
Genghis Khan's newlywed wife was only 18 years old, but he suffered misfortune when his wife was taken captive by the enemy. When he rescued her through hardship, he found that his wife was 9 months pregnant. However, Nariyoshi

author:Lao Xie chatted about things

Genghis Khan's newlywed wife was only 18 years old, but he suffered misfortune when his wife was taken captive by the enemy. When he rescued her through hardship, he found that his wife was 9 months pregnant.

However, instead of being angry or discouraged, Genghis Khan looked up to the sky and laughed and said, "Great, it's my son." His open-mindedness and determination are admirable.

How did Genghis Khan survive those nine months?

The story begins in 1171, when Temujin was only nine years old, and his father should have wanted to find him a daughter-in-law.

According to custom, when the children were still young, Temujin stayed in his wife's tribe, but he did not expect that his father would be plotted on his return journey, and this farewell would be forever. Temujin and his family were in trouble and had a difficult life.

However, fortunately, Dexue Chan was a man of promises, and when Temujin was eighteen years old, he did not forget the promise he made and married him to the nineteen-year-old Erthe.

Soon after the wedding, she was robbed by the enemy in 1180, and this robbery was nine months.

Temujin was in a hurry, but he was helpless, because there was a huge difference in strength. He could only wait patiently for the moment while he gathered reinforcements everywhere.

Finally, in 1181, Temujin had the strength to fight back, and he won a great victory, became famous, and his people joined him.

She was also successfully rescued, but she was already pregnant. Temujin faced this situation with both guilt and great distress.

On the way back to her son, she gave birth to a child named Jochi. Jochi later became a prominent general of the Mongol state.

Whether Jochi was Temujin's own son or not was a big question at the time. Some say that Jochi means "guest", implying that he was not Temujin's flesh and blood.

However, the Secret History of the Mongols records that Polti had already had Temujin's flesh and blood before he was captured. At the time, there were many opinions on this controversy, but Temujin regarded it as his own.

Regarding Jochi's background, Temujin's attitude seems to clarify all doubts. He firmly believed that Jochi was in his blood, and that in his heart, love and trust trumped everything.

In that era of frequent wars, his trust in Polthel and his love for Jochi were even more precious and moving.

Temujin's open-mindedness and determination were consistent not only in his treatment of the family, but also throughout his reign.

Through marriages, alliances, and conquests, he unified the Mongol tribes and established an empire that was more powerful than ever. Under his leadership, the Mongol Empire expanded to the extreme, becoming one of the most extensive empires in history.

The story of Temujin is not only a story of war and conquest, but also a story of trust, love and family.

His life is full of legends, but behind these legends is his perseverance in his family and his unswerving loyalty to love.

Temujin's loyalty to Polti and his fatherly love for Jochi were as tenacious and fearless as his life's battles. Even in the face of his biggest personal challenges, he did not waver.

This is not only a testament to his decisiveness as a leader, but also to his warmth as a husband and father.

When analyzing the story of Temujin and Polthe, it has to be mentioned that the social context of the time had a profound impact on their lives.

Just like in Temujin's time, marriages and political alliances between many tribes were important means of consolidating power and expanding influence.

Temujin was particularly brilliant in this, not only in terms of victory on the battlefield, but also in complex political relationships.

Temujin's story has not only remained in the history books, but has left a deep impression on the hearts of future generations.

His wisdom, courage, heart and love story have become a good story that has been passed down through the ages. And his love with Polthe, as well as his father's love for Jochi, have become a beautiful talk in people's mouths.

Genghis Khan's newlywed wife was only 18 years old, but he suffered misfortune when his wife was taken captive by the enemy. When he rescued her through hardship, he found that his wife was 9 months pregnant. However, Nariyoshi
Genghis Khan's newlywed wife was only 18 years old, but he suffered misfortune when his wife was taken captive by the enemy. When he rescued her through hardship, he found that his wife was 9 months pregnant. However, Nariyoshi
Genghis Khan's newlywed wife was only 18 years old, but he suffered misfortune when his wife was taken captive by the enemy. When he rescued her through hardship, he found that his wife was 9 months pregnant. However, Nariyoshi

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