
China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

author:Chengcheng topic station

According to the latest report from the global network, at the important moment of Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to China, the Russian side officially made a showdown with the United States, proposing the option of possible downgrading diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States.

This move has undoubtedly set off a lot of waves on the international stage and aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov pointed out in his public statement that the Russian side has not completely ruled out the possibility of lowering the level of diplomatic relations with the United States in certain specific scenarios.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

However, he did not elaborate further on these specific scenarios, except to vaguely mention that the United States has reached an uncontrollable crisis of disintegration in its relations with Russia.

Ryabkov's rhetoric revealed dissatisfaction with the current policy of the US authorities, believing that they are no longer able to continue an effective dialogue with the Russian side on the issue of strategic stability.

In a follow-up speech by Ryabkov, he further revealed the deep-seated reasons that led Russia to consider a possible downgrade of diplomatic relations with the United States.

He made it clear that NATO is on the verge of a direct armed conflict with Russia, which undoubtedly poses a huge security threat to Russia.

Although he vehemently denied rumors that Russia was planning to attack NATO members, it also reflected that tensions between NATO and Russia have reached unprecedented heights.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

Judging by the current international situation, the only possible trigger point for a direct conflict between NATO and Russia seems to be the Ukrainian issue.

In particular, if NATO chooses to openly intervene in the situation in Ukraine in order to fulfill the security guarantees commitments of the United States and the West to Ukraine, then this will undoubtedly increase tensions on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

However, the Ukrainian crisis has developed so far, and although the battlefield is still foggy, Ukraine's defeat has become a recognized fact.

Ukraine's spring counteroffensive, which was hyped up by Western public opinion, failed to turn the tide of the war as expected, but made Ukraine's situation more difficult.

At the same time, Russia's military operation in Ukraine continues to make progress. One strategic point after another in Ukraine has been captured by the Russian army, which has undoubtedly increased the tension on the battlefield in Ukraine.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

In this case, the US-led NATO bloc may no longer be able to change the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield simply by indirectly supporting and supplying weapons.

Direct involvement in the battlefield seems to be a more viable option, especially as senior leaders such as US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin have made it clear that they will not tolerate Russia's eventual victory in Ukraine.

For Russia, however, NATO's indirect support and direct military involvement are two very different situations. If NATO chooses to intervene directly on the battlefield in Ukraine, then this will undoubtedly trigger a strong reaction from Russia.

Under these circumstances, it is only natural for Russia to downgrade diplomatic relations with the United States. Of course, Russia's mention of downgrading diplomatic relations with the United States may also be related to other factors.

For example, on April 25 of this year, Ryabkov issued a stern warning to the United States about the possible risk of confiscation of Russian assets abroad.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

He said that if Western countries insist on pushing for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets, then the Russian side will have to consider the option of downgrading Russian-American relations.

This warning undoubtedly sends a clear signal to the United States that Russia will not tolerate arbitrary confiscation of its overseas assets.

It is worth noting that although it is also threatening to de-escalate relations with the United States, Russia's current position has changed significantly compared with before.

The previous warnings were more specific, while the current statements are more broad, but there are more "red lines" and "minefields" hidden in them. This change may show Russia's tactical adjustment in dealing with the United States and its determination and confidence in countering the United States.

The source of this determination and confidence may be related to a series of consensus reached after the high-level dialogue between China and Russia. In a joint statement signed by the leaders of China and Russia, the two sides explicitly oppose US hegemony and demand that the United States stop putting the security interests of small groups above regional stability.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

This statement undoubtedly provides Russia with solid support and gives it more confidence and confidence in dealing with the United States. In addition, the Sino-Russian joint statement also announced a series of plans and directions for future cooperation between the two countries.

These plans not only cover the economic, scientific, technological, cultural and other fields, but also emphasize that the two sides will strengthen cooperation to jointly address global challenges and issues.

This undoubtedly indicates that Sino-Russian cooperation has entered a new stage, and the two sides will further strengthen their strategic coordination and partnership on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win results.

Against the backdrop of the West's intense pressure on China to join the camp against Russia and oppose Russia's special operation in Ukraine, the content of the Sino-Russian joint statement undoubtedly provides a solid backing for Russia.

At least the Russian side does not have to worry about the possibility that the West will drive a wedge between China and Russia. At the same time, for China, the statement is also significant, as it indicates that the mutually beneficial relationship between China and Russia will continue to deepen, without fear that Russia will return to the arms of the West.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

Such cooperative relations will not only conform to the common interests of both sides, but will also make positive contributions to regional and world peace and stability.

In general, Russia's consideration of downgrading diplomatic relations with the United States may be motivated by concerns about the immediate security threat to NATO, as well as the improper policy of the United States in handling relations with Russia.

The China-Russia high-level dialogue and joint statement have provided Russia with more confidence and confidence to be more resolute and decisive in dealing with the challenge of the United States.

The future international situation is still full of uncertainties, but the close cooperation between China and Russia has undoubtedly injected more positive energy into regional and world peace and stability.

Against this backdrop, downgrading diplomatic relations with the United States may become a strategic option for Russia in response to the challenges and threats posed by the United States. However, this is not a rash move, but requires careful consideration and weighing of the pros and cons.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

After all, the downgrading of diplomatic relations would have a profound impact on political, economic, and cultural exchanges between the two countries, and could even trigger broader international attention and repercussions.

Therefore, when Russia makes this decision, it must fully consider the possible consequences and impacts and formulate corresponding response strategies.

At the same time, Russia also needs to continue to strengthen cooperation with other countries in order to jointly respond to international challenges and threats and maintain regional and world peace and stability.

As far as the United States is concerned, in the face of Russia's threat of downgrading diplomatic relations, it also needs to seriously reflect on its policies and strategies in handling relations with Russia.

The United States needs to pay more attention to the issue of strategic stability with Russia and strengthen communication and consultation between the two sides to avoid unnecessary conflicts and confrontations caused by misunderstandings and miscalculations.

China and Russia have just reached a consensus on anti-US hegemony, and Russia's showdown with the United States does not rule out lowering diplomatic relations with the United States

At the same time, the United States also needs to respect the sovereignty and interests of other countries and avoid putting its own security interests above regional stability, so as to maintain international order and peace.

In future international relations, countries need to pay more attention to the principles of equality, mutual benefit and cooperation, and jointly address global challenges and problems.

Only by strengthening international cooperation and exchanges can we achieve the goal of common development and prosperity and contribute to the well-being and progress of all mankind.

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