
Wang Wei, teacher of Xi'an Jingkai No. 1 Primary School: Tracing the Evolution of Chinese Characters exploring the story of "Bei" - "The Story of "Bei"" Teaching Design Wang Wei

author:Shaanxi education

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Wang Wei</h1>

Wang Wei, teacher of Xi'an Jingkai No. 1 Primary School: Tracing the Evolution of Chinese Characters exploring the story of "Bei" - "The Story of "Bei"" Teaching Design Wang Wei

Wang Wei is a young Chinese teacher and class teacher of Xi'an Jingkai No.1 Primary School, a second-level primary school teacher, and a member of The Shaanxi Provincial Primary School Chinese Li Tao Famous Teacher Studio. Actively participate in studio seminars and studies.

【Text Content Analysis】

  The Story of "Bei" is the third lesson of the literacy unit, which introduces the origin, evolution and development of the word "Bei", with two natural segments.

  The first natural paragraph introduces the origin of the word "bei". The four illustrations in the middle present the evolution process of the word "bei", from left to right: physical shell pictures, oracle bone "shell" characters, small seal "shell" characters, and "shell" characters in italics, helping students intuitively feel the morphological change process of the "shell" character.

  The second natural passage introduces the two functions of shells: one is that people think that shells are very beautiful and precious, and like to wear them as jewelry; the other is that shells are easy to carry and not easy to damage, so the ancients also used shells as coins. It is precisely because the ancients used shells as coins, so the words with shells next to them are mostly related to money.

  This lesson starts with a "bei" character, which leads to a series of Chinese characters that use "bei" as a side, and from the meaning of "bei" to point out the general meaning of a series of Chinese characters with "bei" as a side.

【Academic Analysis】

  Lower grade students like to read stories, listen to stories, tell stories, this text can attract students just by looking at the topic; for the origin, evolution and development of the word "Bei", full of curiosity and interest in exploration; for why the use of "Bei" as a side word is mostly related to money and the story behind the word "Bei", it is even more to understand and ponder.

【Teaching Objectives】

  1. Recognize 16 new words such as "armor and bone", read the polysyllabic word "drift", write 9 words such as "shell and shell", write 9 words such as "animal and shell", and accumulate 12 words such as "zhen and coin".

  2. Read the text aloud, can tell the story of the word "Bei", and understand that most of the words on the side of "Bei" are related to money.

  3. With the help of pictures, you can understand the meaning of the words "mirror, bead" and other words.

【Teaching Focus】

  1. Correct literacy and writing.

  2. Understand that the word "bei" is mostly related to money.

【Teaching Difficulties】

  Tell the story of the Chinese character "bei".

【Teaching hours】

  Two lessons

【Teaching Process】

Lesson 1

First, look at the picture and imagine the situation import

1. Students, have you ever seen the sea? What's in the sea? (Picture presented)

Together, we imagined the gorgeous scenery of the seabed, the gentle swaying of aquatic grass, and the slow swimming of a group of small fish. On the soft sand of the seabed are some shellfish lying on their stomachs, some crawling slowly, and some shells are closed one by one, leisurely and self-reliant.

2. Read the topic together.

3. Board book topic Guide the writing of the word "bei".

【Design Intention】Through picture observation, imagine the leisurely appearance of shells in the sea, stimulate students' interest in shells, and introduce the text "The Story of "Shells"" to learn.

Second, read the text for the first time Learn the words

1. What will the story of "Bay" tell? Check it out in the text!

Self-reading requirements: freely read the text with the help of pinyin, pay attention to reading the correct pronunciation, and read through the sentence. This lesson is in the form of storytelling, and when reading aloud, the speed is slightly slower, and the story is read.

2. Show the words

(1). Teacher reading.

(2). Students are free to read with the help of pinyin. (Hints of inflection of "Oracle")

(3). Remove pinyin recognition.

【Design Intent】This article has a very magical side to the development and deformation of "Bei", guiding students to read out the magical tone when reading aloud.

Third, the method of communication Classification literacy

1. Show the first group: Jane, Ornament, Earn (all are tongue-twisting sounds), And the second group: Sui, Loss, Cai (Flat Tongue)

2. Boys and girls compare the pronunciation of upturned tongue sounds and flat tongue sounds.

3. Group 3: Product, Poor (anterior nasal sound)

Contrast the difference with the pronunciation of the four words "Ping, Ping, Ping, Ping" in the post-nasal sounds.

4. The fourth group: A, bone, class, easy, coin, loss, purchase.

5. Group communication: What good literacy method do you have to memorize these sets of new words?

Students report on literacy methods:

Partial classification: the words next to the shell word are wealth, earning, losing, buying, and poverty.

With the help of pictures: "Oracle" and "Coins".

Familiarity comparison method: crystal, forest, crowd - product.

Add a sum: Day - Armor - Coin.

