
International Museum Day is coming Come and share the feast of cultural museums Many museums in the city have launched wonderful activities Pay attention to the International Museum Day on May 18

author:Civilization Zhengzhou
International Museum Day is coming Come and share the feast of cultural museums Many museums in the city have launched wonderful activities Pay attention to the International Museum Day on May 18

Han Dynasty ironware on display at the Guxing Han Dynasty Iron Smelting Site Museum

International Museum Day is coming Come and share the feast of cultural museums Many museums in the city have launched wonderful activities Pay attention to the International Museum Day on May 18

A shower from the Ming Dynasty on display at the South-to-North Water Diversion Museum in Henan

International Museum Day is coming Come and share the feast of cultural museums Many museums in the city have launched wonderful activities Pay attention to the International Museum Day on May 18

Tang Dynasty porcelain on display at Zhengzhou Dingzang Coin Museum (piggy bank)

Haven't figured out where to go this weekend? This Saturday coincides with the "International Museum Day", and many museums in Zhengzhou have launched exciting activities, looking forward to your participation.

Museums "open their doors"

It is understood that in May ~ July, the "Jin Kingdom Heroic Wind - Shanxi Fortnight Fine Cultural Relics Exhibition" was carried out in the temporary exhibition hall and youth activity room on the first floor of Zhengzhou Museum. The exhibition is a concentrated appearance of a number of major archaeological discoveries in Shanxi. A series of major archaeological discoveries, such as the cemetery of the Marquis of Jin in Quwo, the Hengshui cemetery in Jiangxian County, the ruins of the Jin Kingdom in Houma, and the cemetery of Zhaoqing in Taiyuan, clearly present the history and culture of the Jin Kingdom to the world, leading the audience through the long river of history and revisiting the magnificent chapter of the Jin Kingdom, a great power of the princes, dominating one side and galloping the frontier.

In addition, the Zhengzhou Museum Charging Station Program, a vibrant museum, was launched on May 18. The museum will invite children to become little botanists and botanists, discover the connotations of different animal and plant images in traditional culture, write their own research reports, and use their creativity to design floral patterns for cultural relics.

At 14:30~16:30 on May 18th, the Zhengzhou Shang Dynasty Capital Ruins Museum will hold a public welfare research activity of "Research and Knowledge, Learning and Broadness", "eating" in all directions, from mountain delicacies to grains and six animals, exploring the Shangdu on the tip of the tongue. On the day of the festival, the museum will also launch activities such as "Cultural and Creative on the Tip of the Tongue - 'Shang Xiaoxian'" tea tasting and Shangdu story meeting.

In the north of Zhengzhou, the Dahe Village Archaeological Site Park will organize primary and secondary school students to hold an orienteering competition for Yangshao Tour in the site park. In addition, the Dahe Village Ruins Museum will also carry out the activity of "Cultural Transmission - Curator's Lecture", so that more professional archaeological knowledge and cultural relics and history can be learned and understood by students.

Wenbo plus social education

Take a history lesson

"Under the Erqi Tower, you might as well bring spring home." According to the reporter's understanding, Zhengzhou Erqi Memorial Hall will launch the plant rubbing and dyeing spring "bag" home activity on May 18, which not only explains the meaning and types of plant rubbing, but also improves the handmade ability of students to practice.

On May 17th, the Zhengzhou Museum Guxing Han Dynasty Iron Smelting Site Branch will hold an activity of "Tasting the Millennial Han Culture and Entering the Campus with Research Classes". Among them, the course "Living in the Han Dynasty and Busy Smelting Iron in the Factory" will enter Zhengzhou No. 20 Middle School to bring a special research course on Han culture to teachers and students.

Also on May 17, the social education activity of "Tai Sui Ding - Revealing the Mystery of Time" of the "Cultural and Museum Small Classroom" of the Henan South-to-North Water Diversion Museum will enter the campus. At that time, the social education specialist will demonstrate the timing principle of the sundial, lead the students to practice, feel the wisdom of the ancients, and reveal the mystery of time.

In addition, some museums in the county will launch a variety of social and educational activities. Xinzheng Museum continues to carry out the educational activity of "Rare Characters in the Museum" and gives full play to the advantages of the second classroom; On May 18th, Gongyi City Museum will hold the activity of "Bobo Invited-Walk into the Museum to 'Listen to History'", combining the opportunity of primary and secondary school students to visit and learn, and cultivate more excellent "little docents".

Treasure niche museum "hidden in the city"

On the International Museum Day, the Zhengzhou Elephant Ceramics Museum will invite students from Huanghe Road No. 2 Primary School to display the stories behind the cultural relics in the collection of the Zhengzhou Elephant Ceramics Museum through shadow puppetry, dance and other forms, and hold the "Elephant Accompanies You to Grow Early-'2024 International Museum Day' Commemorative Postmark Launch Ceremony".

Zhengzhou Saith Dental Museum will hold a series of activities such as "Tooth Fossil Fun Puzzle" on May 16th and 17th. As a museum closely related to teeth, pediatric dentists and museum docents will give lectures on oral science, lead children to visit the museum, and learn about teeth.

In addition to the regular explanations and lectures, the Museum of Henan University of Economics and Law will hold the "Cultural Relics Drama Field" activity from May 17 to 18, where visitors can immerse themselves in the past and present life of cultural relics.

Zhengzhou Tianxiang Museum held a series of activities on May 18, organizing young people to visit and learn the mortise and tenon structure of ancient buildings and ancient furniture, and let everyone experience the wisdom of Luban locks.

Zhengzhou Jianzhang Weiqi Museum will enter the campuses of Henan University and Henan Agricultural University for two consecutive days on May 17 and May 18 to promote museum culture and Go culture.

Source: Zhengzhou Daily

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