
Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

author:Sister Tong's food diary

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

Acacia flowers, may not be seen in the city, but go to the countryside, passing by can smell the fragrance, small white flowers fluttering in the wind on the tree, but this is not for people to watch, pick a bag home, steam it to taste it, taste the most delicious taste of spring.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

Maybe many friends have never tried such a fragrant taste, take advantage of the spring is the most delicious, hurry up to try it, after more than ten or twenty days, you may not see it, and you have to wait for another year.

When it comes to how to eat acacia flowers, either scrambled eggs or steamed in a pot, I still like the taste of steaming.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

Steaming locust flowers, easy to say is difficult to do, let me see who steamed it, the taste is particularly sticky?

If you want the acacia flowers to be fragrant and loose, if they don't stick or stick, you should take 2 steps in advance.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

【Steamed locust flower】

Used: acacia flowers, flour, cornmeal, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, garlic, sesame oil

1. The locust flowers picked back must be picked more, because it is inevitable that the branches on the top, as well as some dirty things, insect eggs, etc., will be picked out and put in a pot.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

2. Add 1 tablespoon of salt, then an appropriate amount of water, stir evenly, and soak for more than ten minutes, which can remove insect eggs and other dirty things. After soaking, rinse it with water several times, remove it after washing, and then drain the water, so that it doesn't need to be too dry.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

3. The next practice of many people must be to sprinkle flour directly into it, but it is actually not advisable. Next, teach everyone the correct way, pour the flour directly into the pot, then stir-fry over low heat, fry until it changes color, put it on a clean plate, spread it out and let it cool.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

4. Why do you want to fry the flour, because the flour after frying it will become more refreshing, and it will not become lumps and sticky, which is the "1 step" to do in advance. When the flour is cold, add 1 tablespoon of cornmeal to it, stir well, and you're good to go.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

5. Why do you put cornmeal, add cornmeal, it is more refreshing to make, and it is not easy to become lumps and sticky, which is the "2 steps" to do well in advance. Once the flour and cornmeal are well mixed, you can pour them into the acacia flowers, grab them with chopsticks or mix them directly, and mix them well.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

6. Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, after the fire boils, spread a layer of cage cloth on it, then put the acacia flowers on it, cover the lid and keep the fire steaming for 10 minutes, or less than 10 minutes.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky

7. But isn't this tasteless, just use the seasonings I listed above, stir a bowl of sauce and dip it to eat, the taste is fragrant and refreshing, if friends are interested, seize the time to try it.

Steamed locust flowers, do not pour flour directly, do 2 steps, the fragrance is loose, not sticky, not sticky


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