
New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know

author:Longnan Xi and released

Among the many foods, nuts are usually classified as "oily" foods, and they are also foods that many people with hyperlipidemia avoid.

However, in the eyes of medical scientists, nuts are the best choice for lipid reduction!

In particular, the following are the following-

3 kinds of nuts have a good effect on regulating blood lipids

New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know

In December 2023, an important study published in the professional journal "Food Science and Nutrition Review" in the field of food and nutrition found that nuts can play a good role in regulating blood lipids, and the "efficacy" of different nuts is different.

The study analysed 76 randomized controlled trials that evaluated and ranked the effects of six nuts on total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c), triglycerides (TG) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c):

Three types of nuts that lower "total cholesterol".

1st place: pistachio 2nd place: almond 3rd place: walnut

Lowers "LDL" of three types of nuts

1st place: cashew nuts 2nd place: walnuts 3rd place: almonds

Lowers "triglycerides" in nuts

1st place: hazelnuts 2nd place: walnuts

In addition to these nuts, research also specifically recommends "peanuts" because peanuts are most effective at raising "HDL" (good cholesterol) levels!

New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know

What are the other benefits of nuts?

For men: Improves sperm quality

Studies have shown that consuming mixed nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts) for 14 weeks significantly improves sperm count, viability, motility, and morphology.

For women: Prevent obesity

Studies have proven that eating just about 28 grams of nuts per day can reduce the risk of men and women getting fat or gaining weight every 4 years.

For the elderly: good for the heart

A survey found that people who ate 20 grams of nuts per day were 35% less likely to develop heart disease than those who ate less than 5 grams of nuts per week.

New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know
New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know

What to do if you eat nuts on fire?

A: Strictly control your intake.

Nuts are a type of food with its own aroma, and it is easy to make people eat it without stopping.

However, from the perspective of health, you should not eat too many nuts, otherwise it is easy to produce phlegm and heat.

The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" also emphasizes that healthy adults consume 50~70 grams of nuts per week, which is equivalent to 10 grams per day, which is a small amount.

If you choose commercially available and plasticized "daily nuts" products, the net nut content is usually more than 20 grams per bag, and it is okay to eat one bag every two days.

If it is a bulk nut, it is best to choose to eat it raw, or put it in porridge and rice to cook, and eat less or no fried or fried nuts to avoid the problem of fire.

If you have a thick tongue, sticky mouth, heavy legs, and fatigue after eating a section of nuts, it means that there may be an overdose of nuts, and you must adjust it in time.

New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know

Common nut effects


Sweet in taste and flat in nature. into the lungs, spleen, and kidney meridians. It can strengthen the spleen and moisten the lungs, tonify the kidneys, quench thirst, and is suitable for coughing and qi reversal, poor appetite, and thirsty people.


Sweet in taste and slightly warm in nature. into the liver, lungs, and large intestine meridians. It can moisten dryness, nourish blood, dispel wind, and is mostly used for dry cough or constipation.


New discovery: These three kinds of nuts may have a better effect on lowering blood lipids! How to eat them? Many people still don't know

Sweet, slightly salty, flat in nature. into the spleen and kidney meridians. It can invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen, nourish the kidneys and strengthen tendons, invigorate blood and reduce swelling, and stop bleeding.

Walnut kernels

Sweet, astringent, and warm. into the kidneys, liver, and lungs. It can nourish the kidneys and invigorate the essence, warm the lungs and relieve asthma, and moisten the intestines and laxative.


Sweet in taste and warm in nature. into the lungs, liver, and kidney meridians. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, absorb qi and relieve asthma.



The taste is bitter, the sex is warm, and there is a little poison. into the lungs, stomach, and large intestine meridians. It can dispel phlegm and relieve cough, reduce breath and asthma, moisten the intestines and laxative, eliminate food and relieve pain.


Sweet in taste and flat in nature. into the spleen and lung meridians. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, moisten the lungs and dissolve phlegm, and promote lactation.


Sweet in taste and slightly warm in nature. into the lungs, stomach, kidneys, and large intestine meridians. It can repel insects and clear milk, strengthen the spleen and kidneys.


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