
Putin hasn't left China yet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefing is here!

author:Straight news
Putin hasn't left China yet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefing is here!

At about 4 o'clock on May 16, Beijing time, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing by special plane.

At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a state visit to China on May 16-17, 2024. The visit was of great importance and fruitful results, and attracted great attention from the international community.

In March last year, President Xi Jinping made Russia the first stop of his new term of foreign travel. President Putin's appointment of China as the first foreign country to be visited in the new term of office and the fact that he embarked on a visit to China immediately after taking office as president fully reflects the high degree of mutual trust and close interaction between the two heads of state. Since 2013, President Xi Jinping and President Putin have met more than 40 times, maintained in-depth communication and exchanges, and reached a series of important consensuses. The two heads of state have always been concerned about the development of China-Russia relations and guided the cooperation between the two countries.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. During the visit, President Xi Jinping and President Putin held a candid, friendly and informative meeting, comprehensively summarized the successful experience of the development of bilateral relations from the perspective of history and reality, drew a blueprint for the development of China-Russia relations in the coming period at a new historical starting point, and made top-level design and strategic arrangements for strategic cooperation and cooperation in various fields between the two countries. The two heads of state jointly signed and issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the two countries, witnessing the signing of more than 10 important cooperation documents between the two sides. President Putin also went to Harbin to attend the 8th China-Russia Expo, which injected new impetus into the development of economic and trade cooperation between the two sides.

President Xi Jinping and President Putin also attended the opening ceremony of the "China-Russia Year of Culture" and a special concert to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. During the year, the two sides will also hold a series of colorful cultural exchange programs. It is believed that the holding of the China-Russia Year of Culture will further stimulate the potential of cultural cooperation between the two countries and jointly open up a new vision of mutual understanding and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

China and Russia are both permanent members of the UN Security Council and major emerging market countries, and it is a common strategic choice for both sides to increase the depth of strategic cooperation, expand the dimension of mutually beneficial cooperation, and conform to the historical trend of world multipolarization and economic globalization. The development of China-Russia relations has a solid foundation and a strong endogenous driving force, which has withstood the baptism of time and the test of international changes. The ups and downs of three-quarters of a century of Sino-Russian relations have shown that the continuous consolidation and development of China-Russia permanent good-neighborliness and friendship, comprehensive strategic cooperation, and mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation conform to the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, as well as the expectations of the international community and the development trend of the times. As President Xi Jinping has emphasized, today's China-Russia relations are hard-won and deserve to be cherished and cared for by both sides. During the meeting between the two heads of state, President Xi Jinping proposed that China-Russia relations should achieve "five adherences", which is not only a profound summary of historical experience, but also an accurate grasp of the current international trend and the development stage of bilateral relations.

First, we should adhere to mutual respect as the foundation and always support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests. China and Russia have always regarded equality and respect as the most basic way to get along, and mutual support as the most important spirit of cooperation. The two sides respect each other's independently chosen development path, always treat each other as equals, live in harmony, and set an example of major-country relations. The two sides firmly support each other in handling their own affairs, safeguard each other's sovereignty, security and development interests, and oppose interference in internal affairs by external forces. In the future, the two countries will continue to uphold the principle of "non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third party", continue to deepen political mutual trust, and achieve their respective development and revitalization through mutual respect and mutual support.

Second, we should adhere to win-win cooperation as the driving force and build a new pattern of mutual benefit between China and Russia. Benefiting the two countries and peoples through cooperation is the fundamental driving force of China-Russia relations. Last year, trade between China and Russia exceeded $240 billion, an increase of nearly 1.7 times from a decade ago. This is a microcosm of the continuous expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Russia, which is all the more valuable and rare at a time when the world economy is recovering sluggishly and the dregs of unilateralism and protectionism are rising. The cooperation between China and Russia is above board, conforms to WTO rules and market principles, is not aimed at any third party, and is not subject to external interference and coercion. In the next step, in accordance with the consensus reached by the two heads of state, the two sides will continue to promote cooperation in traditional fields such as economy and trade, energy and agriculture, further explore new growth points for cooperation in artificial intelligence, high and new technology, basic research, etc., give full play to complementary advantages, deepen the integration of interests, and achieve mutual achievements.

The third is to adhere to the foundation of friendship from generation to generation and jointly pass the torch of China-Russia friendship. China and Russia have always regarded good-neighborliness and friendship as the most precious inheritance from generation to generation. People-to-people exchanges between the two sides have been vigorously carried out, and the Year of National, Language, Tourism, Youth Friendship Exchange, Media Exchange, Local Cooperation and Exchange, Science and Technology Innovation and Sports Exchange have been successfully held, and the China-Russia Cultural Year has begun. At present, the two sides are holding a series of cultural exchange activities that are down-to-earth, people-to-people, and popular, and the enthusiasm for exchanges between various localities and all walks of life in the two countries is getting higher and higher, and the people of the two countries are getting closer and closer to each other. In addition, both sides recognize that the diversity and uniqueness of civilizations are the foundation of a multipolar world and support the Global Civilization Initiative.

Fourth, we should adhere to the support of strategic coordination and lead the right direction of global governance. As major countries in the world, China and Russia carry the well-being and expectations of the peoples of the two countries and the international community, and have the responsibility and obligation to stand firmly on the right side of history and human development and progress, and play a constructive role in safeguarding world security, stability, development and prosperity. In the midst of the accelerating changes in the world, China and Russia have always firmly upheld the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, closely coordinated and cooperated in multilateral platforms, and promoted an equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization with true multilateralism. The two sides will support each other's presidency of the BRICS presidency this year, pool the synergy of development and progress of the Global South, and build a more comprehensive, close, pragmatic and inclusive high-quality partnership.

Fifth, adhere to the tenet of fairness and justice, and promote the political settlement of hotspot issues. In today's world, the ghost of the Cold War mentality is still lingering, and hegemonism, power politics, and bloc confrontation directly threaten world peace and security. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Ukraine crisis have dragged on, and the spillover effects continue to appear, and the international community is worried. China and Russia agreed that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict should be resolved on the basis of the "two-state solution" and adhere to the correct direction of political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. There are no winners in conflict and war, and inciting confrontation and escalating tension will only bring trauma to the world. China will continue to promote peace talks and work with the international community to play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement.

Source丨Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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