
A taste of yam, spleen deficiency can stop diarrhea, lung deficiency can stop cough, kidney deficiency can solidify essence.

author:Director Liu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yam is a well-known deficiency tonic in traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs, and nourishing the kidney and astringent essence.

"Shennong's Materia Medica" praises yam: "In the main injury, replenish the deficiency, remove the cold and heat evil qi, replenish the strength of the body, and grow muscles." ”

"Famous Doctors" wrote: "Replenish deficiency and work thin, fill the five organs, remove heat, and strengthen yin." ”

"Materia Medica" records: "Yam can strengthen the spleen and replenish deficiency, nourish essence and strengthen the kidneys, cure all kinds of deficiency and damage, and treat five labors and seven injuries." ”

Through modern research, it has also been found that yam has the effects of regulating gastrointestinal function and lowering blood sugar, enhancing immunity, delaying aging, and protecting the liver.

A taste of yam, spleen deficiency can stop diarrhea, lung deficiency can stop cough, kidney deficiency can solidify essence.

What are the miraculous powers of the acclaimed "holy product"?

1. Make up for the deficiency

The yam has a sweet taste, which can not only replenish qi, but also benefit yin, enter the lungs, spleen, and kidney meridians, and can replenish deficiency.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, the food is not loose, the stool is loose, and the limbs are tired and weak, it can be used with ginseng, atractylodes, white lentils, etc.

If it regulates lung deficiency and long-term cough or asthma, it is often used in conjunction with Pseudostellaria radix, Ophiopogon vulgaris, and Nansha ginseng.

If it regulates the soreness of the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus caused by the deficiency of kidney yin essence, it is often used in conjunction with rehmannia root, dogwood, poria cocos, etc.

A taste of yam, spleen deficiency can stop diarrhea, lung deficiency can stop cough, kidney deficiency can solidify essence.

2. Shrinkage

Yam can regulate frequent urination, enuresis, sperm, etc., which can be used with black medicine and nootropic benevolence. Because the yam has a peaceful effect, the dose can be increased when the urine is reduced and the residue is stopped.

3. Quench thirst

Yam grows in the soil, and the juice is more, which has the effect of quenching thirst. It is suitable for thirst-quenching diseases caused by qi and yin deficiency, and the symptoms are polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, weight loss, fatigue and weakness, etc., and is often used with astragalus, smallpox pollen, kudzu, etc.

How to use such a good "replenishing holy product"?

A taste of yam, spleen deficiency can stop diarrhea, lung deficiency can stop cough, kidney deficiency can solidify essence.

In addition to the above-mentioned ways to use it with other medicines, yam can also be used as a single flavor.

10-20 grams, decoction, good at tonifying the lungs, mostly used to regulate cough and sweating.

20-30 grams, stir-fried, good at tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, mostly used to regulate spleen and stomach weakness, diarrhea.

30-60 grams, decoction, good at strengthening the kidney and yin, mostly used to regulate the loss of rice, frequent urination.

120 grams, freshly squeezed, can replenish qi and nourish yin, and is mostly used to regulate fatigue fever, wheezing, self-sweating, anxiety, unfavorable urination, etc.

Use Cases:

Male, 32 years old, usually frail, afraid of cold, and want to have children, first take 60 grams of yam in the morning and evening to replenish the deficiency and consolidate the foundation, and add eight flavors of kidney qi decoction after half a month to recuperate. Now half a year has passed, although he has not had a child, but the house has grown.


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