
In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

author:Focus on retirement

Throughout the ages, black sesame seeds have been regarded as the best quality for nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the blood and moisturizing dryness. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", black sesame seeds can "nourish the liver and kidneys, moisten the five organs, strengthen the muscles and bones, and grow muscles". In particular, it has a promoting effect on improving sleep quality and enhancing physical fitness.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Today, I want to share a black sesame health recipe taught by a 102-year-old man - black sesame black glutinous rice steamed buns. It's not just a delicious treat, it's a good health product. Now, let's take a step-by-step look at how this dish is made.

Recommended recipe: black sesame and black glutinous rice steamed buns

Ingredient list: 300 grams of black glutinous rice, 200 grams of black sesame seeds, 200ml of milk (or water), 3 grams of yeast powder, 5 grams of sugar, appropriate amount of flour, and a small amount of baking soda


In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 1: Prepare black glutinous rice

Put 300 grams of black glutinous rice into a deep basin, add an appropriate amount of water, wash it twice by hand to remove dust and impurities in the rice grains, and soak the cleaned black glutinous rice in water for a while to let the rice grains fully absorb water.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 2: Process the black sesame seeds

Prepare 200 grams of black sesame seeds and pour them into a bowl, the black sesame seeds look clean, but there is actually a lot of dust. We add some water, gently grasp and wash twice with our hands, clean the ingredients, and remove them with a colander.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 3: Grind the black sesame seeds

Pour the washed black sesame seeds into the wall breaker, add 200ml of milk (or water), cover with a lid and whip into a delicate sesame paste.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 4: Cook the black glutinous rice

At this time, the black glutinous rice is almost soaked, we pour the black glutinous rice and soaked water into the rice cooker, adjust the amount of water appropriately, set the cooking mode, and cook the glutinous rice, generally about 12 minutes.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 5: Make the black sesame dough

Pour the beaten sesame paste into a large bowl, add 3 grams of yeast powder and 5 grams of sugar, sieve in an appropriate amount of flour, add a small amount many times, stir into a dough flocculent, knead into a smooth and moist dough, cover with a lid, and put it in a warm place to ferment until it is twice the original volume.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 6: Exhaust and knead the dough

The fermented dough becomes a large basin full of honeycomb pores, the dough is removed, placed on a cutting board to knead the dough and exhaust, and rolled out with a rolling pin to form a large sheet of uniform thickness.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 7: Add the black glutinous rice

After the boiled black glutinous rice is cooled, spread evenly on the dough sheet, roll it from one end, roll it as tightly as possible, and cut it into small pieces. Use the back of the knife on the dough, press out the pattern, brush with a little water, and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds to increase the appearance.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 8: Steaming

Put the prepared raw embryo into the steamer, leave an appropriate interval, and let it rise for about 10 minutes for the second time, after the volume becomes significantly larger, turn on the high heat and steam for about 15 minutes, turn off the fire and simmer for 5 to 6 minutes, which can prevent the steamed bread from collapsing and keep it soft.

In the spring, you should eat more black sesame seeds, teach you a fairy how to eat, supplement calcium and iron, and get enough sleep

Step 9: Done

After steaming, let the steamed buns cool slightly before serving. The black sesame steamed buns made in this way are fluffy and soft, and there is a soft and glutinous black glutinous rice filling inside, which tastes very rich and super nutritious and delicious.

Conclusion: This steamed bun made from black sesame seeds and black glutinous rice is not only delicious, but also rich in nutritional value. If you like this healthy way of eating, why not try your hand at making it yourself and enjoy healthy food?

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