
Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

author:The prince who spits
Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Soy sauce multi-treasure fish

Duobao fish is rarely eaten in my house, and the most eaten is in the restaurant, because this is uncommon seafood and it is difficult to see in the market. This treasure fish I checked the information to know that the origin is Europe, 92 years of China only introduced in Shandong aquaculture, because the treasure fish taste delicious, rich in nutrition, the environmental conditions of breeding are very strict, breeding is not much, so the price is particularly expensive, I am a friend to send, I have not seen in the market, unless it is a seafood wholesale place, it is also rare. The scientific name of multi-treasure fish is turbot, which is a high-quality aquatic product, with rich muscles and white tenderness, high content of colloidal protein, with a good moisturizing skin and beauty effect, and can supplement the kidneys and brain, often eat can nourish fitness, improve human immunity. Duobao fish: it has the effect of warming the stomach and neutralizing and calming the liver and yang, dispelling wind, curing paralysis, amputation of malaria, and benefiting the intestines and eyes

Ingredients: multi-treasure fish, vegetable oil, tempeh, chives, coriander, steamed fish soy sauce, ginger, cooking wine.

Procedure steps:

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 1: Ingredients: Multi-treasure fish, shallots, ginger, steamed fish and soy sauce, tempeh, peanut oil, chopped pepper, coriander

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 2: Remove the internal organs and wash the fish, and cut a few knives on the fish

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 3: Add cooking wine and salt for 10 minutes.

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 4: Wash and shred the green onion and ginger, and wash and chop the parsley

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 5: Place some green onions on the plate, add the fish, and sprinkle some green onions and ginger shreds.

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 6: Put it in a steamer and steam for about 15 minutes on high heat, then pour out the soup and shredded green onion and ginger

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 7: Stir-fry the tempeh in a hot pan with cold oil and tempeh

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 8: Stir-fry the pepper to bring out the aroma,

Soy sauce and treasure fish, rich in nutrition, simple to make, tender taste, let people endlessly evocative

Step 9: Pour over the doppel fish, then pour the steamed fish soy sauce and sprinkle with chopped coriander


Stir-fry tempeh and chopped pepper to make it taste better

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