
Millet porridge does this to race ginseng, nourish the stomach and help sleep and calm the nerves, more than anything else!

author:Xiao Xu's life notes

Hello family, I'm Xiao Xu, today let's talk about home-cooked millet porridge. Do you know, this millet porridge, done well, is even better than ginseng! It not only nourishes the stomach, but also helps sleep and calms the nerves. This is not my nonsense, it is recorded in the classics of Chinese medicine!

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica" and other ancient Chinese medicine books, millet is praised as the "valley of the spleen", which means that millet is a good thing to nourish the spleen and stomach. Modern medical research has also found that millet is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B group and minerals, which have a good health care effect on the spleen and stomach. In particular, the layer of "rice oil" on the millet porridge is the essence of nutrition, and it is known as "substitute ginseng soup".

Millet porridge does this to race ginseng, nourish the stomach and help sleep and calm the nerves, more than anything else!

Having said so much about the benefits of millet porridge, let's share with you my family's ancestral millet porridge practice. This practice not only allows the nutrients of millet porridge to be better released, but also makes the taste of porridge more delicate and makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Ingredient selection

First of all, the choice of rice is very important. When buying millet, choose fresh millet with full grains and golden color. Aged millet has a poor taste and a significant reduction in nutrients. Also, if you can, try to choose organic millet, which has no pesticide residues and is healthier to eat.


Preparation: Take an appropriate amount of millet and wash it with water. Be careful not to over-scrub to avoid loss of nutrients.

Soaking: Soak the washed millet in clean water for about 30 minutes. In this way, the millet can fully absorb water, and the porridge cooked will be softer and glutinous.

Cooking porridge: Pour the soaked millet into the pot together with the soaked water, and then add an appropriate amount of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and bring to a slow boil. Here's a tip, that is, in the process of cooking porridge, stir it from time to time to prevent millet from sticking to the pan.

Ingredients: According to personal taste, you can add red dates, wolfberries, longan and other ingredients to millet porridge to increase nutrition and taste. If you want to make the millet porridge sweeter, you can also add a little rock sugar when the porridge is almost cooked.

Remove from the pot: When the millet porridge is cooked until it is sticky and the rice oil floats on the surface, you can turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

Millet porridge does this to race ginseng, nourish the stomach and help sleep and calm the nerves, more than anything else!


It is best to choose a casserole or crockpot for cooking porridge, so that the porridge will be more fragrant.

When cooking porridge, do not use high heat to cook all the time, this will destroy the nutrients in the millet, turn to low heat and cook slowly is the best choice.

Millet porridge should not be eaten with almonds, as the two are mutually restrictive and may cause physical discomfort.

Nutrition of millet porridge

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that millet is sweet, salty, cool in nature, enters the spleen, stomach and kidney meridians, and has the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing deficiency, and benefiting the kidneys, removing heat and detoxifying. Modern medical research has also found that millet contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids, fats and carbohydrates, and its nutritional value is high. In particular, the layer of "rice oil" on millet porridge can protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the irritation of gastric acid to the gastric mucosa, which is very suitable for patients with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and other stomach diseases.

Millet porridge does this to race ginseng, nourish the stomach and help sleep and calm the nerves, more than anything else!

Millet porridge has a high content of tryptophan, which can be converted into serotonin in the human body, which has a calming and hypnotic effect. So, drinking a bowl of millet porridge at night will not only help digestion but also help sleep.

The practice and nutrition of millet porridge are introduced here, you can try my ancestral millet porridge recipe when you go back, I believe you will like this simple and nutritious food! If you find it useful, don't forget to like it!

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