
Manta rays and multi-treasure fish

author:Zhou Xue zzz

Manta rays

I've seen it in the Aquarium

scientific name:

- Chinese name is fú fèn , which resembles bats that fly at night

- English name manta [ˈmæntə], derived from Spanish, "blanket"


Cartilaginous fishes - Ternosaurus - Anchovyceae - 9 species


- Wide mouth, under the side of the eye, able to see sideways and down

- The head fins are prominent and located on both sides of the head

- The pectoral fins are thick as wings

- The body is like a huge blanket

- The tail is round and thin

Keep getting to know it

- Although called manta rays, it is actually very gentle.

- Feeds on plankton and small fish

- The most distinctive habit: "Flying out of the sky" like a leaping stunt

- Birth: Oviparous, rare among fish, only one child at a time, pampering the only child

Manta rays and multi-treasure fish

Multi-treasure fish

I have seen it in the seafood area of the supermarket

Scientific name: Multi-treasure fish

Alias: European flounder

Teleost fishes - Flounders - Turbot family - Turbot genus - Turbot


- Flattened in a diamond shape with eyes on the left side of the head

- The body is bare and scaleless

- Gentle personality

Manta rays and multi-treasure fish


The two species of fish are somewhat similar in the impression, flattened and both in shape are diamond-shaped

Look closely at the pictures, or a lot worse,

For example, the eye position is different,

Manta rays have pectoral fins like wings

By definition, manta rays are cartilaginous fishes.

Dobao fish are bony fishes

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