
Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

author:Fujian News Radio FM1036
Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

Insomnia not only affects our mental state, but it can also have an impact on physical health. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, insomnia may be related to many factors such as exuberant heart fire and restless thoughts. In this episode, we will take an in-depth look at the syndrome differentiation treatment of insomnia in Chinese medicine, and take you to understand how to get a good night's sleep through the treatment of Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

Big doctor on the line: Li Yiqi

Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall

Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor

Topic of this issue: TCM syndrome differentiation treatment of insomnia

Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

How Chinese medicine views it

Causes of insomnia

Yin and Yang Theory: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the primary cause of insomnia is the imbalance of yin and yang. When the balance of yin and yang in the body is disrupted, such as too much yang or not enough yin, it can lead to insomnia. Especially when the yang energy cannot smoothly enter the yin during the day, and the mind cannot be calmed at night, it will cause sleeplessness.

Dysfunction of the viscera: Traditional Chinese medicine links insomnia to the dysfunction of the viscera. Specifically, disharmony in the functions of the internal organs, such as excessive heart fire, liver fire, and weakness of the spleen and stomach, may be the cause of insomnia. For example, heart-kidney disconnection refers to the inability of the heart and yang to support the kidney yang to warm the kidney yin, resulting in the weakness of the kidney yin and the inability to help the heart yin, which in turn causes restlessness and insomnia.

Restlessness and emotional factors: Psychological factors such as mood swings, inner irritability, and confusion are considered by TCM to be one of the important causes of insomnia. These emotional factors disturb the mind, causing the mind to become unnourished or restless, thus affecting sleep.

Lack of Qi and Blood: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that a lack of Qi and Blood can also lead to insomnia. Qi deficiency weakens the functions of propulsion, warmth, and defense, while blood deficiency cannot fully nourish the internal organs and meridians, which will lead to the decline of the body's functions, which will affect the stability of the mind and appear sleepless.

Evil Qi and External Factors: Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that feeling external evils, such as wind cold, summer dampness, etc., may also lead to insomnia. These external evils interfere with the normal physiological functions of the human body, thus affecting sleep.

What are the treatments for insomnia in traditional Chinese medicine

Common methods

Traditional Chinese Medicine Conditioning:

According to the specific situation of the patient, TCM will choose traditional Chinese medicine with the effects of calming the nerves, nourishing the heart, nourishing qi and blood, and regulating yin and yang.

Commonly used medications include Morinda officinalis, Yuanzhi, jujube kernels, wolfberry, etc., which can help calm the nerves and improve sleep quality.

Acupuncture Treatment:

Acupuncture can treat insomnia by regulating qi and blood, balancing yin and yang, and adjusting the function of internal organs.

The acupuncture points of common acupuncture include Shenmen, Fengchi, Xinyu, Neiguan, Shenque, etc., which are closely related to mental stability and sleep regulation.

Tuina Massage:

TCM massage can help improve the sleep quality of insomnia patients, by massaging the acupuncture points of the whole body, such as the temples, Baihui acupoints, etc., to promote the smooth flow of qi and blood, regulate the function of the viscera, and then relieve the symptoms of insomnia.

Moxibustion Therapy:

Moxibustion can improve insomnia symptoms by stimulating acupuncture points and meridians, regulating qi and blood, and balancing yin and yang.

Commonly used moxibustion acupuncture points include Shenmen, Xinyu, Zusanli, Taichong, etc., which are related to sleep in TCM theory.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insomnia is related to factors such as spleen and stomach disharmony, liver stagnation and qi stagnation, so it can help treat insomnia by adjusting the dietary structure.

It is recommended that patients appropriately increase the number of foods that nourish qi and blood, clear away heat and soothe the nerves, such as wolfberry and red date tea, fragrant wheat winter soup, etc., which can help relieve insomnia symptoms.

Other TCM Methods:

There are also some other TCM methods, such as acupuncture point application, intradermal acupuncture treatment, auricular acupoint bean application, etc., which can also be used as an adjunct treatment to improve insomnia symptoms.

What are the classic prescriptions of Chinese medicine?

Can be used to treat insomnia

Sour jujube kernel soup: It is composed of sour jujube kernel, licorice, zhimu, poria cocos, Chuanxiong, etc. This prescription is mainly used to treat insomnia caused by insufficient liver blood and internal disturbance.

Coptis Ejiao Soup: Contains Coptis chinensis, Ejiao, Skullcap, White Peony, Chicken Yellow and other ingredients. It is suitable for insomnia caused by heart and kidney incompatibility, yin deficiency and fire.

Tianwang Buxin Pill: It is composed of ginseng, scutellaria, salvia, poria cocos, schisandra, yuanzhi, bellflower and other traditional Chinese medicines. This prescription is mainly used to treat symptoms such as heart yin deficiency, palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, and dreams.

Cinnabar Tranquility Pills: Contains cinnabar, Coptis chinensis, Rehmannia rehmannia, Angelica, licorice and other ingredients. It is suitable for insomnia caused by excessive heart fire and insufficient yin blood.

Tranquility Pill: Composed of ginseng, yuanzhi, calamus, dragon tooth and other traditional Chinese medicines, it can calm the nerves, nourish qi and nourish the heart, and is suitable for symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia and dreams.

Ten Perfect Tonic Pills: Although it is not a prescription specifically for insomnia, its effect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, nourishing essence and filling the marrow can help improve the symptoms of insomnia caused by deficiency of qi and blood.

Xiaoyaosan: It is composed of traditional Chinese medicines such as Bupleurum chinensis, Angelica sinensis, and white peony, which can relieve liver depression and is suitable for insomnia caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation.

Gui Spleen Pill: It is composed of Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Fushen, Glycyrrhiza Root, etc., which can treat insomnia with heart and spleen deficiency, such as insomnia and dreams, and difficulty falling asleep after waking up.

Baizi Yangxin Pills: Contains nourishing ingredients such as astragalus, rehmannia and wolfberry, which are suitable for those patients who can't sleep the more they are tired.

Please note that these medications are not suitable for all types of insomnia and should be adjusted according to the patient's symptoms and constitution. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out syndrome differentiation treatment under the guidance of a professional TCM practitioner to achieve the best treatment effect. At the same time, it is important to follow the doctor's advice when taking Chinese medicine, and pay attention to the dosage and use of the medicine.


This article aims to popularize health science, to help you understand diseases and medications, the content of popular science can not replace the doctor's diagnosis and treatment opinions, for reference only, if you have related health problems, please consult a doctor in time.

Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

Introduced by the doctor

Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

Li Yiqi

Doctor of Medicine, associate professor, master's supervisor, Professor He Yumin of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, inheritor of academic thought of traditional Chinese medicine. He is a member of the Basic Theory Branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Chinese Medicine Constitution Branch of the China Association of Chinese Medicine, a member of the Mental Disease Branch of the China Association of Chinese Medicine, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Medicine Treatment Branch of the Fujian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics Branch of the Fujian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Clinical diagnosis and treatment of TCM internal medicine, gynecology and various incurable diseases. He is good at treating insomnia, dizziness, headache, cough and asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety and depression, rhinitis and long-term cough, anorexia diarrhea, fatigue and night sweats, constipation, aphthous ulcers and menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, infertility, thyroid diseases, endocrine disorders, and various tumors.

Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for insomnia to help you get back a good night's sleep

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