Synonyms: easy - simple damage - damage, damage, damage

6. Game consolidation

Word hide-and-seek: Which word the little shell hides, reads which word aloud.

7. Learn the polysyllabic word "drift".

8. Classroom exercises: Choose the correct pronunciation of the word that is added.

【Design Intent】 Mobilize the literacy methods students have learned to accumulate literacy, and students will be more likely to recognize and remember these words. Through happy game literacy, stimulate students' enthusiasm for literacy and improve literacy efficiency.

Fourth, discover the law and guide the writing

1. Discover the rules and present nine new words in the field character grid.

Carefully observe the structural characteristics of the new word. What characteristics do you find in these nine-word structures?

2. Teachers write in fan style, focusing on guiding keyword writing.

The "bald treasure cover" in the middle of the word "bone" should be wide, support the upper cover and write above the "horizontal middle line", and the third stroke is horizontal folding, written in one stroke.

The word "shell" is "shi" instead of "earth", the upper horizontal length is lower and the lower horizontal is short, and the bottom "several" skimmer and a horizontal bend hook should be stretched.

The fifth stroke of the word "money" is vertical, and the right part is two short horizontal, one short apostrophe, not three horizontal.

3. Students follow the empty words in the book.

4.Students practice writing and prompt writing postures.

【Design Intention】Focus on explaining a few difficult and easy to write words, so that students can write correctly and beautifully, so as to achieve the purpose of writing.

Fifth, work in a small supermarket

Practice writing new words in this lesson.

Lesson 2

1. Play video Import new lessons

1. Play a video of the evolution of Chinese characters.

2. What did you see from the video just now?

3. Chinese character culture is profound and has a long history, each Chinese character has its own unique meaning, each Chinese character has a magical and interesting story, today we will learn the story of the Chinese character "Bei".

【Design Intention】Through the video to tell the process of the evolution of Chinese characters, students intuitively feel the wisdom of their ancestors and the long history of Chinese characters, stimulate students' interest in learning, let students have a preliminary understanding of the development of Chinese characters, and pave the way for the learning of the following text.

Second, read the text again to clarify the context

Ask students to read the text freely, mark the natural paragraph number while reading, and think about what each natural paragraph says.

(1) Study the first natural paragraph

1. What does the first paragraph cover?

2. The first sentence introduces the role of shells.

Show a picture of a shell and guide the understanding that shells are the best weapon for shellfish to protect their bodies.

Transition: What else do you know from the first natural paragraph?

3. The second sentence introduces the origin of the shell word.

(1). Understand the meaning of shellfish according to the context and shell pictures.

(2). Scallops, flower shells, and oysters are collectively referred to as shellfish.

What about magpies, cuckoos, sparrows? (Birds)

What about blacks, whites, yellows? (Human)

Cognitive learning method: In the face of similar things, they can be identified and learn to classify, which is the wisdom of learning methods: classification methods.

4. Understand the evolution of "Shell".

Wang Wei, teacher of Xi'an Jingkai No. 1 Primary School: Tracing the Evolution of Chinese Characters exploring the story of "Bei" - "The Story of "Bei"" Teaching Design Wang Wei

(1). Trace the earliest form of Chinese characters: oracle bone.

Introduction to Oracle: The Oracle is named after the engraving and writing on tortoiseshell and animal bones. It is an ancient Chinese script, an early form of Chinese characters.

  Compare the actual shell and the oracle bone, what do you find?

Which sentence in the text tells us the answer?

(2). Show a picture of the evolution of "Bei"

Wang Wei, teacher of Xi'an Jingkai No. 1 Primary School: Tracing the Evolution of Chinese Characters exploring the story of "Bei" - "The Story of "Bei"" Teaching Design Wang Wei

With the change of the times, the oracle bone "bei" character has gradually changed, from the "bei" word of the oracle bone to the "bei" character of the small seal, and then to the "bei" character of the calligraphy, how vivid and vivid!

Explain the meaning of the word "bei" in the small seal: the upper side is a "mu" word, and the bottom is a "eight" character, which means that the shell has an oblong circle like an eye, and can be opened and closed, and the following "eight" has a separate meaning. 

5. Read the first natural paragraph together to feel the origin and evolution of the shell word.

(ii) Study the second natural paragraph

Transition: The ancients really had wisdom and used the appearance of shells to create Chinese character shells. And excavated a lot of shells of use?

1. Teachers read the second natural paragraph, and students think: What is the use of shells in ancient times? Annotate it with a horizontal line.

2. Student debriefing.

In ancient times, shells were worn as jewelry and used as coins.

3. Understand the meaning of "beautiful" and "precious".

"Pretty" describes things as brilliant, people or objects look good, in other words" as "beautiful".

"Precious" means that the value is large, the meaning is profound, and the value is precious.   

4. Show ancient shell coin charts.

Teacher's guide: The ancients used shells as coins, just like we now use rmb, using shells to buy their favorite items and daily necessities. And shells can be carried around, not easy to damage, so the ancients used shells as coins.    

