
Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian to discuss a big plan!

author:Hu, Jay takes you to see the world

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian quickly engaged in a high-intensity dialogue and exchanged views on the spot, attracting global attention! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued an urgent briefing, saying that the two sides had in-depth exchanges on the current international situation, Sino-Iranian relations, and other key issues, showing broad consensus and injecting new impetus into maintaining regional peace and stability! Take a look at the story behind this important telephone talk!


The situation in Iran, chaos in the Middle East, and diplomatic turmoil are constantly ...... Against this complicated background, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stepped forward, and the number one hot man, Wang Yi, appeared again to interact closely with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian! What kind of mystery was unveiled in the late-night telephone talks?

Content of the call: According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi and Abdollahian had warm talks, covering all aspects of the regional situation, international relations, hot issues, and China-Iran friendship and cooperation! During the phone call, the two foreign ministers expressed their concern and support for each other's countries and actively demonstrated their firm stand on China-Iran friendship.

Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian to discuss a big plan!

Regional Stability: In the face of complex regional situations, Wang Yi once again stressed that China has always firmly supported multilateralism, upheld the authority of the United Nations, advocated the peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue, and opposed any unilateral actions and the use of force to resolve problems. He said that peace and stability in the Middle East can only be achieved through dialogue and cooperation on an equal footing.

Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian to discuss a big plan!

China-Iran Friendship: As a traditional friendly country, China-Iran relations have gone through ups and downs and have endured for a long time. Wang Yi once again expressed the concern and friendship of the Chinese people to Iran, and stressed that China will unswervingly support Iran in safeguarding its own rights and interests, and promote China-Iran comprehensive friendly cooperation to a new level. The tacit cooperation between the two sides will bring more positive energy to regional peace and development!

Anti-epidemic cooperation: On the fight against the pandemic, Wang Yi said that China will continue to provide assistance to Iran to the best of its ability, including anti-epidemic supplies and technical support. This kind of practical action to practice the concept of "community with a shared future" has strengthened the friendship between China and Iran, and has also won wide acclaim in the international community.

Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian to discuss a big plan!

International Consensus: During the telephone talks, Wang Yi and Abdollahian reached agreement on important issues such as upholding international fairness and justice and promoting multilateral cooperation. The meeting sent a positive signal that China and Iran have a high degree of compatibility in addressing global challenges and maintaining stability in the international system.

Netizens praised the positive actions of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, believing that the telephone talks had added new hope for regional peace and stability and set an example for global anti-epidemic cooperation. This major diplomatic move will have a profound impact on international relations, and we will wait and see.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported late at night that Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian to discuss the plan! This news has sparked heated discussions, and netizens have praised China's diplomacy. China-Iran friendship and cooperation and regional stability have become the focus of discussion. What do you think about this? Leave a message and let us hear from you!

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