
World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

author:Fujian News Radio FM1036
World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

Today is World Orthodontic Health Day, and through today's program, we hope that everyone will have a deeper understanding of orthodontics, while also recognizing the importance of oral health to our overall health. Remember, a beautiful smile and healthy teeth are treasures that each of us should cherish.

World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

Online big doctor: Lin Yan

Stomatological Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University

Doctor of Medicine, Deputy Chief Physician

Topic of this issue: World Orthodontic Health Day

World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

What is Orthodontics

Orthodontics is the process of straightening teeth and removing misalignments and deformities. It mainly studies the etiological mechanism of malocclusion, conducts diagnostic analysis, and provides corresponding prevention and treatment. Orthodontics is concerned not only with the straightness of the teeth, but also with the balance, stability, and aesthetics of the entire oral and jaw system.

Who needs orthodontics

People with misaligned or crowded teeth: These people may have crowded or misaligned teeth due to insufficient "position" of the teeth aligned in the arches. With orthodontic treatment, the position of the teeth can be adjusted so that they are aligned.

People with large gaps between teeth: Some people have gaps in their dentition, and most of these deformities are caused by small teeth or large arches. Orthodontic treatment can help adjust the gaps between the teeth to make the dentition tighter.

People with abnormal occlusal relationship: including occlusal problems such as deep overbite and open jaw. These problems not only affect the health and function of your teeth, but they can also have a negative impact on facial contours. Orthodontic treatment can restore a normal occlusal relationship by adjusting the position of the teeth and jaws.

People with facial contour problems: such as the ground and moon face, and other facial contour abnormalities, can adjust the position of the teeth and the occlusal relationship through orthodontic treatment, so as to improve the facial contour.

People with bad oral habits: Bad oral habits such as finger sucking and lip biting may cause problems with tooth alignment. Orthodontic treatment can help correct these bad habits and adjust the position of the teeth and the bite relationship.

Adolescents are the main target group for orthodontic treatment, as their teeth and maxillofacial bones are still developing and growing, and orthodontic treatment can make it easier to adjust the position of the teeth and the occlusal relationship. Although the bones of adults are already developed and fixed, the continuous advancement of modern dental technology and instruments has made it possible for adults to improve tooth alignment and bite problems through orthodontic treatment.

The process of orthodontics

Initial check-up: The dentist assesses the condition of the tooth and formulates a treatment plan.

Preparation phase: Necessary oral preparation, such as treatment of caries or periodontal disease.

Wear aligners: Customize and wear appropriate appliances according to your protocol.

Regular follow-up visits: Go to the hospital every once in a while to adjust the aligners.

End of treatment: Remove the appliance and evaluate the effect.

Wear retainers: Wear retainers to stabilize your teeth and have regular check-ups.

How to prevent dental deformities

Pay attention to oral health: strengthen nutrition and pay attention to oral hygiene, find caries, and fill the caries in time.

Correct bad habits: let children eat sweets less, and if you find bad habits such as eating fingers, biting your lips, sticking out your tongue, etc., you must remind them in time, educate them patiently, and help them overcome bad habits.

Rational feeding: Breastfeeding is advocated to avoid bottle caries. When artificial feeding is used, it is best to use a nipple that resembles a nipple, and the opening of the nipple should not be too large, and the diameter of the nipple should be 1-2 mm.

Strengthen masticatory function training: fully exercise the function of oral muscles and effectively stimulate the growth and development of the mandible.

Take good care of baby teeth: In particular, decay and loss of baby teeth are most likely to lead to malocclusion of permanent teeth. The arrangement of primary teeth is the precursor to the arrangement of permanent teeth, and the primary teeth do cause the teeth on both sides to squeeze into the gap, resulting in misalignment, and such problems need to be corrected immediately.


This article aims to popularize health science, to help you understand diseases and medications, the content of popular science can not replace the doctor's diagnosis and treatment opinions, for reference only, if you have related health problems, please consult a doctor in time.

World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

Introduced by the doctor

World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

Lin Yan

Department of Orthodontics, Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Doctor of Medicine, Member of WFO of World Federation of Orthodontics, Member of the Oral Aesthetics Professional Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association/Young Lecturer of Oral Aesthetics, Member of the Standing Committee of the Orthodontic Professional Committee of the Fujian Stomatological Association.

World Orthodontic Health Day to get your teeth straight

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