
American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

author:What is worth buying

This content comes from @What's worth buyingAPP, and the views only represent the author's own |Author: Weekend Travel

When I travel to the United States, the biggest feeling is that the scenery and experience are good, but the tip is really annoying!

I believe that for many friends who have been to the United States, the most nightmarish experience is that after waiting for dozens of minutes during the meal, the food is finally served, your mouth is stuffed with food, and you are ready to swallow it, when suddenly the waiter who served you lukewarmly and ordered food for a long time came with a smile

Everything is OK?

Every time I encounter such a moment, I actually want to spit out the food in my mouth and reply: O XX K!

In fact, I know that the eldest sister is actually not interested in whether I eat well or not, she just wants to say:

Hey buddy, don't forget to tip later.

Of course, in the end, I always say Good or Fine, after all, when my mouth is full of things, other words are not easy to pronounce.

I just wanted to eat quickly.

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

Whether it's at any internet celebrity restaurant or a small restaurant you randomly search for on Google Maps, tipping culture is something you can never avoid in American restaurants.

Compared with the high-quality service in China, the tipping culture is really the dregs culture of the United States.

This is simply a concrete embodiment of the superiority of socialism and the beating of capitalism.

Some friends may say that as for tips, you must follow the customs of the country, people can give as much as they write, and they must give more, and you can't embarrass the Chinese outside.

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

I agree with you, but this tipping culture is really a bad habit!

Doesn't this transfer the contradictions between labor and management to the people?

However, in many restaurants in the United States, tipping is like a robbery, and your receipt will directly have 15%, 20%, 25% and other recommended tips for different positions, and you will deduct the tip according to your total amount if you choose one.

If the food is delicious and the speed of serving is expected, it is not unacceptable to tip. But you can't be angry and have to pay such an extra tip, right?

Just like Quanjude, the most criticized point is that you add 10% or 15% service charge to your overall dining bill, but for most friends, the biggest bad comment about Quanjude is what you have served me?

Just like everyone's complaints about Quanjude, if you go to the United States, for most restaurants, you will actually have the same idea, but their maximum tip will sometimes give you up to 30%.

Although in various urban legends you will tell you, tips came from Europe to the United States. For example, the following statement:

In the 18th century, in hotels in London, England, it was common to place a bowl on the dining table with the words "To insure prompt service" (meaning "to ensure prompt service").

When customers take their seats, they casually put a small amount of change in the bowl and are greeted with warm and attentive service. Over time, this practice evolved into a payment to thank the waiter. The first letters of the above English words are combined to form tips.

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

Nowadays, Europeans really despise this bad habit, except in some high-end restaurants, where you can set a service charge or you can tip (it doesn't matter).

After I went to nearly 20 European countries, I found that most of the Internet celebrity restaurants or civilian restaurants are not as excessive as tipping in the United States.

Obviously, the tips and services in the United States now go against the original intention of the tipping set back then.

In the United States, tips are a part of the salary income of service workers, and some waiters in hot business places do not pay wages or only give a nominal small salary, tips are the main source of their income, and the income is quite large, and they need to pay taxes to the government.

See the point?

The fact that the bosses do not pay wages, or only give them symbolic wages, is simply transforming the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat into a contradiction among the people.

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

Does tipping motivate restaurant waiters in the U.S. to serve better?

If you travel to Japan or Southeast Asia, the service is much better than in the United States without tipping!

And in these tipping places in the United States, it's really ...... There is no service other than bringing the food over, but even then you can't tip it.

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

There is also a saying that many Americans feel that if they tip very little, then it is understandable for the waiter to put on a face, take the initiative to tip, or even sneeze on the dish......

Because it's the customer who doesn't come first.

This is really the work of PUA masters!

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

Frankly speaking, as the foundation of the service industry, they are directly facing the customer, and their job is to provide convenient service to the customer, so as to improve the efficiency of the restaurant and enhance the dining experience of the customer.

What's more, unlike in the hotel, where you give the waiter, the aunt who cleans the room, and the doorman who helps you with your luggage or park, those tips are directly stuffed into the other person's hand.

American Travel Guide: Traveling to the United States, tipping culture is really a long-standing dross!

And in the restaurant, it may be a mystery who exactly you end up giving to this tip you join.

So this may explain why your waiter, while taking your tip, maintains a bad service attitude.

Of course, it can't be said that it is bad, it can only be said that it is too bad compared to the quality of domestic service.

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and friends are welcome to communicate rationally and discuss harmoniously~

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