
After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

author:Xiao Min studied history

On January 15, 1935, a conference to change the Chinese revolution was discussed in a small county town in Guizhou, which was the turning point of the Red Army and the turning point of the Chinese revolution, and on the issue of the life and death of the Party, the vast number of Red Army commanders and fighters were deeply eager for Chairman Mao to stand up and re-lead the Chinese revolution and correct the mistakes of "left adventurism" in the past.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

It is precisely because of this meeting that Chairman Mao, who was once idle after the "Ningdu Conference", once again stood up and re-led the revolution, just as Premier Zhou said above the meeting:

"China needs Chairman Mao, and only he can lead us to victory, not you, me, or anyone else." Under the leadership of Chairman Mao, the Party and the Red Army were able to emerge from the crisis and win the final victory. ”

Historically, it is said that the Zunyi Conference established the new leadership core represented by Chairman Mao, but in fact, the Zunyi Conference was not really as smooth as it was in the TV series, and this meeting also had some twists and turns, and the Zunyi Conference only corrected the chaos militarily, and although Chairman Mao re-entered the Central Standing Committee and had the power to participate in military command, the supreme leader of the Red Army at that time was still Bogu.

However, we also saw in the history that after the Zunyi Conference, Bogu began to unconditionally support Chairman Mao and began to face up to his efforts to change his past mistakes, and when the Red First and Fourth Fronts were entangled in the issue of going south and north, Bogu firmly sided with Chairman Mao's side, and also made great contributions to the Chinese revolution Bogu.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

In fact, there is a process of Bogu's transformation, and the person who prompted Bogu Bogu to complete this transformation was Premier Zhou, and after the Zunyi Conference, Premier Zhou found Bogu overnight and talked with him for a long time to do his ideological work, prompting Bogu to hand over the party's power to Chairman Mao.

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In October 1930, Lao Jiang gathered 100,000 troops to encircle and suppress the Central Soviet Region, and under the command of Chairman Mao and Zhu Laozong, the Red Army fighters adopted the tactic of "luring the enemy to go deep" in response to the situation in the base areas to smash and suppress Lao Jiang's encirclement and suppression, and under the command of the two men, the Central Soviet Area began to grow to a heyday when the Central Soviet Area had a scale of nearly 100,000 people.

However, it was also during this period that leaders sent by the Comintern, such as Wang Ming and Bogu, who had studied in the Soviet Union, entered the Central Soviet Region and led the Red Army, and after the "Ningdu Conference" in 1932, Chairman Mao was excluded from the leadership, and Zhu Laozong was also marginalized, at this time only Premier Zhou struggled to support the overall situation.

During that time, the depressed chairman had been lying quietly in the rear for a long time, and Premier Zhou specially found a long talk with him and sent 8 words: Take care of the overall situation and endure for the party.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

Wang Ming, Bogu, and others may have had a high degree of knowledge at that time, but they stubbornly copied the experience of the Soviet revolution and applied it to the Chinese revolution, and they did not thoroughly examine the basic people's feelings in China, but they were like gods to the Words of the Communist International, which caused heavy losses to the Central Soviet Region.

However, even after the Red Army suffered such heavy losses, Li De and Bogu did not change the military line of "left adventurism" in the past.

In December 1934, after more than two months of arduous trekking, the Central Red Army reached the xiang river to meet with the red second and sixth armies, and the soldiers of the Red Army paid a huge sacrifice, although they successfully crossed the Xiang River, but they also paid a huge price, and the Red Army also dropped from 86,000 people before departure to 30,000 people.

Since the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, the Red Army has been in the midst of defeat, defeat and defeat, and the vast number of Red Army commanders and fighters have also begun to have doubts about the leadership, and at that time the entire Red Army was reflecting, but Li De and Bogu still insisted on making peace with the Red Second and Sixth Armies after experiencing the bloody battle on the Xiang River.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

In front, there were hundreds of thousands of central troops of old Jiang waiting for old Jiang, and Xue Yue's 80,000 central army in the back.

On December 18, 1934, the Central Red Army held a meeting in Liping, which was also the prelude to the victory of the Chinese revolution, and after a day and a night of intense discussion, the Party Central Committee finally accepted Chairman Mao's correct opinion and abandoned the plan to march into western Hunan and marched toward Guizhou, where the enemy's strength was very weak.

It was also this meeting that gave the Central Committee hope of the revolution regaining its victory and laid the foundation for Chairman Mao to re-command the Red Army.

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On January 7, 1935, the Central Red Army entered Guizhou and captured Zunyi, and after the Liping Conference, many soldiers in the party had fully realized that Li and Bo were not the talents of the unified army, and if these two people continued to lead the Red Army, then I am afraid that the remaining 30,000 Red Army soldiers might not be able to survive.

