
Don't listen to some people about rehabilitation exercises, it's good to walk more, and it's very important to walk aggressively

author:Starfire Life

Did you know that some people always think that rehabilitation should be about "walking more", as if walking is the panacea for all problems. But in reality, rehabilitation is not that simple. There is an Uncle Li who has such an interesting experience, let's listen to it together!

Uncle Li (not his real name) was a passionate and lively pianist when he was young, but an unexpected car accident changed his life. In the car accident, he suffered a severe injury to his right leg, which left him with limited mobility, and to make matters worse, his fingers were affected and he could no longer play the piano as flexibly as before.

Don't listen to some people about rehabilitation exercises, it's good to walk more, and it's very important to walk aggressively

The road to recovery is a long and difficult process for Uncle Li. In the beginning, he thought that rehabilitation exercise was just walking around the house every day and doing simple stretches. However, the situation did not improve, and his legs and hands became increasingly stiff and unable to move flexibly.

One day, Uncle Li met Xiao Zhang, a young physiotherapist. Xiao Zhang told Uncle Li that rehabilitation exercises require scientific methods and systematic training to achieve the desired results. He encouraged Uncle Li to try some new rehabilitation movements, such as using the injured arm to do some strength exercises, slowly increasing the range and intensity of movement, so that the injured muscles can be properly exercised.

Don't listen to some people about rehabilitation exercises, it's good to walk more, and it's very important to walk aggressively

Uncle Li began to take rehabilitation exercises seriously, and insisted on training according to Xiao Zhang's advice every day. At first, he found it difficult, but slowly, he noticed that the flexibility of his arms and legs gradually increased. He also gradually regained his confidence in recovery and felt that he could regain his freedom through hard work.

Don't listen to some people about rehabilitation exercises, it's good to walk more, and it's very important to walk aggressively

Uncle Li's road to recovery was not all smooth sailing. Sometimes he feels tired, sometimes he feels helpless, but whenever he sees the progress he has made, his mood becomes extraordinarily happy. Gradually, he stopped seeing rehabilitation as a burden, but incorporated it into his life as a pleasure and challenge.

After several months of hard work, Uncle Li's recovery has made remarkable progress. His arms and legs have regained some function and he can move more freely. Most importantly, he rediscovered his love and expectation of life.

It turns out that many people have a misconception that simple daily activities can achieve the effect of rehabilitation exercise. But in reality, wrong posture or overactivity can backfire, aggravating the injury and making recovery more difficult. According to credible research, scientific and systematic rehabilitation exercises can ensure that we are on the right path.

When walking, you should pay attention to your posture, that is, you should stand straight, hold your chest and abdomen straight, look ahead, keep your head neutral, do not bow your head or hunch your back, and let the natural curve of your neck and spine stretch.

The stride length should be moderate, not too big or too small, and each step should be steady and powerful, and the rhythm should be even.

The footsteps should be in order, first the heel landing, then the soles of the feet and toes landing on the ground in turn. Don't stomp on the ground or stop suddenly, and keep your walk flowing and consistent.

Swinging your arms naturally when you walk helps maintain balance and cadence of your steps. Swing your arms easily and naturally, without overexerting yourself or stiffening.

Don't listen to some people about rehabilitation exercises, it's good to walk more, and it's very important to walk aggressively

Breathe smoothly and naturally, and pay attention to maintaining a normal breathing rhythm. Deep breathing helps to relax the body and increase the supply of oxygen.

Pay attention to the ground conditions and avoid walking on uneven or slippery roads. If there is an obstacle, be careful to bypass or step firmly.

Maintain a steady rhythm and speed when walking, adjust the pace appropriately according to your physical condition, do not walk too fast or too slow, and maintain a moderate exercise intensity.

If you feel tired or unwell, stop and rest in time to allow your body to recover. Don't push yourself to overdo it, but adjust the intensity and timing of the exercise according to your body's response.

Correct rehabilitation exercise refers to the process of promoting rehabilitation and recovery of function through scientific and systematic exercise and training for injured or impaired parts of the body. Rehabilitation exercises aim to help patients regain the function of damaged body parts, reduce symptoms, and improve quality of life through appropriate exercise and training.

The goal of rehabilitation exercises is to help the injured or damaged area regain function. Through specific exercises and training, normal muscle strength, joint flexibility and motor coordination are gradually restored.

Rehabilitation exercises are also effective in preventing complications such as muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and poor blood circulation. Proper exercise can help promote blood circulation, improve local tissue nutrition, and reduce the occurrence of complications.

Exercise also boosts the patient's self-confidence and motivation. By exercising consistently, patients gradually feel their progress and improvement, so that they can face the healing process with more confidence.

Don't listen to some people about rehabilitation exercises, it's good to walk more, and it's very important to walk aggressively

The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life. Restoring function to the damaged area can reduce symptoms and discomfort, allowing patients to better participate in daily life and social activities and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Rehabilitation exercises require a specific plan based on individual circumstances, including the type of exercise, intensity, frequency, and duration. It should be done under the guidance of a medical professional or physical therapist to ensure that it is safe and effective. Gradually increase the intensity and range of your workouts, and avoid excessive or inappropriate activities that can cause new problems.