
Sports test: an alternative college entrance examination for high school students, the bitterness and challenges behind it

author:Little stars

Physical education testing, an indispensable part of the assessment at the high school level, has attracted increasing attention from all walks of life in recent years. For test takers, it is as important as the gaokao, because for students with sports talents, three years of intense training and dedication are just as difficult as academic effort. Excellent physical performance is not only related to whether you can successfully enter the university, but also the hope of direct admission to a prestigious school. However, not every student is willing to embark on this journey, and only those who have experienced it can feel the bitterness. In addition to the basic physical fitness requirements, it is also necessary to endure three years of physical training, which is undoubtedly a double test of body and mind, which is full of challenges.

Challenge and dedication

The physical examination process is full of hardships, and only tenacity and dedication can break through the difficulties. Students need to be trained for a long time to improve their physical fitness and competitive level. Participate in various morning running, weightlifting, swimming and other training programs to hone your body and mind and temper your will. It is not easy to stand out in the fierce competition, and every moment is the crystallization of hard work and unremitting efforts. In the face of high-intensity training and the pressure of competitions, some students choose to retreat, but only those who have firm beliefs and the courage to challenge can go further.

Fate exists in an instant
Sports test: an alternative college entrance examination for high school students, the bitterness and challenges behind it

In the process of physical measurement, accidental factors such as temperature and rain are difficult to avoid. Taking the exam in an environment of high temperatures and torrential rain will undoubtedly directly affect the results. Imagine, running 1,000 meters in the rain is not only a test of physical strength, but also a challenge of will. What is particularly critical is that the competition is fierce, and the difference between victory and defeat is considerable, which shows its cruelty.

Youthful demeanor
Sports test: an alternative college entrance examination for high school students, the bitterness and challenges behind it

Recently, the physical education examination in a certain place in Hebei has attracted great attention from the society. Many students bloomed with youthful vitality and longing for the future outside the school gate, fully demonstrating the endless development potential of youth. Cui Haopeng became the focus of attention with his impeccable perfect score. His positive, confident and hard-working spirit is a great example for us. His success is not accidental, but stems from his perseverance in training hard and perseverance in the face of difficulties.

Appearance and temperament coexist
Sports test: an alternative college entrance examination for high school students, the bitterness and challenges behind it

In addition to outstanding academic performance, there are also many sports students who have both appearance and temperament. Although their appearance is not stunning, the most exciting thing is the sunshine of the soul and the embodiment of elegant temperament. These elite students have won the praise of the public for their remarkable athletic talents and unique charm. Netizens are also enthusiastic to encourage these young people to devote themselves to professions that require excellent temperament, such as firefighters or police officers, so as to show their inner male nature.

Sports test: an alternative college entrance examination for high school students, the bitterness and challenges behind it
A new look for adolescent boys

In recent years, the phenomenon of "little fresh meat" has caused misleading images to young people. However, the physical education candidates have given a new annotation to the appearance of adolescent boys with a youthful and sunny attitude. They are not limited to gentleness and delicateness, the image of "manhood" has been revitalized, and they advocate a positive and courageous attitude towards life.

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