
Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"

author:National Business Daily

Edited by Sun Zhicheng

According to overseas networks quoted by the BBC, Indian television and other reports on the 29th, the famous Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness in a hospital in Mumbai on the 29th, at the age of 53.

Many people's first reaction will be to ask him who he is? I believe that audiences who have watched "Millionaire in the Slum", "The Fantasy Drift of Pi", "Starting Line", "Jurassic World" and other films will definitely have an impression of his angular face.

Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"

According to the Global Times, his family said in a statement issued that Mr Irfan Khan was "surrounded by his most caring family, his beloved" in the last hours of his life.

Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"

Indian actor Irfan Khan (Image: Twitter)

A Bollywood superstar and one of the most respected actors in the history of Indian cinema, Irfan Khan, who fought a two-year-long battle with a neuroendocrine tumor, returned to Mumbai a few months ago after a period of treatment in London. Due to the deterioration of his condition, his spokesman confirmed on the 28th that he had been sent to the intensive care unit.

Three days before his death, Ilfan Khan died of illness at the age of 95, just after his mother died in Jaipur. Because of the treatment in Mumbai and the lockdown in India, Irfan did not see his mother for the last time...

Erfan Khan was reportedly diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer in 2018, was treated in the UK for a year and returned to India in February 2019, shortly after which he began filming the film Starting Line 2. In February, Irfan Khan publicly apologized to fans, saying he would not be able to promote the film for health reasons.

Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"

According to public information, Irfan Khan was born on January 7, 1967 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and graduated from the National Academy of Drama of India. In 1994, he became famous for his participation in the comedy series Banegi Apni Baat. In 2012, its starring Ang Lee's "The Fantasy Drift of Young Pi" was released worldwide and attracted much attention at the 43rd Indian International Film Festival, not only as the opening film of the festival, but also enjoyed the treatment of being screened twice; in the same year, he played the villain in "The Amazing Spider-Man". In 2015, he played the big boss of the resurrected dinosaur in the movie "Jurassic World" directed by Colin Trevoro. In April 2018, the movie "Starting Line" starring him was released in China.

Domestic netizens have expressed regret for the death of Irfan Khan.

Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"
Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"

In Bollywood, there have always been "three khans" and "four khans". Among them, the "three great khans" refer to Amir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Salman Khan, while the "Four Great Khans" add Irfan Khan to the three Khans. In India, "khan" and "khan" are actually the same word, both Khan. The reason why Irfan Khan is not directly juxtaposed with the other three Khans is because his achievements are mainly overseas, and the main achievements of the three Khans are in Bollywood.

In 1988, Irfan Khan officially debuted with the film "Good Morning Mumbai", this debut film won the 41st Cannes International Film Festival Golden Camera Award, the 61st Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film nomination, although he only had two minutes to appear on camera, but the role was three points, thus taking a solid step.

In 2003, he participated in the protagonist of the film "Macbeth" adapted from Shakespeare's "Macbeth". With this film, he swept the major acting awards in India.

Even back in Bollywood, he starred in "The Starting Line", which not only conquered the Indian audience, but also became popular with Chinese audiences after being introduced to China, and successfully triggered a big discussion about education in China.

Indian actor Irfan Khan died of illness and starred in "Teen Pi" and "Starting Line"

Image source: Stills from "The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi"

A statement from Ilfan Khan's spokesman read: "Irfan has a strong soul, he fights until the end, and always inspires those around him. In 2018, the news that he had a rare cancer was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and he fought with this cancer many times. In the company of his loved ones and family, whom he cared most about, he left this world for heaven, leaving behind him a true legacy. All of us pray and hope that He will rest in peace under the Nine Springs. ”

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