At that time, many leaders of the Central Committee also fully exchanged views, so in this situation, under the presidency of Premier Zhou, in mid-January, the Central Red Army launched an enlarged meeting of the Politburo in Zunyi, which was a continuation of the Liping Conference, a discussion and summary of the operations since the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, and discussed the next issues of the Red Army and where to establish base areas, and so on.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

For this topic, Bogu seemed very reluctant, but still made a detailed report, but we also found from his report that he was still not fully aware of his mistakes, and he only unilaterally described the objective factors such as how powerful the enemy's firepower was, but Bogu admitted his mistake in the end, saying that he also had an unshirkable responsibility.

After listening to Bogu's speech, many cadres were very dissatisfied, especially the commanders and fighters who personally came to the front-line command, they were all front-line commanders, they saw with their own eyes how the soldiers died in front of them, and witnessed the scene of many soldiers being sacrificed because of blind command, so they were extremely angry and criticized Li De, Bogu and others.

Finally, at the invitation of Premier Zhou, Chairman Mao came to power and made a speech, on the one hand, he first criticized the military line of "left adventurism" that had been carried out because of the wrong command, and then explained the Red Army's next plan to the leaders present according to the situation of the Red Army at that time, and Chairman Mao's strategic plan was also approved by everyone.

In the end, the meeting formed a final resolution, abolishing the actual command power of the "three-man regiment", and putting Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and Secretary Zhang Wentian under the command of the Red Army, and Li De and Bogu no longer had military command.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

The victory of the Zunyi Conference needs no words about the direction of history; after the Zunyi Conference, the Soldiers of the Red Army were reborn, and even when they crossed the snowy mountains and meadows, the Soldiers of the Red Army made concerted efforts to overcome difficulties, and the greater significance lies in the fact that it is precisely because most of the leaders of this conference also realized that China's own revolutionary needs to let us go on our own, the instructions of the Communist International are not completely correct, and what road the Chinese revolution takes needs to be taken according to China's actual conditions, and this meeting is also a milestone in the Chinese revolution.

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After the Zunyi Conference, Chairman Mao re-led the Red Army to fight, and the Chinese revolution ushered in a milestone page.

But bogu was in a very bad state at this time, and before that, Bogu was the truest follower of the "Wang Ming Line", and there was a kind of blind obedience to the Comintern, and Li De's arrival also made up for its military deficiencies.

However, the failure of the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression Campaign and the fierceness of the Battle of the Xiangjiang River also made Li De have a certain degree of suspicion about Bogu, and it was precisely because the Red Army caused the interruption of contact with the Comintern due to the Long March, which also made Bogu confused to a certain extent.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

At the Zunyi Conference, Bogu, as the leader of the party, was criticized by many comrades, which made his psychology difficult to accept for a while, and in the next action, Bogu did not speak much, and he was sullen all day, and the amount of food was reduced a lot.

All this made many leaders very worried, can Bogu still lead the Red Army at this time?

The Zunyi Conference established Chairman Mao's military leadership, but at that time the nominal leader of the Party was still Bogu, and although he was no longer the supreme leader of our Party in name, he still had great power, which was very unfavorable to the Party and the Red Army to get out of danger.

At this time, in the midst of war, and the Loss of Contact with the Comintern, many major mistakes had to be solved by China itself, and Bogu's current mental state was obviously difficult to perform.

In order to save the Party and the Red Army, Premier Zhou knew that it was necessary to have a conversation with Bogu, and only by handing over the leadership of the Party to the Chairman could the Chinese Revolution save the Red Army.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

In February 1935, the Red Army came to Tashi, Yunnan, and one night, Premier Zhou found Bogu and had a sincere and in-depth conversation with him.

That night, the premier did not criticize him as he did at the Zunyi conference, but carefully enlightened Bogu like an old friend: "Since the Long March, Li De has indeed made many mistakes, and our Red Army has suffered huge losses, which are all problems of military strategy. But you didn't let everyone speak, but instead shielded Li De, and everyone held a fire in their stomachs, so they developed to criticize you at the meeting. ”

After listening to Premier Zhou's words, Bogu did not speak, and Premier Zhou also realized that Bogu had listened to it and continued:

"We need someone who is familiar with the countryside, and Chairman Mao is such a person. Although I have been doing military work for a long time, I have self-knowledge, although you are talented, but you do not understand the military, it is difficult to lead the army to fight. You and I are not handsome, we can only do specific business, only he can lead us out of the predicament, for the sake of the Chinese revolution, I hope you support me.

Premier Zhou's words made Bogu's eyes shine again, and the next morning, Bogu took the initiative to hand over the party documents and seals to the Central Standing Committee.

Soon after, the Central Committee held another meeting to discuss the specific division of labor of the Party, and Premier Zhou strongly recommended Chairman Mao to take over Bogu's work, but Chairman Mao resigned, but chose Zhang Wentian as the head of the Party.

After the Zunyi meeting, Premier Zhou approached Bogu and talked for a long time: We are not suitable to be commanders-in-chief

In this process, Premier Zhou's role was undoubtedly enormous; during Chairman Mao's most difficult period, it was Premier Zhou's silent support behind his back and coordination of the work of various departments that enabled the spark of the Chinese revolution to be smoothly transferred to Chairman Mao's hands, so for Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou was irreplaceable, and he was Chairman Mao's best "helmsman."

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