5. Be able to use the associated word "because... So..." Talk about the two uses of shells in ancient times? 

6. Learn next to the word "shell".

(1). What does the ancients have to do with the use of shells as coins and the use of "shells" as a side word?

(2). Read the relevant sentence by name.

(3). Can you deduce the meaning of the words "earn, lose, buy, be poor, and goods"?

(4). Group exchange and discussion.

(5). Student reporting.

Earn: get money, make money; lose money: lose money, lose money; buy: buy with money, shop; poor is poor, no money, poor; goods refer to goods.

Teacher's summary: They are all next to the shell word, indicating that it is related to money. Through speculative analysis, we know that the side can represent the meaning of the word.

(6) Expand the word "through" next to the word "bei".

Show the original meaning of the character "Guan" and the explanation in the "Explanation of Words" to deepen the understanding of the expression next to the shell word and the money related to money.

7. The words next to the word "Bei" are mostly related to money, guess what is the relationship between the side of the word added below?

(1). First try to guess the pronunciation of the braille with the help of pictures.

(2). Look at the picture again, think about what is the side of the braille related to? (Same table communication)

Teacher's summary: The mirror in ancient times was made of copper and was related to metal, so the "mirror" was "next to the golden word". "Wang Zi Side" is also known as "Oblique Jade Side", which is related to precious jade.

(3). Expand the words with "next to the golden word" and the word "next to the king word".

8. Read the second natural paragraph together

Feel the magic of Chinese characters and the wisdom of our Chinese from reading aloud. Pay attention to the proper pause between ton signs, which are slightly shorter than the pauses of commas.

【Design Intent】This link is the central link of this lesson, which specifically explains the two characteristics of "Bei", and the words on the side of "Bei" are mostly related to money. By understanding the meaning of "beautiful" and "precious" and understanding the use of ancient shell coins, this session enables students to understand the reasons for the two characteristics of "shell", so as to understand the meaning next to the word shell. Expand knowledge and introduce the explanation of after-class questions to enable students to understand the characteristics of partial expressions.

Third, expand Chinese characters to communicate stories

1. Expand the story of Chinese characters.

2. What other stories do you know about Chinese characters? (Group Exchange)

【Design Intent】Communicating stories about Chinese characters expands the content of this lesson and increases students' knowledge.

Fourth, practice extends and sublimates emotions

  Activities with the theme of "Kanji Stories":

  1. Tell your family the story of the Chinese character "Bei".

 2. It is recommended to read "Chinese Characters with Stories" to learn more interesting Chinese character stories.

【Design intention】Assigning storytelling to the family is to consolidate the learning content and exercise students' language expression ability.

【Teaching Reflection】

After teaching literacy in this section, I have the following insights:

1. Fun literacy and cultivate students' ability to learn independently.

1. Students are the main body of learning and development, the inquirers, the experiencers, and the discoverers. I strive to make the teaching process a process of students' independent discovery and independent inquiry, a process of common communication and cooperative inquiry. Through my guidance and inspiration, let students discover and gain, so that students can truly become the masters of learning.

2. I use intuitive visual courseware to create situations for literacy teaching. First through the students' independent literacy to cultivate their ability to independently explore, in the encouragement of them to cooperate in literacy, exchange literacy methods, the literacy process reflects the gradual progress, first recognize the words with pinyin, and then recognize the words without pinyin, the second half of the step through the "hide and seek" game to make students interesting literacy, strengthen consolidation.

Second, students are also given the status of true "readers" and develop language in a variety of forms of reading.

In teaching, I am faced with a vivid, subjective and dynamic person, we can promote their growth, but can not replace their growth, create opportunities for students to self-management, guide students to learn from their own methods, and cultivate students' ability to self-motivate. In the teaching of this lesson, by stimulating students' interest in reading, guiding students to read and understand themselves, and experiencing a variety of learning activities such as perception, thinking, discovery, communication, etc., so that they can strengthen their understanding and experience in positive thinking activities, and then have some understanding and generation.

Third, improve the practice of giving

There are still some shortcomings in this lesson, for extracurricular development is still not in place, students should use the dictionary to query the word "Bei", and be able to say the story of "Bei" in an orderly manner. The time for the church to write nine new words is a bit rushed, and there should be time to guide students to write as much as possible and optimize the teaching of writing. If I start this lesson again, I will do this: use courseware and illustrations to understand the evolution process of Chinese characters and the laws of character construction, guide students to understand and understand the secrets of Chinese characters, hand over the class to students, and inspire students to actively collect some Chinese character stories and further understand the mysteries of Chinese characters.

Editor: Wang Bo

Shaanxi Education (Comprehensive) is a comprehensive education monthly magazine under the supervision of the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province and sponsored by Shaanxi Education Newspaper and Periodicals. Column settings see the top article, publish without any fee, submission mailbox: [email protected]

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