
Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

author:Beijing News
Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

Poster of "Send You a Little Red Flower".

Directed by Han Yan, starring Yi Qianxi and Liu Haocun, and starring Zhu Yuanyuan and Gao Yalin, the movie "Send You a Little Red Flower" has been released on December 31, 2020, which tells the story of Wei Yihang and Ma Xiaoyuan, two cancer patients, who began to actively face life and grow up together in the process of fighting against the disease. As of press time, it has been released for 5 days and has reached 770 million yuan at the box office.

5 years ago, Han Yan directed "Get Out!" which also featured cancer patients as the protagonist. Tumor Jun", which tells how the protagonist Xiong Dun went to fight cancer and fought against the disease, and earned 500 million at the box office. Get Out! After "Tumor Jun", Han Yan didn't want to shoot things that hurt so much when he got sick and couldn't sleep while tossing and turning in bed. "I don't think that thing needs to be filmed for the audience to see, if the audience really wants to understand, go to the hospital and look around, it is more vivid than my shooting." 」 He felt that all works of art and literature were meant to give the audience a spiritual comfort and healing, and what kind of way we used to make people be able to face such things (when misfortune happened).

When he first graduated, Han Yan made a movie about volunteer teaching, "Heaven Over There", when he just regarded this film as a study. Two years later, a friend called Han Yan and said that she was interviewing in the mountains, and there was a college student in the mountains who supported the teaching, and after watching this film, he resolutely decided to give up the city life and go to the mountains to support the teaching, ready to support for a lifetime. Han Yan suddenly had a brain, at that time, he was just studying to make such a movie, and whether he agreed with the life choices of those people in the film in his heart did not carefully consider it. That thing suddenly made Han Yan realize that there was such a group, and to comfort each other in such a way, they would definitely be able to get comfort.

The first draft of "Send You a Little Red Flower" was written by Han Yan 4 years ago, Han Yan integrated some of his delicate and unique experiences and observations of life into the film's 8 relatively tear-jerking and touching scenes, and the film presented more of a group portrait, which not only showed the cancer patient's thinking about life, but also the real attitude of the whole family and society to the patient.

1. Pretend to travel around the world "to the point"

Han Yan had seen a video before, at three o'clock in the morning, two cleaners, at the end of the day's work, they were at the bus stop, one of them took out two glow sticks to dance and celebrate birthdays for his wife. For many people, that bus stop is just a means of transportation to and from work, but for the cleaner couple, that's all they have to do. What he wants to express is that in the city, as long as we are attentive and have a good heart, we all have some very beautiful scenes and some pictures in our hearts. It is precisely because of this feeling that there is a passage where Wei Yihang and Ma Xiaoyuan pretend to travel around the world in the city: blowing the wind on the chimney full of fish and meat, experiencing the Sahara on the construction site, experiencing the Venezuelan waterfall at the fountain... Han Yan wrote this scene with a deep compassion for them, when writing it suddenly did not want to continue to write, he felt that this story stopped at this is the most beautiful, and then it began to be cruel.

Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

The duo pretend to travel the world.

Throughout the filming process, Han Yan has always reminded himself that this is not shooting a romance film, but shooting something other than love. When filming the battlefield, Han Yan always felt that this montage was still a little less, and the sand of the Sahara was added to have a sewer smell, and they were spitting on each other, and the words were added by Han Yan on the spot, which was closer to the feeling and proposition that the director wanted to express.

2. There are twice as many original lines in the confessional scene in the rain as there are now

This is a scene that Han Yan insisted on filming, and it was written 4 years ago. Wei Yihang, played by Yi Qianxi, was drunk and confided in Ma Xiaoyuan, played by Liu Haocun, on a rainy night, Han Yan felt that there must be something love in it, but more of a hormonal and youthful thing, and something in Wei Yihang's body was awakened. Yi Qianxi has a large line in this scene, and the original line is twice as many as this. Han Yan wrote this scene in one go, without any pause, but it was really too long, and later the screenwriter helped him revise and delete some things, and also added some of his understanding of adolescence, that kind of detailed things.

Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

Confession play in the rain.

3. Wei Yihang's parents took pictures of traffic lights with their mobile phones

Han Yan has been thinking about a question, compared to the people who get sick and leave, in fact, the most painful thing is the people who stay, and how should the people who stay should face this loss. In the film, there is a scene where Wei Yihang's parents record a video of their son, giving their child an answer in this way to encourage him to cherish every minute and every second. This play Washan Yan wrote 4 years ago and has never changed.

Among them, there are passages where parents pass the traffic light, and when filming that scene, the crew was divided into two teams, Han Yan led the team to take pictures with mobile phones, and the photography team went to shoot empty mirrors. The whole shooting is not like a film crew, only a mobile phone, and the actors themselves are holding the shooting. The scene of crossing the street can be ranked in the top three in the big scene of the whole film. All the group performances were specially brought by the crew, hoping that parents could integrate into the crowd without a trace.

