
Teal Study Abroad: What is Kobe's ranking in the world and in Japan?

author:Study Abroad in Teal
{"info":{"title":{"content":"蔚蓝留学:神户大学世界排名和在日本排名多少?","en":"Teal Study Abroad: What is Kobe's ranking in the world and in Japan?"},"description":{"content":"神户大学是一所著名研究型国立综合大学,是日本国立大学“旧帝一工神”之一,日本旧制“三商大”之一。神户大学创建于1902年...","en":"Kobe University is a well-known research-oriented national comprehensive university, one of the \"old emperors and one of the \"three business universities\" in Japan. Kobe University was founded in 1902..."}},"items":[]}

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