political and Legal Channel

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  • An 11-year-old girl paid 1,000 yuan on credit to a store near the school, and her parents angrily denounced this merchant as too immoral
  • An 11-year-old girl paid 1,000 yuan on credit to a store near the school, and her parents angrily denounced this merchant as too immoral

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