
In the summer, the body entangled in "moisture" relies on these 4 ingredients to expel moisture and dispel edema

author:Little friends food

After the summer, the temperature rises and the rain increases, and the human body is susceptible to the effects of moisture, which manifests as symptoms such as heaviness, fatigue, and loss of appetite. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that excessive dampness can interfere with the normal metabolism of the body.

Therefore, it is particularly important to expel moisture and remove edema through dietary conditioning. Here are 4 delicious recipes to help get rid of moisture, help regulate your internal environment, and keep you refreshed for the summer.

1. Spinach egg stew

In the summer, the body entangled in "moisture" relies on these 4 ingredients to expel moisture and dispel edema

Ingredients: 200 grams of spinach, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of water, a little cooking oil.

Detailed instructions:

1. Wash the spinach, remove the roots and cut into sections; Beat the eggs and set aside. Add water to a boil in a pot, add the spinach and blanch it quickly, then remove it, and keep it green in the supercooled water.

2. Heat the wok, add a little cooking oil, pour in the beaten egg mixture, and when the egg liquid solidifies, cut it into small pieces, and set aside.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the spinach and stir-fry quickly, add an appropriate amount of water and salt, wait for the water to boil again, add the scrambled eggs, and gently mix well to get out of the pot.

2. Stir-fried bitter gourd with tempeh

In the summer, the body entangled in "moisture" relies on these 4 ingredients to expel moisture and dispel edema

Ingredients: 1 bitter gourd, 1 tablespoon of tempeh, chili, minced garlic, salt, cooking oil.

Detailed instructions:

1. Slice the bitter gourd, marinate with salt for 10 minutes, and squeeze out the excess water. Heat the pan with cold oil and stir-fry the minced garlic and tempeh until fragrant.

2. Add bitter gourd slices and chili peppers, and stir-fry quickly until the bitter gourd is soft. Add salt to taste and chicken essence to taste. Continue to stir-fry evenly and remove from the pan. The fresh aroma of tempeh neutralizes the bitterness of bitter gourd and stimulates appetite.

3. Mung bean lily porridge

In the summer, the body entangled in "moisture" relies on these 4 ingredients to expel moisture and dispel edema

Ingredients: 50 grams of mung beans, 30 grams of lily, 100 grams of rice, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of water.

Detailed instructions:

1. Soak the mung beans for 2 hours in advance, wash the lilies and soak them softly, and wash the rice for later use.

2. Add all ingredients to the pot, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer.

3. Cook until the mung beans bloom, the rice grains are soft and rotten, and the lilies are transparent, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste, and continue to cook until the rock sugar dissolves.

4. Chilled daylily

In the summer, the body entangled in "moisture" relies on these 4 ingredients to expel moisture and dispel edema

Ingredients: 50 grams of dried daylily, 1 cucumber, appropriate amount of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce, a little sesame oil, an appropriate amount of salt, a little sugar.

Detailed instructions:

1. Soak the dried daylily in advance, wash and blanch, remove the supercooled water, and drain the water; Wash the cucumbers and cut into shreds.

2. Put the daylily and cucumber shreds in a large bowl, add minced garlic, balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and sugar, and mix well.

3. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the ingredients to fully absorb the flavor, and mix well again before serving.

These four dishes have different tastes, and they are all good for removing moisture and relieving edema in summer. A reasonable diet can help detoxify the body and improve the quality of life in summer, so that you can radiate health and vitality from the inside out.

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