
What are the personality characteristics of the Turkish Van Kodis cat and what foods are taboo

author:Pet Life 888

What are the personality traits of the Turkish Van Kodis cat

What are the personality characteristics of the Turkish Van Kodis cat and what foods are taboo

Turkish Van Kodis cat is particularly tenacious, the ability to endure the environment is relatively strong, lively and active, like to swim. Although considered aggressive, the aggressive behavior of cats in this breed has now been greatly reduced through the efforts of breeding experts, as well as for other cat species.

Its personality is relatively independent, its feelings are relatively rich, and it often shows possessiveness towards its owner. It is a very nice life companion for the host, its voice is slightly larger. Growth and development are relatively slow, and it takes 3 to 5 years to reach adulthood. Usually, you can comb your hair once a week, and increase the number of combing times as needed in the early summer hair removal season. It adapts well to apartment life, and the large courtyard with water is even better.

What are the foods that turkey van kos cats are forbidden to eat

What are the personality characteristics of the Turkish Van Kodis cat and what foods are taboo

(1) Vitamin A: The Turkish Van Kodis cat itself contains a lot of vitamin A, and excessive intake of vitamin A will lead to muscle stiffness, joint deformation and liver diseases.

(2) High-fat food: If the diet contains a lot of high fat, it will lead to insufficient intake of vitamin E in cats, which in turn will cause fat inflammation in cats.

(3) Raw fish: Some raw fish contain enzymes that can destroy vitamin B1, and the lack of vitamin B can lead to neurological diseases in cats, which can be fatal when serious, so it is necessary to feed cooked fish to cats.

(4) Meat: Although the diet of cats is mainly meat, only feeding meat foods to cats will lead to uneven intake of minerals and vitamins, causing bone metabolism disorders.

What are the personality characteristics of the Turkish Van Kodis cat and what foods are taboo

(5) Cod liver oil: special caution should be taken when supplementing cats with additional vitamins and minerals, excessive consumption of cod liver oil will lead to excessive intake of vitamin A and vitamin D, which in turn will lead to bone disease.

(6) Dangerous food: "onions". Do not add onions to cat meals, because onions will poison cats one by one and produce hemolysis.

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