
Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Chen Liqun, Rothstein. Current status and prospect of acute treatment of ischemic stroke. Chinese Journal of Neurology, 2019.

2. Hu Hongxing, Zhang Yuanyuan. Research progress in rehabilitation after cerebral infarction. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2020.

3. Ma Xiaojun, Li Tao, Wang Chengcheng. Mechanisms and interventions of cognitive impairment in ischemic stroke. Journal of Neurology, 2021.

The 51-year-old was born into a musical family and has shown a unique talent for music since he was a child. His father was a famous conductor and his mother was a pianist. Growing up in such an environment, Lao Ren has been passionate about music since he was a child, and when he grew up, he became a violinist.

In his music career, he has won almost every conceivable awards and honors, his concerts are always full, and his love for music has infected countless people. His life seemed to be smooth sailing, until that night came, and he knew that it seemed that life was too peaceful and not a good thing.

That night, Lao Ren stood on the stage as usual, ready to bring the audience another audio-visual feast. However, at the end of the first movement, when people were still immersed in the beautiful melody and could not extricate themselves, Lao Ren suddenly felt dizzy, and the sound of the violin began to become harsh. It was something he had never felt before, just as all the notes began to twist, he felt the whole world spin and then everything went dark.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

The stage suddenly fell silent. Before the audience could recover from the beautiful melody, they saw a shocking scene - Lao Ren suddenly fell to the ground, and the violin fell to the stage with him, making a terrible sound.

Immediately afterwards, the medical staff rushed to the stage and rushed Lao Ren to the hospital. People have speculated about what happened to this violinist, who is regarded as a musical prodigy?

At first, Lao Ren thought that it was just due to excessive fatigue, after all, for this performance, he had been working overtime for several weeks to rehearse, with almost no rest. However, the hospital's diagnosis came as a surprise – a cerebral infarction. This result made Lao Ren hard to believe. As a person who insists on exercising all year round, how could he have such a disease?

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

Cerebral infarction, also known as ischemic stroke, is caused by a blockage of blood vessels in the brain, resulting in insufficient blood supply to specific brain areas, resulting in damage or death of brain cells. The harm caused by this condition to the body is multifaceted and far-reaching.

First, cerebral infarction can lead to neurological dysfunction. Due to the rapid damage of brain cells in the ischemic environment, the corresponding parts of the body corresponding to these damaged brain regions may become dysfunctional, including limb weakness, slurred speech, and facial skewness. The disorder may be temporary, but if left untreated, the damage can become permanent.

Second, cerebral infarction may lead to impaired cognitive function. Affected individuals may experience short- or long-term memory decline to the point where their ability to learn and understand new information is impaired. In some cases, patients may also experience impaired judgment and decision-making.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

In addition, the impact of cerebral infarction on mood and behavior cannot be ignored. Patients may experience depression, anxiety, and mood swings, which not only affect their ability to socialize, but may also worsen their physical recovery process. In some cases, cerebral infarction may also cause personality changes.

In the long run, cerebral infarction can lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life of the patient. Weakened physical function, cognitive decline, and emotional problems can reduce the patient's ability to live independently, making them dependent on care services for a long time, which in turn affects the financial and psychological status of the patient and his family.

After in-depth examination and inquiry, Lao Ren's first thought was his eating habits. He does have a great appetite for fatty meat, which is his only eating hobby, and he has always thought that it has nothing to do with his health problems. But after some discussion with the doctor, what people didn't expect was that this habit was ruled out as a direct link with cerebral infarction.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

So, what is the real cause of the disease?

After a series of complicated examinations, the doctor found that Lao Ren had been in a state of high-intensity stress and excessive fatigue for a long time, but these alone did not directly trigger cerebral infarction, and in order to find out the real cause, the investigation continued.

At this time, Lao Ren was already in a state of death, and the healthy habits he had been maintaining seemed to be a joke in the face of illness, and just when he fell into deep self-doubt, the doctor brought the truth of the matter, not about fat, but about these three favorite condiments.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

Condiments such as MSG, oyster sauce and table salt are indispensable in the kitchen to enhance the flavor of food and make people's eating habits more diverse and rich. However, when their intake is too high, it can have adverse health effects on the human body, especially increasing the risk of cerebral infarction.

1. High sodium content: Edible salt is the main source of sodium, while MSG and oyster sauce also contain higher sodium, although they mainly enhance the taste. Excessive sodium intake is closely related to hypertension, which is one of the important factors causing cerebral infarction. When blood pressure continues to rise, it will increase the pressure on the blood vessel wall, which will damage the blood vessels, increase the possibility of blood vessel blockage, and lead to cerebral infarction.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

2. Promote edema: One of the functions of sodium in the body is to regulate water balance. Consuming too much sodium can lead to water retention in the body, which can lead to increased pressure in the blood vessels, promoting an increase in blood pressure. In this state, tiny blood vessels may be more fragile and prone to damage or blockage, which in turn increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

3. Affect blood lipid levels: Excessive intake of condiments containing high sodium, especially in the context of a high-fat diet, may adversely affect blood lipid levels. Abnormal blood lipid levels are one of the important factors in atherosclerosis, which is a precondition for cerebral infarction. Fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels may resist blood flow and may eventually lead to complete blockage of blood vessels, triggering cerebral infarction.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

4. Promotes inflammation: A long-term high-salt diet may promote an increase in levels of inflammatory factors in the body, which underlie many diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Inflammation can damage the endothelium of blood vessels, making them more susceptible to injury and contributing to plaque formation, which in turn increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

5. Increases the burden on the kidneys: The kidneys are the key organs that regulate the sodium balance in the body. Long-term high-salt diet can increase the burden on the kidneys and may lead to impaired kidney function. Poor kidney function can affect the excretion of water and sodium in the body, leading to an increase in blood pressure, which increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

6. Affect vascular function: Excessive sodium intake may directly affect the function of blood vessels, including weakening vasodilation capacity and increasing vascular rigidity. These changes are not conducive to the normal flow of blood and can easily lead to blockage of blood vessels, which can lead to cerebral infarction.

Review: Why is there a gradual increase in "cerebral infarction"? It has nothing to do with fatty meat, and the 3 seasonings should be put sparingly

Overall, while MSG, oyster sauce, and table salt play an important role in cooking as condiments, excessive intake of these condiments that contain high sodium ingredients can increase the risk of cerebral infarction. This is mainly because they can lead to problems such as high blood pressure, promoting inflammation, and abnormal blood lipid levels, which are all major risk factors for cerebral infarction. Therefore, it is recommended to use these condiments in moderation in the daily diet, while paying attention to the overall dietary balance, to maintain vascular health and reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

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