
Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

If you want to achieve your best life, you need a perfect combination of career and talent, and only by making the field of your struggle can you harmonize with your talent, then you can achieve success in your career. Life is a struggle process from ordinary to extraordinary, some people struggle for a lifetime, it is also very ordinary, but this kind of ordinary, does not mean mediocrity, the same outstanding, perhaps, he is just not famous, not vigorous. On the contrary, some people are extraordinary, that is a great, an outstanding, a different, appear particularly influential, will become a fairly well-known public figure, will become a household name in a certain field, such a person, in the case of acquired efforts, more often, thanks to their own excellent talent.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

Sun Wen, born in 1973, a native of Shanghai, grew up smart, lively and outgoing, her mother was a teacher, and her father was a worker. When she was in elementary school, she learned to play football with her classmates, and represented the school to participate in the district primary school sports meeting football competition, and won, and then, on behalf of the school to participate in the city competition, in the course of the competition, she found that the players of other teams, most of them are older than them, and, also received formal training, this competition, their team bottom, and it is this competition, expand her vision, let her have a better understanding of football, after graduating from primary school, she studied at the city sports school, Because she received formal training late, after joining the team, the football movements and methods are not standardized, often laughed at by other team members, but the coach found her potential, to other team members, you don't laugh at her, maybe the last to kick out is her. The reason why the coach is optimistic about her is because she plays the ball, is very flexible, and can often shoot. It is often said that when a child has different characteristics from ordinary people, he will also obtain different development paths and ways from ordinary people.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

She once said that from September 1, 1985, I embarked on the road of football, which is an extraordinary road, and the reason why it is extraordinary is not because it can bring me extraordinary glory, nor because it can bring me extraordinary wealth, but because taking this road means that there are too many differences from ordinary people, it means independence, it means sacrifice, it means patience, it means strength. In 1990, when she was 17 years old, she entered the Shanghai team, and soon after, the national team prepared for the World Cup, the women's football team adjusted the team, selected some players with good skills and good awareness, and asked the Shanghai women's football team for advice and asked if there were any good seedlings. The coach of the Shanghai team recommended Sun Wen, at that time, her technical foundation was solid, her consciousness was good, her body was strong, and she was very optimistic about the coach. After she entered the national team, with her outstanding technology and awareness, she left a good impression on the coaching staff, so that the coaching team decided to focus on cultivating her, at that time, the national team played a diamond-shaped midfielder, and the front waist position lacked a player who could take the ball and had good consciousness, Sun Wen was just on top. However, after a month of joining the team, she was in the process of training, knee ligament strain, if before, generally to leave the national team, back to the local team, but she is the focus of the training object, the national team let her stay in the team treatment, after the ingestion, she gradually became the main player in the national team. Sometimes not according to the conventional operation, can change a person's fate, but also can achieve a team, to take the talent to look at the long term, can not follow the old ways, to be eclectic, change the usual practices and thinking.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

Her coach once said that Sun Wen, there may be only one in China, she is a football genius, not the day after tomorrow can be cultivated, she is good at organization, delicate technology, good awareness, accurate passing, can be called the chinese women's football midfield attack core. She is known as the world's greatest forward of women's football, "sonorous rose" representative figure, in the team, her English abbreviation as "SUN", known as the women's version of the "Sun", she because of the boundless power of the foot, any sharp angle can not be biased, began to appear in international football, in 1996, she with the Chinese women's football team in the Atlanta Olympic Games, the results are in the top position of the world football, in this competition, won the runner-up, followed by ten years of conquest, women's football results declined, slowly into the trough, 2000, At the Sydney Olympics, she was named Top Scorer and in the same year she was awarded Miss 20th Century Football by FIFA. In 2006, she retired from the army, for which she left a deep regret in her heart, she said that after 1999, the Chinese women's football team failed to develop healthily and vigorously. Sometimes, a person's life, always fail to achieve all their dreams, there will always be some difficult to pursue the goal, so, will leave some regrets in the heart, and the lack of regrets is sometimes a higher pursuit and goal of struggle.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

