
Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

author:Lightning News
Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

Qilu Network Lightning News October 21 news (Shandong Tv comprehensive broadcast Peng Shouxi, Lu Yiting) Seed industry is the source of biological development industry, in the biological chain at the top, the excellence of germplasm is directly related to the quality and quantity of products. In recent years, Shandong has loved species and continuously increased the selection and breeding of good species of Turbot (alias: Duobaoyu) to achieve the continuous leadership of the species industry in the country. Among them, Weihai is the main concentration of high-quality seedlings of Turbot, and the reporter came to Weihai to explore the code of good breeding of Turbot.

Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market
Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

The reporter came to the seedling breeding workshop of Rongcheng Zhongbao Ocean Technology Co., Ltd. and saw dozens of low-temperature breeding ponds arranged in an orderly manner, and tens of thousands of turbot seedlings were densely packed in each pond. Sun Pengbo, manager of the company, told reporters that since the cultivation of turbot in 2004, the technical methods of turbot seedlings have been fully mastered, and now the company can produce about 15 million seedlings at full capacity every year, and often in short supply. "Most of our main sales areas are in Liaoning, especially Huludao, which has the largest sales volume, accounting for about 80% of the company's total sales."

Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

As an important breeding base for Turbot seedlings in China, Weihai has absolute traceability advantages in addition to unique climate and water quality factors. Lei Dong, president of the Turbot Branch of the China Aquatic Products Circulation and Processing Association, introduced that in 1992, Academician Lei Jilin introduced turbot from the United Kingdom to Weihai, and after 7 years, through a series of experiments such as domestication and broodstock breeding, breakthroughs in the key technologies of productive frying, successfully "domesticated" Turbot species, and formed a complete breeding system for breeding fish. The mature breeding process provides a "technical blessing" for the subsequent breeding of Turbot species, and the quality of the breeding fish ultimately depends on whether the germplasm of the fertilized eggs is good enough.

Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

Over the years, due to factors such as rapid industrial development and lack of germplasm resources, the germplasm of Turbot turbot has been seriously degraded and the disease has been increasing. In order to solve this problem, Weihai Shenghang Aquatic Technology Co., Ltd., the largest flounder egg production enterprise in China, started from broodstock and primitive fish species, collected original species from all over the country and carried out good breeding, and cultivated high-quality fish species with faster growth and stronger disease resistance in continuous experiments and explorations, which contributed to the development of the turbot seed industry. Song Zongcheng, manager of Weihai Shenghang Aquatic Products Technology Co., Ltd., said: "I collected all the populations in different regions of China, and then selected them from generation to generation. At the same time, our company is constantly doing hybridization tests of different populations, and 2-3 hybrid combinations are already obviously superior to other populations. ”

At present, in Weihai, Turbot has formed a complete industrial chain from the preservation of the original species to the breeding of fertilized eggs, from the growth of breeding fish to the sale of farmed fish. Lei Dong told reporters that in recent years, although Shandong has ranked second in the country in the breeding of "multi-treasure fish", the foundation is still there, because Shandong has mastered the seed industry code of "multi-treasure fish". At present, there are 100 Turbot seedling enterprises in Shandong, which can cultivate 200 million Turbot seedlings and 2 billion Turbot fertilized eggs per year; Turbot fertilized eggs account for nearly 100% of the country, and the seedlings account for more than 70% of the country. "Seedlings are the core technology, high-quality seedling cultivation is still in Shandong, even other regions may be able to cultivate, but the survival rate of Turbot seedlings and other aspects of quality may still be different from Shandong, and most of the nursery farms of Shandong Turbot are in Weihai, which has formed a complete industrial chain."

Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

It is understood that Shandong Turbot Seed Industry has mastered the seed code of 3/4 of the national market, which is the strongest foundation for our development of turbot industry, and is the "bottom gas" for Shandong's strong development of Turbot industry!

Shandong "Duobaoyu": Master the seed code of 3/4 of the national market

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