
It's so sad! The 3-year-old boy died after rescue efforts failed!

author:Fujian News Radio FM1036
It's so sad! The 3-year-old boy died after rescue efforts failed!

Recently, the news that a 3-year-old boy in Henan was bitten by a dog and died is embarrassing

The boy was bitten in multiple places on his face, neck and legs

According to the child's mother, Ms. Fan, on April 21, the child and her grandmother were playing on the side of the road near Zhaogang Village, when suddenly a vicious dog ran over and began to attack the child, and the child was bitten in multiple places on the face, neck and legs.

It's so sad! The 3-year-old boy died after rescue efforts failed!

"A piece of flesh was bitten off on the leg, neck, and around the eyes, and there were several large tooth marks behind the ears and on the neck, and there were multiple broken skin spots on the body." Ms. Fan said.

On the same day, they were urgently vaccinated against rabies, and because there was no rabies immune globulin in the local area, and Xiaoxing's injuries were serious, the local hospital recommended that they go to the Nanyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention for wound treatment.

It's so sad! The 3-year-old boy died after rescue efforts failed!

Ms. Fan said that it was already 8 or 9 p.m. when they arrived in Nanyang City, and they eventually found a place called Ruihe Hospital's 24-hour canine injury treatment and vaccination clinic, where they cleaned the wound and injected rabies immune globulin.

Later, he was urgently admitted to Nanyang Central Hospital, where the doctor injected the child with tetanus vaccine and debrided the wound.

He has been injected with 4 doses of vaccine, but the rescue is still ineffective, and he passed away

Xiaoxing was hospitalized in Nanyang Central Hospital for 9 days and was discharged on May 1. Ms. Fan said that Xiaoxing was still in good condition for a few days after being discharged from the hospital and wanted to go to kindergarten, but the situation became worse day by day since May 7.

On May 8, Xiaoxing began to vomit frequently and became emotionally manic, she felt that her condition was very serious and asked to be transferred to Nanyang Central Hospital. At about 8 o'clock in the evening of the same day, Xiaoxing was admitted to the ICU of Nanyang Central Hospital and Nanyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

It's so sad! The 3-year-old boy died after rescue efforts failed!

The wound on Xiaoxing's neck

"The doctor said that the child's central nervous system was almost dead, and there were clinical manifestations of phobia, panic, and mania, and 90% of them were rabies, which made me mentally prepared for critical illness. If we want further rescue treatment, it is recommended that we go to a big hospital in Wuhan or Zhengzhou. Ms. Fan said that in the early morning of the 9th, Xiaoxing could no longer breathe on her own, but they still wanted to fight for it, hoping to rescue the child.

At about 3 o'clock in the morning on the 9th, the ambulance carrying Xiaoxing drove to Zhengzhou City, but unfortunately, before the ambulance arrived at the Henan Provincial People's Hospital, Xiaoxing lost his heartbeat. At this time, Xiaoxing had not yet had time to get the fifth dose of rabies vaccine.

What is Rabies?

Rabies is an animal-derived infectious disease caused by rabies virus infection, which is mostly clinically manifested as specific wind phobia, hydrophobia, pharyngeal muscle spasm, progressive paralysis, etc. The case fatality rate of rabies is almost 100 percent, and about 95% of rabies in mainland China is caused by bites and scratches from dogs or cats.

Rabies is a preventable and incurable disease with a case fatality rate of 100%. What to do after being bitten?

▶ If you are bitten by a dog, first rinse the wound with running water or soapy water with a certain amount of pressure for at least 10 minutes.

▶ After that, the wound is disinfected with skin and mucosal disinfectants such as dilute iodophor and benzalkonium chloride.

▶ Do not bandage or put a band-aid on small local wounds, as wounds that are closed in summer are prone to infection.

▶ Within 24 hours of being bitten, find the rabies clinic closest to your home and get a rabies vaccination.

Citizens also need to guard against a misconception: if you are not vaccinated in time after being bitten, and there are no signs of illness in the short term, do not feel that you are fine.

"In fact, the rabies virus has a long incubation period in humans, generally 1-3 months, and even if it is more than 24 hours, it still needs to be vaccinated." Xu Wei, deputy chief physician of the emergency surgery department of Fujian Provincial Hospital, said.

Note: The vaccine can be given to everyone, there are no contraindications to the vaccine after exposure, and vaccination cannot be refused due to pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Broken skin is also vaccinated if it is licked

Generally speaking

The degree of injury caused by cats and dogs can be divided into three levels

▶ Licking with intact skin is a first-degree exposure and can be disposed of;

▶ When the skin is licked, bitten or scratched, the skin is broken, there are tooth marks or scratches, but there is no bleeding, it is a secondary exposure, and rabies vaccine is given;

▶ More severe bites or scratches, with bleeding, are tertiary exposure, and anti-rabies immune globulin or anti-rabies serum injections are also required.

In addition to cats and dogs that need rabies vaccination, rodent bites such as rats and rabbits must also be vaccinated against rabies in time.

Source: Fujian Health News, Overview News

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Editor: Xiao Jing

Review: Lian Shen Dong Ning Yuan Yuan