After retiring, she has been a football journalist, the head of the women's department of the AFC, and has also engaged in football-related management work, and has also served as the head coach of the Shanghai women's football team, the director and director of the Youth Training Department of the Chinese women's football team, at present, she serves as the vice president of the Chinese Football Association, for her 16 years of football career, and then the football-related career, she said, if you love from the heart, willing to pay time and energy to do something regardless of the loss, then this thing is often the talent. In the process of her coaching, she also has her own unique feelings, for which she once said that the honor of the outside world should not be too true, and it is better to be grateful. Others say good, not necessarily good, others say bad, not necessarily bad, do their best to do things well, so as to recognize the results of their own efforts is the really important thing. She is known as the legend of Chinese women's football, also known as the "superstar" of Chinese football, and she is also a model in The Chinese football industry. Sometimes, all pride and pride requires your own efforts, you also need to have good talent, and you also need a good attitude.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

In her more than ten years of playing career, she has scored 7 goals in the World Cup, and won the "Golden Ball Award" and the "Golden Boot Award", and it is said that Chinese football has two famous names, one is Sun Wen and the other is the Chinese men's football team. In 2009, she married a Chinese Canadian engineer, the two fell in love for 5 years, her husband once said that he had not seen Sun Wen play football, for sports, he was a layman, even the fans could not be called, before marriage, only watched Yao Ming's basketball game once. In 2004, the two were introduced to each other, although the two gathered less and more, but often chatted and exchanged on the Internet, when married, there was no ceremony, no wedding photos, even the banquet was omitted, and even, even the honeymoon trip was not, they felt that marriage was a private matter, not a game, and did not need to show it to others. After marriage, she once said, I just want to be an ordinary woman, to be an ordinary wife. In her own career, she resigned from her public office, at that time, she was already a deputy director of the Shanghai Sports Bureau, she decided to spend more time with her lover, and said that in the future, she may be more abroad, but sports can do something in the exchange of youth football between Chinese and foreign countries. Giving up everything for love and family, this kind of action is very admirable, there is the courage and determination to throw everything away for love, and there is more resolute action, and beautiful love is a kind of action that abandons all.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

However, as early as 2006, she had a marriage solicitation, at this time, she was 33 years old, eager to marry herself out, of course, this marriage, not her intention, was carefully planned by one of her predecessors, and published a marriage advertisement in the media, she once said, in fact, I am indeed single now, with legal marriage qualifications, in this marriage, there is no deception. This marriage, because of her "Miss World Football" name, very sensational, there are more than 1800 enlistment emails, the second day of the New Year, she began to go on a blind date, a total of 4 applicants exchanged contact information, and, she is very satisfied with one of the Shandong boys, she attaches great importance to each other's quality, the other party was living in Guangzhou at the time, trying to communicate with each other, but in the end, she did not choose this guy, sometimes, love should not be recruited, but, get along with each other privately, slowly understand, get mutual recognition, To get each other's recognition and have a mutually liking lifestyle, such love is the most beautiful love.

Sun Wen, China's "sonorous rose": I just want to be an ordinary woman and an ordinary wife

Career vigorous, marriage is simple, love is silent, life is sweet, probably this is Sun Wen's most beautiful life, as a pivotal figure in the football industry, she still focuses her attention on her favorite football career, and also actively promotes rising stars, and cultivates teenagers, even from dolls, in the football career, still bowing down, and she also has some mature ideas and actions in the field of football, but her influence on football, It seems that it is still very limited, unable to oversee the overall situation, as a person who has entered the age of confusion, she should be more effective in football, from the current situation, she is a young and strong faction in the football industry, young and promising, seniority is also deep, rich experience, for football, has its own unique experience, I believe that she will have an unusual action in football.

Text/House Slave

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