
Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

author:Xiao Peng talked about the three farmers

Its body is flattened and slightly diamond-shaped, and its black and brown patterns are faintly visible in brown. Because the form is very beautiful when swimming, it is like a butterfly in the water, so it is also called "butterfly fish". Due to the poor disease resistance of multi-treasure fish and the high requirements of breeding technology, common diseases and prevention and control measures are introduced as follows:

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 1 viral disease</h1>

1.1 Viral erythematosis. Iridescent virus is usually an infection due to feeding bait fish. Anemia and dark gray in fish negative thought disease; congestion of muscles and vertebral tissues at the base of the fins, and in severe cases, the whole body presents subcutaneous diffuse bleeding and redness; the blood is thin, the coagulation is poor, the breathing is difficult, and the distribution is scattered. Deaths from initial infections are less common, but deaths increase soon after symptoms become apparent. The water temperature is about 18 degrees Celsius is high. Disease is mainly prevention, avoid feeding frozen or not fresh fish, to prevent the invasion of viruses and other pathogens, once the fish disease is found, it should be separated in time. Disinfect with bleach or potassium pernephthalenate. There is no effective treatment.

1.2 Dermatophyllum spheroid virus. It is mainly transmitted through pond water. Several wart-like protrusions of varying sizes appear on the back of the fish, and the surrounding skin turns white. Initial warty protrusions are small and white, and become larger and ulcerative as the disease progresses. Sick fish are usually of poor physique, reduced food intake, slow growth, and general infection rates are not high, reducing deaths. Breeding plant areas need to be disinfected regularly. Sick fish must be isolated in time. It is also possible to remove the wart-like protrusions with a disinfectant knife, and then apply oxytetracycline ointment to the wound, which is then treated with a formaldehyde medicinal bath to prevent secondary infection of bacteria and parasites.

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

1.3 Amyroviral disease. Elastin virus (HRV), hyperemia and bleeding of the surface and fins of fish, swelling of the abdomen, ascites, muscles, fin spot-like bleeding. The temperature of the water is at 10 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature rises above 16 degrees, and the chance of disease occurrence will be reduced or not. The water temperature rises above 18 degrees, which can gradually heal itself.

1.4 Lymphocyst disease. Lymphocytic cyst virus, small vesicle-like pink swellings appear on the skin, fins and eyeballs of diseased fish, which is a chronic skin tumor. Morbidity is low, but infection rates can reach more than 80% and mortality rates range from 30%. Maintain good water quality and strengthen management. Treatment can be used for feed antibiotic bait, 1 kg of feed with florfenicol 3 to 5 g, continuous feeding for 7 to 10 days.

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > bacterial disease</h1>

2.1 Rotten Fins. Mostly due to the abrasion of the fish body, the wound mouth infection with Vibrio eels. The dorsal and fins, pectoral fins and caudal fins of the sick fish become cloudy white, and after 1 to 2 days until the redness gradually decays. Decay is severe, and the fin tissue can completely rot and defect. Some ulcers may occur in individual diseased fish. The fins of diseased fish appear white and turbid, infected to death only 3 to 4 days, belongs to acute death ◎ body length Below 20 cm juvenile fish are the most common, spread fast, mortality rate of up to 80-90% o prevention and treatment: reduce feeding density, strengthen the ability to absorb pollution, increase the exchange of water, timely ponds, fish disease discovery should be isolated and buried or incinerated as soon as possible. With oxytetracycline 5 g / kg, once a day orally for 3 to 5 days, while 10g / square water body for medicinal baths, once a day, continuous medicinal baths 2 days, the daily medicinal bath time is maintained at about 3 hours.

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

2.2 Scabies disease. A Gram-positive bacterial infection. At the beginning of the disease, local redness and swelling appeared on the back of the fish, and as the disease progressed, a yellow pus was produced in the middle of the lesion, and finally the epidermis appeared yellow-white, round ulcerative wound. Ulcer wounds are mostly concentrated in the thick muscles of the trunk of the fish, which can form a deep nest, and in severe cases, the wound can penetrate the entire fish body, and the wound is filled with pus and a large number of bacteria. Sick fish have reduced vitality and poor feeding. The infection rate of the disease is not high, which can lead to chronic death in diseased fish. Prevention and control strengthen routine management, such as water exchange, sewage suction and sanitary operations, etc., to prevent the appearance of residual bait, maintain good water quality; timely division of ponds, adjustment of breeding density, when the disease is found, timely isolation of diseased fish with obvious wounds. Use three yellow powder to 10 g / kg feed mix bait orally for 4 to 6 days, at the same time, use a five-fold seed with 5 to 10 g / square water concentration medicinal bath for 3 days, once a day, every three times an hour or more.

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

2.3 Bulge of the eye. A bacterial infection of the genus Enterococcus. The single or both eyes of the diseased fish are raised, the edema of the eye tissue is reddish, and the ventral area of the direct lower part of the eye is often reddish. Severe rupture of the eyeball, resulting in blindness and inability to eat, and eventually death. Fish infection rates are higher during the growing season. The disease usually presents with chronic death, but with a longer cycle of onset. Control Avoid eating stale fish, strengthen water quality management and plant hygiene; Timely isolation of infected fish to prevent cross-infection; treatment with oral penicillin, dose l ~ 2 g / Kg feed, twice a day in the morning and evening, 5 to 7 days, until the symptoms disappear.

2.4 Streptococcal disease. A gram-positive fungus, the sick fish is shaky, the body is black, the eyes are cloudy and congested, prominent; the head and upper and lower parts are red. Especially during high temperature periods. Tetracycline drugs are taken orally, but the best preventive measure is to reduce the density of culture, avoid overfeeding, and improve water quality.

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

2.5 Glide away bacterial disease. A species of The genus Aspergillus, a gram-negative bacterium, a curved and long bacillus that can glide. The fins of the diseased fish are eroded, defective, swimming slowly, appetite decreased, and in severe cases, the ventral surface of the head is red, congested, and the skin is ulcerated. The most harmful are 3 to 10 cm juvenile fish, which can lead to a large number of deaths. Prevention and control: master the appropriate control of feeding density, improve the water change rate, feed high-quality feed, breeding process, in order to prevent fish injury, try not to make the skin mucus fall off, if fish disease is found, early detection, early treatment, eliminate sick fish, and other breeding ponds for isolation. During treatment, oxytetracycline can be used 20 to 30g/m3 water, 1 to 2 hours, once a day for 3 to 4 days, if necessary, oral bait.

Common diseases and prevention measures of farmed polybaby fish 1 viral diseases and 2 bacterial diseases

2.6 Bacterial sepsis. Micrococcus mutant, a gram-positive bacterium. The sick fish appeared restless in the pool, often swimming to the surface of the water, and then falling into the water, repeatedly, and soon the bottom of the sinking pool died, the appetite of the sick fish decreased, the subcutaneous bleeding was diffuse, the color was black, the abdomen was swollen; the base of the fins, the mouth, and the carp were filled with blood and bleeding. The mortality rate of diseased fish is 10% to 40%o Prevention: Strict sterilization and disinfection of breeding water and feed materials, and timely isolation of infected fish. During treatment, 5 g of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride can be fed for 5 to 7 days continuously, or a 20 mg/L ciprofloxacin hydrochloride medicated bath.

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