
Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Jiang Chunhua, & Wang Mei. (2020). The Effect of Stress on Sleep Quality and Its Mechanism. Advances in Psychological Science and Technology, 8(2), 305-312.

2. Li Fang, & Zhang Yan. (2019). The relationship between stressors and insomnia in college students: the mediating role of anxiety. Chinese Journal of Health Psychology, 27(8), 1205-1209.

3. Lina Guo, & Jianjun Sun. (2018). The Effect of Stress Perception on Sleep Disorders and Psychological Interventions. Modern Preventive Medicine, 45(10), 1823-1826,1830.

It was another sleepless day, at four o'clock in the morning, Zhang Dong, who was still tossing and turning in bed, was already desperate. Although he had to get up at eight o'clock the next day to catch the subway at half past eight, he did not feel the slightest sleepiness.

Sure enough, the next day in the company, he still had a huge dark circle under his eyes, and it was like this for a month. Colleagues basically talked to him without a match, and many colleagues also joked that he was over-consuming his body.

Zhang Dong didn't even have the strength to refute these claims. From the moment he realized that he had insomnia, he was trying various ways to regulate it, including melatonin, sleeping pills, etc., all of which had no effect, or the side effects were too great to last. And for all this that happened, he also knew that it was inseparable from his own pressure.

Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

Stress can lead to insomnia, which is a very common phenomenon. Biologically, when the human body is stressed, it secretes a hormone called cortisol, which is a way for the body to fight stress, but when cortisol levels remain high for a long time, it can affect a person's sleep patterns.

Cortisol increases the heart rate, increases blood circulation, and keeps the body in a state of alertness, which naturally affects sleep. Insomnia becomes the norm when it is difficult to fall asleep at night or to wake up easily and fall asleep again when you are in this state for a long time.

In addition, the psychological perspective also provides us with explanations. Stress and anxiety can lead to an overactive brain, especially at night, when people tend to think about the things that stress them out, and this excessive thinking can prevent the brain from entering a relaxed state, which in turn affects the ability to fall into deep sleep.

Deep sleep is essential for physical and mental health, it helps the body recover and regenerate. Without deep sleep, people feel tired and weak during the day and have poor spirits, which in turn increases stress and creates a vicious cycle.

He didn't know what else he could do to help him. That night, Zhang Dong was walking on his way home from work, and he didn't know if it was a coincidence, when he suddenly looked up and saw an advertisement on a telephone pole: Don't sleep well at night? I came to find Wang Lao.

Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

These words were concise and to the point, but they directly hit his heart. Immediately after this passage are some ancestral secret recipes, traditional Chinese medicine conditioning and other propaganda techniques, and at the bottom is the address and telephone number of this old man.

At that time, Zhang Dong didn't know what was going on, and always thought that a dead horse would be a live horse doctor, so he went there on his own one weekend. The location of this Chinese medicine hall is a bit remote, and it took a long drive around to get to the place.

Different from the antique decoration we usually see, the environment here looks very simple, without too much decoration, just an ordinary residence flaunting the signboard of the Chinese medicine hall. At this time, Zhang Dong had already begun to have the idea of retreating.

However, at this time, a person came out of it, and when he saw Zhang Dong, he greeted him very warmly, and said: "Young man, you are also here to treat insomnia, let me tell you, this is right, I couldn't get better for insomnia before, I took a course of medicine here, and I was refreshed, so I didn't want to consolidate it." ”

said that he was afraid that Zhang Dong would not believe it, so he deliberately took out his previous photos for comparison. This made Zhang Dong want to go home, and walked in instead, thinking that he was really smart and would never lose sleep in the future.

Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

Wang's beard is gray, and the process of consultation is not meticulous, but Zhang Dong attributes all this to the fact that the experience of old Chinese medicine does not need those superficial things. Then Zhang Dong took back a bag of valuable medicines, not to mention that after trying it for a while, the problem of insomnia was much better.

In order to reduce the cost of medical expenses, Zhang Dong took the main medicinal materials in the medicine list and bought them by himself. After taking it for more than a month, an accident happened.

That day, Zhang Dong came home from a business trip, and he was tired and sleepy, so he was ready to take a shower and go to bed. But unexpectedly, he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness, and then fell to the ground. When I woke up, I realized that I had arrived at the hospital.

And after some examination, the problem turned out to be the Chinese medicine he was taking, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: "You have all these five kinds of Chinese medicine that cannot be taken for a long time, how can you be healthy?" ”

Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

1. Licorice: Licorice glycyrrhiza has the effect of harmonizing various medicines, and is often used in a variety of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. However, long-term consumption of licorice in large quantities may lead to sodium and water retention, causing problems such as increased blood pressure and edema. In severe cases, licorice syndrome, manifested by hypokalemia and hypertension, may also cause licorice syndrome, so special attention should be paid to patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Rhubarb: Rhubarb has the effect of clearing heat and purging fire, laxative, and is often used to treat constipation and other symptoms. However, long-term consumption of rhubarb can damage the intestines, leading to weakened intestinal function, and even forming dependence, making people unable to defecate naturally. In addition, the laxative effect of rhubarb can lead to a serious imbalance of water and electrolytes in the body, affecting the health of the body.

3. Chuanxiong: Chuanxiong has a pungent taste, fragrant atmosphere, and has the effect of invigorating qi and blood, dissipating cold and relieving pain. However, it is more intense, and long-term or excessive use may lead to increased bleeding tendency, especially in patients with blood disorders or those taking anticoagulant drugs. Chuanxiong may also cause symptoms such as throat discomfort and nausea.

Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

4. Aconite: Aconite is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine that has the effect of warming yang, dissipating cold and relieving pain, and is often used to treat wind-cold, cold, joint pain and other symptoms. However, aconite is extremely warm, and long-term use may lead to fiery symptoms such as dry mouth, dry tongue, constipation, and even damage the liver and kidneys in severe cases. For people with physical deficiency and heat, yin deficiency and fire, it is especially necessary to use it with caution.

5. Ephedra: Ephedra is mainly used to treat respiratory diseases such as colds, coughs, and asthma, because it contains ephedrine, which can stimulate the heart and central nervous system, and has a strong refreshing effect. However, long-term use of ephedra can lead to side effects such as rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, etc., especially for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Review: These 5 kinds of "traditional Chinese medicine" are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and people who often drink traditional Chinese medicine should take a look in advance

Long-term use of Chinese medicine should be followed by the doctor's advice, especially the five Chinese medicines mentioned above, and special attention should be paid to it. The use of traditional Chinese medicine should be adjusted according to the changes in the individual's constitution, condition and the guidance of the physician, and should not be used continuously for a long time without permission. The use of any medication should be based on the principle of "in moderation" and "appropriateness", bearing in mind that medication is intended to aid in recovery, not to create new health problems. Also, maintain a healthy lifestyle and a good diet