
Can you eat polycamore during menstruation The nutritional value of polycamore

author:99 Health Net
Can you eat polycamore during menstruation The nutritional value of polycamore

Can you eat more treasure fish during menstruation?

Women can eat multi-treasure fish during menstruation, because multi-treasure fish has high collagen content, delicious taste, rich nutrition, has a good moisturizing skin and beauty effect, and can supplement the kidneys and brain, help yang and refresh the mind; regular consumption, can nourish fitness, improve people's disease resistance.

However, although women can eat polycamore during menstruation, they should also pay attention to how to eat it. First, it is best to choose steamed multi-treasure fish to eat, and add ginger, green onion, etc. when steaming, which can neutralize the cold of multi-treasure fish. Second, do not choose fried poly-treasure fish to eat, such a stimulating food is not suitable for menstrual consumption, will affect menstruation; third, do not use a lot of multi-treasure fish, things must be reversed, I believe everyone understands, eating too much will cause a certain burden on the liver, thereby affecting health.

The nutritional value of multi-treasure fish

The scientific name of the dolphin is Turbot, native to the Atlantic Waters of Europe, and is a species of flounder. Because of its beautiful posture when swimming, it is like a butterfly in the water, so it is also called "butterfly fish". Its natural range extends from Iceland in the north to the Coastal Europe near Morocco in the south, and is relatively produced in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, Iceland and the waters around Scandinavia.

Duobao fish has a unique taste, good flavor, more edible parts of the whole body than turbot, the fin edge is rich in gum, the taste is smooth and moist, there is a skirt similar to that of turtle and the flavor of sea cucumber, the nutritional value is very high, it is an ideal health and beauty food, and it is as valuable as salmon trout in the European market. Multi-treasure fish is rich in nutrients, rich in Ω-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. Ω-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that humans cannot synthesize on their own, which can increase the content of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the human body that helps to decompose fat, help reduce blood lipids, relieve the pressure on aortics and other blood vessels, and effectively reduce heart incidence.

Efficacy and function of multi-treasure fish

Duobao fish, which is rich in nutritional value, has a long history on the Chinese table, especially in dishes such as Cantonese cuisine. What is the efficacy and function of so many treasure fish? Let's see what the experts say!

Chinese medicine believes that duobao fish cool taste sweet, can be used to remove fat and reduce blood pressure, treat headaches and dizziness, blindness and stomach; there are warm stomach and medium, calm down liver and yang, dispel wind, cure paralysis, truncated malaria, beneficial to the intestines and eyesight effect; the main treatment of fatigue, wind deficiency headache, liver yang hyperactivity, hypertension, headache, long malaria.

1. Lipid removal and blood pressure reduction: it can soften and protect blood vessels, and has the effect of reducing blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body.

2. Blindness: improve the disease resistance of the eyes and prevent night blindness.

3. And stomach: neutralize stomach acid and relieve stomach pain.

In addition, polyparaben can also be used as an adjunct in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Because multi-treasure fish has its unique nutritional effects, it is suitable for healthy physique and peaceful physique, qi deficiency physique to eat, while long-term sick people with weak body and phlegm wet physique, special physique is not suitable for eating multi-treasure fish. People with allergies are even more forbidden to eat multi-treasure fish.

If you like to eat more treasure fish, pay attention! Before eating, you must first know if you are suitable for eating!

The practice of multi-treasure fish

As a multi-treasure fish with high nutritional value, in order to preserve the deliciousness of the meat and its nutritional value, the best thing to do is of course to steam! Let's learn how to make delicious steamed multi-treasure fish!

1. Ingredients: multi-treasure fish.

2. Wash and remove the internal organs of the multi-treasure fish and cut a word knife.

3: Marinate with green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt and pepper for 10 minutes.

4: Steam in a steamer for 8 minutes.

5: Cut the green onion, ginger and chili pepper into strips.

6: Place shredded shallots, ginger and chili pepper on the steamed fish.

7: Put oil in a pan. Heat the oil over the shredded shallots, ginger and chili peppers.

8: Bring the steamed fish soy sauce to a boil and pour over the fish.

In this way, a delicious and nutritious and healthy steamed multi-treasure fish is ready!


1, do not steam for too long, steaming old affects the taste.

2, the reverse front of the treasure fish should be pickled.

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