4. Wei's mother reprimanded the beggar for having "environmental factors" at the scene

The scene where Wei Yihang's mother came out of the hospital and met the beggar holding the child roaring was also the scene that Han Yan had thought about filming 4 years ago. In order to shoot that scene well, the crew used more than 100 cars to shoot the traffic jam. This also paved the way for the actor's sudden emotional outburst, and her anger was ignited at once. And once such a mother erupts, her emotions will be more violent than those of a mother in an ordinary family.

Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

Wei Yihang's mother reprimanded the beggars.

5. The story of the deaf-mute delivery man comes from the director's personal experience

In the scene where Wei Yihang confessed on a rainy night, Ma Xiaoyuan pointed to the deaf-mute delivery man next to him and said that it is not an easy task to live. The delivery man was not in the script at first.

Once Han Yan finished discussing the script at the producer's house, about nine o'clock in the evening, came out of the corridor, saw a courier, could not speak, kept holding his mobile phone to hint at him, and rang the doorbell. Han Yan had never heard of this logistics company, and thought that the courier was a liar. After the doorbell rang, the owner kept asking "Hello?" Who? Han Yan probably understood what he meant, so he told the owner if he had ordered something, and there was a takeaway waiting at the bottom. After returning home, Han Yan wrote this paragraph into the script, and he felt that the story of the courier in the dark also needed someone to help him tell it. The reason why people are biased against the world and have problems with their own emotional management is because they don't see the world comprehensively, and if we can look at the world completely, we will find that everything is motivated.

6. Who "orders" braised beef rice?

In the film, a father sits on the road outside the hospital, eating the braised beef rice that his daughter (actually Wei Yihang ordered) is created by Han Yan based on his personal experience. Han Yan once accompanied his daughter-in-law to see a doctor at the Third Hospital of Peking University, and he walked around the door and saw a man carrying a large bag, walking out of the hospital and sitting on the side of the road, without expression. Han Yan had been observing him, thinking, did this buddy not see a doctor? Not on the number? Suddenly, a delivery man came up and handed him a box lunch and said that someone had ordered a box lunch for you. The man took the takeaway and looked around to see who had ordered it for him. Han Yan was also looking around, wondering who had ordered it. Han Yan felt that the biggest possibility was that the delivery man, out of sympathy, ordered it for him, because this kind of order did not know how to place it. After seeing that scene, Han Yan was thinking that sooner or later, one day, he would make it into my movie.

Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

Father who received braised beef rice.

7. Wei Yihang cooked noodles to his father to pay tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"

When writing the script, much of the understanding of adolescent boys came from Han Yan's personal experience. For example, when he made the bowl of noodles for his father, it was the behavior of an adolescent child, because he was immature and did not know how to express it, so he would pretend that he had just cooked a bowl. When writing this scene, Han Yan thought about Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow", when he filmed the back of a father played by Gao Yalin eating noodles. Get Out! When a child sees such a back, the child will realize: I need to grow, the indestructible image of the parents is collapsing, and they realize that they can no longer be cynical and unscrupulous. Han Yan is greatly influenced by Zhu Ziqing, everyone will have a change in the tall image of their father in their lives, and when you find that your father is old, there will definitely be growth.

8. Wei Yihang's bow to his family is a temporary drama

There is a scene in the film where the family gathers for dinner to celebrate Wei Yihang's grandmother's birthday. In the middle, Wei Yihang took his brother to the bathroom, and when he came back, he heard his family say that even if he sold the house, he would cure the child's illness. Wei Yihang entered the house and bowed to his family.

The bowing scene was added by Han Yan and Yi Qianxi when they were reading the script. Every day after surveying the scene, Han Yan called Yi Qianxi to the room to discuss the script, how the scene would be filmed, and each of them said his own ideas. Han Yan and Yi Qianxi had an agreement to stay next to him when filming that scene, and if possible, they would go straight in and bow to them to see if they could catch their reaction. This scene is the first scene filmed together by gao Yalin and zhu Yuanyuan's parents, and it is also the first scene of Gao Yalin's teacher in the film, Han Yan did not tell them in advance. They were completely blinded and didn't know whether to continue. In fact, the director filmed several states, one state is that Yi Qianxi walked in very sincerely and bowed to thank them. One is to walk in vigorously, which means dragging down the family's hind legs.

Tribute to Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow"... 8 secrets about "Little Red Flower"

Wei Yihang bowed to his loved ones.

When filming, one of the things That Han Yan often said to the actors was, "Don't act that emotion so accurately, I need to match the emotion." "He doesn't need to be particularly clear in the performance, bowing to the family and apologizing, both sorry and self-abandonment, the energetic thing, and a kind of guilt, it is combined." Han Yan feels that most of the emotions in life are compound, and rarely do one-way emotions. When Han Yanjia was in this scene, it was not clear why he bowed, perhaps some viewers saw his sincere thanks, perhaps some viewers saw his inner twist, and different audiences saw different things in different perspectives.

Beijing News reporter Teng Chao

Edited by Huang Jialing Proofreader Wu Xingfa

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