
Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

author:Meet YH151

Jellyfish are crispy and sweet and sour, and I've always loved the texture, so every once in a while, I'll make some cold jellyfish to taste.

I just bought a piece of jellyfish silk and came back, ready to make cold mix jellyfish to eat.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

What is Jellyfish Silk?

It is a silk cut from jellyfish skin, which is generally made by using fresh sand slugs to deslucate and then cut into silk, and then dehydrated and salted.

There is also a saying about buying jellyfish silk, not that the whiter the better.

It is said that jellyfish are generally more delicious with white hair and yellow hair, of course, depending on the length of dehydration.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

Good jellyfish silk mainly depends on length, hardness, and dryness.

Long looks good, hardness refers to enough old salt, dryness is the longer dehydration time the drier.

With these three guarantees, jellyfish silk is delicious.

After processing the product, the umbrella part is called jellyfish skin, and the wrist is called jellyfish head, and jellyfish skin is more popular than jellyfish head.

However, I know why, I still prefer to eat jellyfish heads, maybe I think it is more cost-effective.

The jellyfish silk bought directly from the market needs to be scalded with boiling water, but it cannot be boiled for a long time, as long as the water is boiled, turn off the heat, and then put the soaked jellyfish silk into it and blanch it, you can fish it out and put it in cold water, and then carry out the next step of treatment.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

Of course, if you are not sure about the level of your own selection and treatment of jellyfish silk, then it is still recommended that you directly buy the jellyfish silk that has been processed.

Because such jellyfish silk is taken back to open the bag, washed several times with water and then cold mixed with cucumber celery carrot cabbage and other greens, plus the seasoning that has been prepared can be eaten.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

It should be noted here that although the packaging says that the bag is open and eaten, it is not the jellyfish silk that has been personally cleaned by your own hands, and there will always be some uneasiness, so it is better to clean it.

In addition, if you use the juice that comes with the packaging to mix the jellyfish silk is still sufficient, but if you still want to add some vegetables, you need to prepare some spices to make the sauce.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

The practice of jellyfish silk is mainly based on cold mixing, and the most common method is cold mix jellyfish silk.

The resulting jellyfish is sweet and sour, crisp and delicious.

Let's take a look at what I'm doing.

I use cucumber carrots and cabbage as side dishes, of course, I can also change them according to my own preferences, which is not set in stone.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method


Jellyfish shredded 200 g, cucumber 1 small root, 1/2 carrot, a little cabbage core.


Salt, sugar, olive oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, white pepper, chicken essence, etc.


1. Cut the cucumber, cabbage core, and carrot into strips and set aside.

2. Pour the jellyfish out of the bag, wash it with clean water, and control the moisture.

3. Then put the washed jellyfish into the rice vinegar.

4. Mix the spices together to make the sauce.

Cold jellyfish silk, sweet and sour, crisp and delicious, let's take a look at my method

5. Put the shredded cabbage, carrot shredded, cucumber shredded in a large bowl, add the seasoning sauce and stir well.

6. Take the jellyfish out of the original vinegar, put it in a large bowl, add the sauce and stir well.

7. Finally, put the mixed green vegetable shreds on the bottom of the plate, put the jellyfish on top, and sprinkle some sesame seeds.

The jellyfish that comes out of this tastes really good.

Do you like to eat jellyfish? Let's talk about what you're doing.

If you like to eat cold mixed vegetables, just do this a cold mix cucumber, tender and crisp and have an appetite

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