
The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

author:Hi Koko
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has been won for many years, however, the poisonous weeds left by the Japanese have always been the real land of Huohuo Continent.

This poisonous weed is not a metaphor, it is indeed a kind of grass, called water peanut.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

What are water peanuts?

What exactly is a water peanut, it sounds delicious.

But in fact, the water peanut is not food, to be precise, the water peanut is a small grass, it is very hard to grow, and there is space will be used hard, so the water peanut itself often has many branches.

And the reproductive ability is extremely strong, even if the body of the water peanut has been trampled to pieces, but, as long as a breath remains, it will desperately give birth to new life, so the water peanut may not need a living environment, but need family planning.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

If it is said that water peanuts are overflowing, why are they rarely seen in the south? It's right to see it rarely, but it's not normal if you see it everywhere.

Although water peanuts are introduced to the north and south of the river, they are mainly distributed in the north and south slopes of the Qinling Mountains on the mainland. The luxury villas in the mind of the water peanut are ponds and ditches. So, how did water peanuts settle down in the mainland?

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

The mystery of the origin of water peanuts

Water peanut is not a native species of the mainland, its hometown is not on the Songhua River in Northeast China, but in South America, as for why it came to the mainland, the current mainstream saying is that during the eight-year Anti-Japanese War, it came by the invader's warship, and was originally cultivated in Shanghai, the mainland, mainly used as military horse feed. In the fifties, water peanuts were on the table of pigs, cows and sheep.

It stands to reason that there should be no flooding, but the problem is here, the water peanut has a cold personality and can clear heat and detoxify, but the water peanut is a little too cold, which can be bitter for some pigs, cattle and sheep with weak spleen and stomach function.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

Therefore, pigs, cattle and sheep are not eaten, and people dare not eat them, and the consumption of water peanuts cannot catch up with the growth rate at all.

Of course, it must be governed when it is overflowing, and the key is that the vitality is so tenacious, how can it be effectively governed?

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

Humanity fights back

Regarding the counterattack of human beings, it is mainly divided into three aspects, physical attack, legal attack and natural enemy attack. What is physical attack? Manual uprooting, or mechanical pushing. However, the physical attack method is a bit time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it cannot be eradicated.

What if you use magic attacks? The main way of attacking is herbicides, but if herbicides are used, they will still be useful for a while, however, after a while, these water peanuts will make a comeback, and all the previous efforts will be in vain.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

Since the first two methods are so unreliable, then there is only the last one left, which is the natural enemy attack. The water peanut itself is not a higher species, so there are naturally natural enemies, and the natural enemy of the water peanut is the leaf beetle.

Leaf beetles are scavengers, and when they are larvae, they feed on the mycelium inside the soil and even rotten wood, and they are born with a stomach that is not bad, and they are naturally not afraid of the coolness of water peanuts.

Although, the leaf beetle itself is also a pest, but compared with water peanuts, the harm will be a little smaller, so the mainland has also introduced leaf beetles that take water peanuts as snacks into the mainland.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

Leaf beetles like to eat stalks, and will reproduce underspring, and then the cycle repeats, and finally the water peanut rots on the outside and inside, and it is difficult to recover. For now, using leaf beetles to control water peanuts is the best way.

In order to control the flood of water peanuts, the mainland can be said to have taken great pains, so what is the harm of the flood of water peanuts? Why does the mainland attach so much importance to it and spend so much money?

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

Who did the water peanut recruit to provoke whom?

The growth rate of water peanuts is very frightening, which is bound to cause blockages in rivers and seaways.

What is even more serious is that due to the vast territory of the mainland and the uneven distribution of water resources, if we ignore the water and peanuts, then the great project of diverting water from the south to the north on the mainland will be dealt a devastating blow, and when the time comes, there will be a shortage of water in the north, and there will be great problems in daily life.

Secondly, in order to reproduce desperately, or in order to survive, water peanuts are bound to desperately absorb nutrients, so that the animals and plants around water peanuts will most likely face extinction.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

In the water, the surface of the water is sealed, and the fish in the water may die due to lack of oxygen. In the field, it will compete with plants for fertilizer and water, which will greatly reduce the yield of plants, and water peanuts will also affect the drainage and irrigation system within the farm due to rapid reproduction, which may reduce the yield of the entire farmland.

Moreover, there will be a lot of parasites on the body of water peanuts, these parasites often carry bacteria and even viruses on their bodies, we humans have clothes, pants, shoes, naturally can isolate these parasites, but what about those domestic chickens, ducks, cattle and other livestock?

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect

Their hair is not at all able to completely isolate their bodies from the outside world like our human clothes, and if the overflow of water peanuts is not solved, if these domestic animals become ill due to parasites, the losses will be immeasurable.

Finally, in the summer, mosquitoes come out in droves, especially in the summer waters, because mosquitoes prefer moist places. And many mosquitoes, in order to create a comfortable environment for their offspring, will lay their eggs on plants in the water.

Again, if you turn a blind eye to the flood of water peanuts, this will be bad for those mosquitoes, and when the water peanuts go, mosquitoes are flying all over the sky, and water peanuts cannot directly affect the human body, but mosquitoes can. Therefore, the removal of the overflowing water peanuts is also directly for the sake of us human beings.

The Japanese once planted poisonous weeds in China, which cost 200 million yuan and could not be cleaned up, but was easily solved by a small insect


It can really be said that the wicked have their own evil grinding, the arrogant water peanuts, and there are natural enemies that make them dare not be arrogant, of course, at present, the leaf beetles that restrain the water peanuts are still in the controllable range.

However, the harm of water peanuts is so huge, relying on outsiders like leaf beetles, after all, it is not a long-term solution, the management of water peanuts is still a long way to go, and you mainlanders still have to carry the burden forward.

Prevention and Control of Invasive Alien Species - Water Peanut - Xiangyang Municipal Government

Leaf beetle (leaf beetle) _Baidu Encyclopedia

Beetles (a collective term for Coleopteran insects)_Baidu Encyclopedia

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